Very new to Linux and currently tasked to install tomcat 7 in centos 7 os.

I followed the instruction in How To Install Apache Tomcat 7 on CentOS 7 via Yum. Everything seems to be ok and did not get any errors but as soon as I run

sudo systemctl status tomcat

It shows that the tomcat.service is Active: Inactive (Dead).

I opened the catalina.out to see error messages but it is not showing any error. Would appreciate any help to nudge me to the right direction.

1 Answer 1


I strongly recommend removing the admin package once you've got it running. It's a pretty big security risk.

What does /var/log/tomcat7/catalina.out tell you? What does journalctl -u tomcat7 give you? java -version? Is something else already listening on port 8080?

Finally, have you tried undoing the customizations from the walkthrough? If the defaults work it could be a fat finger or other misconfiguration.

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