Setup an NTP daemon on all the systems and properly configure it. Also verify that your timezones are properly configured, both in the OS, and any software you are running (eg php config, and others).
Setup a monitoring system like nagios/icinga/etc, and use the check_ntp_time plugin to check the status of time on all your systems. If you setup the right graphing plugins you can even make nice graphs showing the time offsets.
If you don't want/need a full monitoring system, you could just install the monitoring tools, and occasionally run the check_ntp_time via a script in cron or something and log/email the results or something. Maybe just put a script somewhere that these devs can directly run and see the results.
Here is an example. This checks the time of my linux desktop against the time of my router, with a warning if the offset is greater than a second, or error if greater than 5.
# check_ntp_time -H -w 1.0 -c 5.0
NTP OK: Offset 0.004163891077 secs|offset=0.004164s;1.000000;5.000000;