Questions tagged [alerting]

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10 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Jenkins build email notification by parsing log

I am using Jenkins to deploy in multiple servers. There are 4 backend servers are running. I have a script called in each server. At the time of deployment, Jenkins create a ssh session and ...
Cyberzinga's user avatar
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Using CloudWatch to monitor concurrent users

I'm looking for a good way to monitor concurrent users in my server. The server's got a websocket connection, so it's easy to determine whether a user is connected or not. After looking into ...
Waneck's user avatar
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Email alerts about RAID hard disk errors from HPE ProLiant server with iLO

I am looking for a way to get email alerts about possible RAID hard disk failures from the HPE ProLiant server running the free version of ESXi. Has anyone used iLO successfully for this with the ...
jm90's user avatar
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Is there possibility in Prometheus alerts calculate another alert status?

I want to make an ALERT with IF that contains expression that depends on another alert status. Is that ever possible somehow? I know about alert inhibition with alermanager but I need not to firing ...
Shtlzut's user avatar
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Sending alert emails from a bunch of servers to G Suite

We have a always changing infrastructure (DigitalOcean droplets and AWS EC2 instances that are created and deleted). We use Ansible to bootstrap VMs and to install netdata on each VM. The goal is to ...
Elisiário Couto's user avatar
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Methods for monitoring and alerting data issues when dealing with complex dependencies

In this hypothetical example, we have a data flow across multiple engineering teams in an ecommerce company. These teams deliver services, produce data, and consume data at different points of the ...
John Honan's user avatar
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Is there a way to setup alerts for a failed DFS topology connection?

I have a large DFS structure setup between multiple remote sites and multiple hub servers in a full mesh topology. Each remote site has its own namespace or namespaces and replication group. I have an ...
Dave H.'s user avatar
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GCP Monitoring Alerts - Can you take an average across metric attributes?

We're using Bluemedora BindPlane to send on-prem utilization metrics to GCP. In so doing, we're trying to create a GCP monitoring alert that will alert us if the CPU % for a server goes and stays ...
theosophe74's user avatar
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Creating custom alerting policies using data streamed to the cloud from a sensor

I was looking for information and help on how to use data acquired from a sensor device and uploaded to my google cloud project as a metric for an alerting policy on Stackdriver Monitoring. Currently ...
Logan Good's user avatar
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Set Nagios to alert if a threshold is exceeded over time?

I have a server with a memory value that I want to monitor. If the value is over a certain amount over the course of an hour, I'd like to have an alert sent, but until then I'd like to have it ignore ...
Bart Silverstrim's user avatar