I know squid can perform as a mitm,so I want to know can squid add X-Forworded-For header in https request? If can add, how to configure it?

1 Answer 1


I Dont think so it can be done currently there are following options only

  • If set to "on", Squid will append your client's IP address in the HTTP requests it forwards. By default it looks like: X-Forwarded-For:

  • If set to "off", it will appear as X-Forwarded-For: unknown

  • If set to "transparent", Squid will not alter the X-Forwarded-For header in any way.

  • If set to "delete", Squid will delete the entire X-Forwarded-For header.

  • If set to "truncate", Squid will remove all existing X-Forwarded-For entries, and place the client IP as the sole entry

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