I'm trying to force a URL to point to a new location. For example:
- site.com/Gites/
- site.com/gites/
I currently have a "map" set up on the site:
map $uri $is_rewrite {
default no_redirect;
include /home/xxx/conf/web/chambres.com.extra/links.map;
...and inside that file, one of the rules is:
/gites/ https://$http_host;
#/Gites/ https://$http_host;
/french/Gites/ https://$http_host;
If I uncomment the 2nd line, I get an error!
nginx: [emerg] conflicting parameter "/gites/" in /home/xxx/conf/web/chambres.com.extra/links.map:107
When I test it, sure enough, the lowercase one works, but not the uppercase "Gites". How can I make it case insensative?