I came to know about the pacemaker for high availability. I have one simple service running on linux VM. I have started that using systemctl start <service name> command. I want to make this HA in case my linux host goes down.

For that purpose, I have setup another linux host and enabled the service. On this linux host, service can be started manually using systemctl start <service name> command.

I have installed pacemaker with corosync and created the cluster. In pcs resource list, it shows my service along with others as systemd:<service name>.

I have created a resource using command

pcs resource create my-resource systemd:<service_name>

Resource got created successully and it is started mode also. To test, I shutdown the first host, I am expecting that service should come up on other host as it already setup there.

But it is not coming up on second host.

pcs status output show shutdowned host as offline.

I don't need any virtual IP here as my service quite simple which pulls the data from source process it.

Is there other configuration needed to achieve the service HA.?

  • can you share your full PCS configuration? pcs config show Jul 29, 2019 at 20:01


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