Say I have the following workflow to deploy a new version of my webapp. It's a small app so all the build + deploy work is done on the same server (example.co)

  • A user executes git push which pushes new code up to my server (example.co)
  • The server has a bare git repository which receives the changes. It kicks off a post-receive hook
  • The post-receive hook runs a build script which builds a new docker container and starts it up

The git repository is managed by a dedicated git user on my server. This is so that any developer can add a git remote ssh url like ssh://[email protected]:/some/path.git and push up to it using SSH

The build and deploy work is done by a deploy user since this requires sudo permission.

How do I have my git user kick off a script as the deploy user? Should the git user even have any way to do that, because anyone could ssh into the machine under the git user right?

Is there a better way to segment these permissions?


1 Answer 1


You grant permission to the git user to run the script you want it to run as the deploy user:

git ALL=(deploy) NOPASSWD: /usr/local/bin/some-script ""

Should the git user even have any way to do that, because anyone could ssh into the machine under the git user right?

Well, for starters, hopefully not anyone can log into the machine, only people who have a legitimate need to access that account. Secondly, SSH as the git user should be triggering a forced command, so the people logging in shouldn't be able to trigger the deploy script arbitrarily. Finally, the script being invoked should be written in such a way that it can't do anything more damaging than "redpeloy known-safe code which already got deployed before", so there really shouldn't be any downside to someone being able to trigger the script repeatedly, other than perhaps resource exhaustion.

  • Thanks! That's very helpful. It seems like editing the sudoers file with the above line will allow my git user permission to run that file as deploy, but I still need to configure git itself to run it with elevated permissions when calling the hook. Is there an easy way to do that? Oct 3, 2019 at 13:48
  • You'd edit the hook script that git calls to run whatever other script you want with sudo -u deploy at the front.
    – womble
    Oct 3, 2019 at 22:00

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