Questions tagged [amazon-ebs]

This is for questions on Amazon's storage service for its ec2 service.

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9 votes
3 answers

Should a detached EBS volume keep charging monthly?

First of all, I'm not very used to AWS nor DevOps/admin stuff, but want to learn. So I set up an EC2 instance and attached an EBS volume (15 Gb) some months ago, for testing something during a few ...
gustavovelascoh's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Increasing the particular partition size in EBS

I have a ec2 system with Suse12sp3 and have following file system ip-10-XX-XX-1XX:/ # lsblk NAME MAJ:MIN RM SIZE RO TYPE MOUNTPOINT xvda 202:0 0 100G 0 disk └─xvda1 202:1 0 100G 0 ...
Ashish Gupta's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

backup/restore ec2 instance before o.s. update

I have an EC2 instance with an EBS backed root volume. The OS hasn't been updated in some time and I'd like to remedy that, but I need a rollback plan in case the updates cause issues. I think I ...
jph's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

Unable to unmount and Detaching AWS EBS drive

I am using Linux Instance that has an EBS volume attached to it (mounted to xvda1). which I believe it causing some troubles. usually to detach the volume I go to volume section of the AWS EC2 console ...
Sami abdo's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Can not start instance - No root volume attached - After migrating to encrypted volume

I am migrating a Windows instance's unencrypted disk to an encrypted. I have created a snapshot of its volume, made an encrypted copy of the snapshot and created a volume from the encrypted snapshot. ...
Paul's user avatar
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1 answer

Is using snapshots in AWS a reliable way to back up data?

I am looking at backup options within AWS and while instance snapshots are the obvious way to go I am have some concerns about using that method. I'd like to take daily snapshots of each instance ...
Leoric80's user avatar
0 votes
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How to find the type of a aws instance and whether its EBS Provisioned IOPS SSD or not?

I have a AWS instance on which I perform a ssh login and operate.Os is Ubuntu 16.04.3. I didn’t select it’s AMI and neither do I have the access to its AWS console. I wanted to know that what ...
abhishek ranjan's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Mongodb on AWS EC2 backup strategy

I'm running Mongodb on AWS EC2 instance. Data/log/and journal are stored in a separate volume, formatted as xfs. Currently we are stopping the mongodb instance to take a snapshot, but reading this: ...
Felice Pollano's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

docker has volume permission but docker-compose doesn't

I have installed Docker on an Amazon Linux server and given it permissions with sudo usermod -aG docker $USER. When I start my Jenkins docker containers (which have the home directories on an EBS ...
eekfonky's user avatar
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Is there a way to name an EBS snapshot created with a Cloudwatch Rule?

Is there a way to name an EBS snapshot created with a Cloudwatch Rule? For instance, I have a cron-like rule: 31 10 ? * 3,6 * vol-0e743fcfd2f53198a Which will create a snapshot of the data volume, ...
boardrider's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

EBS volume unmounted after EC2 instance type change

I have an EC2 instance running mongo, with data stored on a separate EBS device. I decided to change EC2 instance type, and when I restarted I did not see the disk anymore, so I had to mount again. ...
Felice Pollano's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Amazon AWS - Export EBS Snapshot to External Storage

On the Amazon AWS platform, is there a way of exporting an EBS volume to an external disk? I.e. a backup outside of Amazon's infrastructure? From what I have read so far: Amazon's "Import/Export (...
mils's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Is there any way to attach an existing volume (one I just restored from a snapshot) to a PVC?

I have a mongodb-replicaset created with the helm chart. The chart creates PVCs based on the StorageClass I provide. I annotate my volumes with a tag picked up by a cron job that snapshots the volumes....
monty0's user avatar
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15 votes
3 answers

Download EBS volume or snapshot to file

Is there any way to dump/save EBS volume/snapshot to file or mount it to local Linux file-system? I found only this old thread and this script which intends to save it via S3 and doesn't seem very ...
Suncatcher's user avatar
0 votes
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How can I see how long an EBS snapshot took?

I'm trying to do some planning and have been experimenting with EBS snapshots for data backups. I want to see how long a snapshot took of a 50G volume, but I only see the start time, not the ...
Nic Cottrell's user avatar
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EC2 r3.8xlarge EBS storage limit

We have a r3.8xlarge SQL 2014 instance. We have attached 2 EBS volumes (each of 5 TB) to this instance. We need another 5TB volume that we plan to attach to this SQL instance. Is there a limit on ...
AreForRavi's user avatar
2 votes
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filebeat makes a lot of I/O

We have filebeat on few servers that is writeing to elasticsearch. We can see that it is doing a lot of writes: PID PRIO USER DISK READ DISK WRITE SWAPIN IO> COMMAND 353 be/3 ...
usterk's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Why cant I create a blank EC2 instances without a volume?

Curious about the underpinnings of this. With traditionally data center hypervisors you can create virtual disk and virtual machines. You can create a virtual machine without a virtual disk. The ...
red888's user avatar
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4 votes
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Are EBS snapshots deleted when the volume itself is deleted?

I have a client who are 'upgrading' their OS but tearing down the entire instance, creating a new one based on the updated AMI and creating the setup including EBS volume. When they delete the EBS ...
Nic Cottrell's user avatar
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EBS, EC2 VolumeReadBytes vs VolumeReadOps

I am running an EC2 m4.xlarge instance with an 500GB Cold HDD EBS volume used as a cache for an image resizing service I am running (thumbor behind nginx reverse proxy). Every now and then the image ...
Phil M's user avatar
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1 answer

How to delete tag from EBS using boto3?

I want to delete a tag from EBS volume using boto3/lambda. At this doc I see 'create_tags()' only. It is suitable for ...
Putnik's user avatar
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VERY high write latencies on AWS EBS

Right now I am rsync'ing data from my laptop at home to an EBS volume attached to a m5.large. The write latencies I am seeing are ridiculously high (>15s). My EC2 instance is EBS-optimized and read ...
Chukwuemeka Ezekwe's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

AWS EBS snapshot. Does FileSystem consistency REALLY required?

I've been reading a lot about aws ebs and a lot of people seems to encourage people to freeze the filesystem during the snapshot. However, this piece of amazon documentation beg to differ : While it ...
Nico's user avatar
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0 votes
2 answers

(AWS) Extract the EBS volume from an AMI?

An Amazon Machine Image contains an EBS volume. Is there a way to get the EBS volume out of the AMI without booting the AMI?
vy32's user avatar
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IAM policy to enforce tagging not working

0 down vote favorite I have created an IAM policy to deny creating EBS volumes if it is not tagged with both the keys "empname" and "team". The policy is attached to a test user. When I try to create ...
serverstackqns's user avatar
3 votes
4 answers

Persist file changes on EC2 instance without creating a new AMI/Launch Configuration every time

I'm pretty new to AWS, but I've got a very small Amazon Linux EC2 instance that's used for a simple, occasional PHP process so I'm not using CodeDeploy, Load Balancers, etc. My boss wants to use ...
Michael Hommé's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

How to decrease the size of AWS EBS volume having xfs file system

I am having an EBS volume of 50 GB and I want to decrease it to 20 GB. The OS is centos 7 and has XFS file system. I have followed this link but it is more specific to ext4 and Ubuntu, can someone ...
Venkata S S Krishna Manikeswar's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

How to setup AWS cloud watch for RAM and EBS capacity usages?

I wonder, how to setup AWS cloud watch for RAM and EBS capacity usages? As I have not seen any metrics for the same. I have seen some python scripts which need to setup as CRON, is that safe in ...
Ramratan Gupta's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

Cannot ssh to Amazon Linux AMI. Permission of home/ec2-user/.ssh/authorized_keys set to 600

I'm trying to help a friend recover access to an EC2 instance where the private key was lost (is there possibly another way to access to make changes to content? Maybe the answer is more simple and ...
WannaLaugh's user avatar
12 votes
3 answers

how to get volume id attached to instance from AWS CLI

i want to get volume id attached to instance like how we get instance id from the meta data InstanceID=`curl
Nani's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

trying to stripe two EBS volumes using user data from the launch configuration in cloud formation template

created two EBS volumes using cloud formation template. attached EBS volumes using aws ec2 attach volume trying to stripe two volumes using - mdadm --create --verbose /dev/md0 --level=0 --name=...
Nani's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

EBS backed EC2 instanced stopped, different when started again

I've had an EC2 instance for about a year running a LEMP stack. This week I tried adding a server block to NGINX and weirdness happened. For reference I ssh in as ubuntu, and have never to my ...
Ret's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

m3 instances have root EBS volume by default. so now what is the difference between m3 and m4?

The AWS instances page indicates that the primary difference between the m3 and m4 instances is the EBS v/s instance-based (SSD) storage. Instance Type vCPU Memory (GiB) Storage (GB) ...
Shankari's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

UUID on copied EBS snapshot

Is the UUID of a copied EBS snapshot different to the original? In mounting an EBS volume via the fstab in an EC2 instance and if it's a copied snapshot, it appears to be the same UUID? Is this ...
eekfonky's user avatar
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0 votes
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Volume EBS: Month-to-date usage VS Forecasted month-end usage

I'm trying Amazon AWS EC2 Free Tier. I have a 30GB (Free Tier) EBS (SSD) volume. I am registered at the end of October 2017 at Amazon AWS, in the "Billing" panel I used 3.8 GB of Volume EBS in October ...
Luigi's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Error writing from S3 to EBS

I'm trying to copy from an S3 bucket to a mounted EBS volume on a Windows EC2 Instance. I have the following IAM policies in place: AmazonEC2FullAccess AmazonS3FullAccess ...
GeneralBear's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

aws instance docker pull extract is very slow

I am pulling a ~3GB image from a private docker registry and it takes roughly 10 minutes. About 80% of the time is spent for extracting the layers, so download/network does not seem to be a ...
Michael's user avatar
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0 answers

Strange Linux disk statistics on EBS i/o credit exhaustion

We have T2 instances (Linux 4.9.20-11.31.amzn1.x86_64) on AWS EC2 which exhaust their i/o credits due to disk reads. It may well be that we have excessive reads on these nodes, so nothing strange ...
Bittrance's user avatar
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Failure to attach an existing EBS volume to a spot instance

I have been using AWS spot instances with persistance storage; something along these lines. I have been this successfuly for months with different instance types, and extended my volume several times ...
Md Oliya's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

Reuse EBS volume with AWS autoscaling

I am trying to setup auto-healing for my EC2 instance. So whenever my instance goes down or is unreachable, it should auto reboot or launch a new instance preferrably in a different AZ in the same AWS ...
Rakesh Ranjan's user avatar
0 votes
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AWS: encrypted ROOT EBS doesn't support t2 instance types

I created an AMI from my web server. Then I copied the snapshot, checking the "encrypted" checkbox. Then I created an AMI from this encrypted snapshot. Then I tried to launch a new instance from this ...
AussieDude's user avatar
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Any downside/danger to changing an EBS volume type for a live database?

Starting to need to scale a relatively random-access workflow on MongoDB, and iotop indicates we're fully utilizing our IO. Looks like AWS allows you to switch volume types to provisionable IOPS ...
btown's user avatar
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0 answers

shrinking EBS volume that used as root [duplicate]

I have an EBS volume that is 800GB and I am using only 5GB of this. I want to shrink it but AWS doesn't support this, after a bit of a research, I have found that I can mount both volumes and rsync ...
Mark Khateeb's user avatar
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Open-source replacement for Amazon EBS for own cluster

I have a couple of worker nodes running Linux, on which I dynamically provision KVM virtual machines. Right now, I copy the qcow2 images from the NFS server to the node, run the VM and after shutdown ...
Marco Schuster's user avatar
1 vote
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EC2 not booting because of mount - no logs

I have an EC2 hosted Ubuntu 16.04 server which doesn't boot. When I look at the logs in the Amazon console i only get a black screen. When I mount the disk to another server I have the following ...
jdog's user avatar
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EBS Write-back cache on Linux?

I can't find a definitive description of how EBS handles write caching. EC2 T2.medium instance type EBS "gp2" devices Linux (Ubuntu 14.04) HVM virtualization hdparm -I /dev/xvda doesn't work - ...
JDS's user avatar
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aws ec2 : Instance unreachable before schedule

I've received email from aws stating that one of my ec2 instance is scheduled for retirement due to underlying hardware degradation on 1st September 2017. When I checked that instance after receiving ...
Shailesh Sutar's user avatar
0 votes
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How to persist all Jenkins data on an EBS volume in docker

I have the Docker official jenkins repo running on an Ubuntu instance. In that document, it suggests a way to create a volume as a way to isolate all Jenkins data file. The EC2 instance has the root ...
Rodrigo Murillo's user avatar
17 votes
4 answers

Is it possible to change the EBS volume to different availability zones?

I have a server created in "eu-west-1c" availability zone and I tried to attach the volume created in "eu-west-1a" availability zone to "eu-west-1c" but the server created in "eu-west-1c" is not ...
Shankar's user avatar
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m4.large not ebsOptimized

M4 large instances are EBS-optimized by default as per below URL : When I try to check the status using aws-cli I get result with boolean value set to ...
Kiran More's user avatar

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