I have many wifi networks, but only one of these are suitable for domain computers of my windows 2016 domain.

Can I setup a GPO to force a particular SSID usage if in the range? Many times I found that users choosed the wrong network and then the wrong ssid became the prefered one.

I alread set up a GPO but this just add a profile in the SSID list and does nothing about connection priority.

enter image description here

Consider that all SSID signal power are the same because they are broadcast by the same antennas.

  • Connect to available networks in the order of profiles listed below...are you sure this isn't a priority ordered list?
    – Lenniey
    Commented Sep 18, 2018 at 11:03
  • Maybe it is, but the seems that other SSIDs not listed in the GPO take more priority.
    – Tobia
    Commented Sep 19, 2018 at 15:11

1 Answer 1


You need to click the add >> infrastructure and then enter your SSID there.

Check the following page for a video.


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