When trying to push a sudoers file to other machines, the rexcm task/command gets stuck.
The Problem is (so it seems to me), that the sudoers file is owned by the rex-user when writing and "other" permission is set, what leads to 'sudo' failing (what leads to breaking "sudo TRUE" in the Rexfile):
mySrv:/etc# ls -l sudoers.d/
-rw-rw-r-- 1 rexuser rexuser 72 Jul 25 07:49 sudoersFile
I tried to distribute the file from source and from template.
file "/etc/sudoers.d/sudoersFile",
#source => "files/sudoers.d/sudoersFile",
owner=>"root", group=>"root", mode => "600",
content => template("templates/sudoers.d/sudoersFile.tpl"),
on_change => sub{
say "file sudoersFile transfered";
Question: What is the (or: is there a) correct way to distribute sudoers files with rex configuration management?
(thx to 'xq' from #rex@freenode)
- copy the file to a temporary location on the remotesystem (same code like above, but different path)
move/copy the files to "/etc" (rex-command for "mv" is "rename", put at the end of the same task definition)
rename("$tmpDir/sudoers.d/sudoersFile", "/etc/sudoers.d/sudoersFile");
... the downside: you have to manually provide an "on_change"-event