Is it possible to use the same exported resource in two different classes?


For example, this will exports its own SSH host key and then collect the SSH host key of every node (including its own).

class hudson_destination::public_key {
  @@sshkey { "${fqdn}":
    type => rsa,
    key  => $sshrsakey,
    tag  => 'build_destination',

I then collect this resource in another module that outputs to /etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts files.

Sshkey <<| tag == 'build_destination' |>>

Can I use this collector in another class to output to, say ~/.ssh/known_hosts w/ a File resource?

*Note - I tried to duplicate the sshkey resource with a different title tag using:

@@sshkey { "${fqdn}_luntbld":
name => $fqdn,
type => rsa,
key  => $sshrsakey,
tag  => 'build_destination_luntbld',
target => '/com/home/luntbld/.ssh/known_hosts.puppet',


But go the error below about duplicate hostkeys already declared

Cannot alias Sshkey[fqdn_luntbld] to [\"yobot1.qa.norvax.net\"] at /etc/puppet/devqa/modules/hudson_destination/manifests/public_key.pp:22; resource [\"Sshkey\", \"yobot1.qa.norvax.net\"] already declared at /etc/puppet/devqa/modules/hudson_destination/manifests/public_key.pp:14 at /etc/puppet/devqa/modules/hudson_destination/manifests/public_key.pp:22 on node yobot1.qa.norvax.net\u001b[0m\n\u001b[1;31mWarning: Not using cache on failed catalog\u001b[0m\n\u001b[1;31mError: Could not retrieve catalog;

  • write a tiny class collecting what you want and use the class where need, try to organize your code without duplicate it.
    – c4f4t0r
    Dec 12, 2017 at 19:40
  • thanks, I will try that but rom what I understand, you can only declare a virtual resource once but collect it multiple times. I will add an additional collect and try that route. Found this that says i can override attributes when collecting, will post if i am successful. ttboj.wordpress.com/2013/05/14/…
    – romedawg
    Dec 14, 2017 at 21:25


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