Is it possible to get the LastBootUpTime of a remote machine (running Windows) if you have not been granted access to that server; though the server is on the same network, and same domain as the client?
It is possible to get a list of permissions on the box even if you have not been granted access to the machine (example powershell below), so I'm hoping it's not entirely foolish to suspect that there may be some way to get similar data on up time... especially if after a boot the computer updates some AD attribute, such as a LastLogonTimestamp or similar?
([adsi]'WinNT://myServerName/Administrators, group').psbase.Invoke("members") `
| %{$_.GetType.Invoke().InvokeMember("Name",'GetProperty', $null, $_, $null)}
I've also written code (PowerShell and C#) to retrieve a server's last boot up time where the current user does have permissions on the remote machine.
$arrayOfServers | Get-CimInstance Win32_OperatingSystem | select csname, lastbootuptime
See my solution to related question on SO for more examples: