Questions tagged [attributes]

Extended attributes (commonly called "xattrs") are a way to associate metadata with files/directories in the filesystem.

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20 votes
4 answers

How can I list the Active Directory user attributes from a linux computer?

How can I list the Active directory user attributes from a Linux computer? The Linux computer is already joined to the domain. I can use 'getent' to get the user and group information, but it does ...
Vishnu's user avatar
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6 votes
3 answers

AD plugin or utility that generates unique uidnumber / gidnumber on creation [closed]

I'm looking for either: A plugin that will auto-generate a unique uidNumber attribute value for new users and a unique gidNumber attribute value for new groups upon creation. A configurable user/...
jasonpvp's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Using rsync and which directories should I place in my exclude file when using rsync?

I would like to use a CentOS VM for a mirrored full backup of my CentOS mail server. Both are the same version and are up-to-date. I have found that without excluding certain directories the VM backup ...
ricbax's user avatar
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