Questions tagged [authentication]

A process of proving that an entity (commonly a user or organization) is who they claim to be, or who they were previously identified as being. Authentication does not guarantee that particular entity's identity absolutely, it just proves that they are the same agent that has previously successfully asserted their identity. There are three factors (types) of authentication, and a particular authentication process may combine two or more different factors.

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11 votes
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How can a Cognito user initialize TOTP on first login when MFA is required?

I am setting up Amazon Cognito for authentication to use a Kibana instance. I only permit administrators to create users, and I permit only the Cognito User Pool identity provider. When creating the ...
Andrew's user avatar
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10 votes
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LDAP: creating a bind user with limited privileges

I need to bind to an OpenLDAP server to authenticate users, but I don't want this low-privileged or "delegated administrator" to be able to see more attributes than strictly necessary. How do I ...
lorenzog's user avatar
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9 votes
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Unix nslcd login with sAMAccountName and/or userPrincipalName from Active Directory

I'm trying to setup authentication from Active Directory in FreeBSD 10.0 using nslcd (nss-pam-ldapd-sasl package) and would like to allow both sAMAccountName and userPrincipalName as valid login ...
Vinícius Ferrão's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

A single AD user can't log into a single Mac bound to the domain (DirectoryServices error). How can I resolve this?

On our campus, we have about 60 Macs joined to our Active Directory domain. Most users have no problems logging into Macs, as long as their accounts are configured correctly. However, we have one ...
Ben Wyatt's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

How do I secure the access token, on Linux, to remote, automated secrets stores like Hashicorp Vault?

There seems to be a bit of a "chicken and egg" problem with the passwords to the password managers like Hashicorp Vault for Linux. While researching this for some Linux servers, someone clever asked, ...
Nathan Basanese's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Setting header based on client certificate

I have Apache running as a reverse proxy for an internal server. Users hitting the proxy are required to use client certificates. On the internal server, there is a web application that can use an ...
Matthew Jacobs's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Linux Client Active Directory Authentication stops working when failover

I have an issue with Linux clients trying to AD authentication by targeting a DNS name ( I have 2 Domain Controller servers DC1(, DC2( both domain controllers ...
Jim's user avatar
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5 votes
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What is the meaning of this line from ssh output: 'Authenticator provider $SSH_SK_PROVIDER did not resolve; disabling'?

Everything works, ssh connects using private-public ssh key pair. Just few things in ssh -v Ora2 output isn't clear for me. This is complete ssh -v Ora2 output: PS C:\Users\roeslermichal> ssh -v ...
michal roesler's user avatar
5 votes
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Users created in Kickstart unable to authenticate

Thanks to the answers to this question, I've been happily generating Kickstart files for Scientific Linux 6 and 7 for the past 5 years. However, we're now starting to build out some test systems with ...
miken32's user avatar
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NGINX auth_request and 302 response status = 500 invalid URL prefix

I'm trying to make NGINX authenticate requests with OAuth2 server (authorization code flow) that will redirect client to the login page. Is it possible to use auth_request directive for that? Here is ...
LooksWorking's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Nginx: Rate limit failed basic auth attempts

Given a simple HTTP Basic Auth setup in Nginx (1.14.1 at time of writing) like this: server { ... location / { auth basic "HTTP Auth Required"; auth basic user file "/path/to/htpasswd"; ...
JinnKo's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Automate war deployment in VPC's private subnet on tomcat7

I have a VPC with public and private subnets. Public subnet contains my Nating and Bastion instances Private subnet contains my application servers (3 ec2 instances running tomcat7 with my project ...
PHP Avenger's user avatar
5 votes
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Samba authentication and LDAP

I have an OpenLDAP server that I use for authentication and authorization for various services. All users are of object type inetOrgPerson and my groups are groupOfNames. Now I want to configure ...
Chris's user avatar
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5 votes
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ModSecurity on Apache (Debian Wheezy), Authentication logging

I am new to ModSecurity, it works great on the server, but I would like to control the way it logs things. For example as I am troubleshooting my website in order to whitelist or correct php coding ...
durduvakis's user avatar
4 votes
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How can I authenticate users inside a docker container against the host system's SSSD which itsself retrieves user data via LDAP?

I have a container host on which users are authenticated against a company Active Directory using SSSD with LDAP. On this host I have several docker containers running. Some of these containers just ...
JoHe's user avatar
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Apache sometimes not starting after reboot

Sometimes, after my server (Cent OS7, default repository) reboots, Apache is not started automatically. To fix this, I reboot the server one more time, and then it works. My Apache error logs shows ...
Robbert Dam's user avatar
4 votes
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Authentication issues when clients access domain-joined server from non Samba4 subdomain DNS name

We have an issue we’ve been struggling with for quite some time since we rolled out 10 Samba4 domain controllers at our main office and all remote sites about 3 years ago. Simplified Current ...
Thomas Maerz's user avatar
4 votes
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Apache 2.4 Redundant LDAP Authentication

I'm trying to provide a redundant LDAP authentication to my webserver. ScriptAlias /nagios/cgi-bin "/usr/local/nagios/sbin" <AuthnProviderAlias ldap ldap-one> AuthLDAPBindDN "search@domain" ...
Oliver Webb's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

PowerBroker Open group listings and enumeration

I have several linux machines that use PowerBroker Open to authenticate users against AD. I've noticed that for some users it works just fine (authentication and all), but for others it does not (...
Sirex's user avatar
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NIS client doesn't see group names

I have added a user to libvirt (id = 504) group on NIS server. On the client when I do group <user>, I get <user> groups: cannot find name for group ID 504 What should I do to get my ...
user186719's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

CRM 2011 - outlook connector always asking for authentication

In my organization everyone uses the Outlook 2010 connector to access the CRM. After the UR13 update, but not right away, some clients began experiencing a situation where the Outlook connector asks ...
sibirsk's user avatar
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Squid Logs NTLM usernames only for certain requests

Currently I have squid 3.2 setup with NTLM authentication and LDAP Group pulls. I also have MySar running to pull the reports. It seems that the way the logging works is by passing them twice, one to ...
alucas's user avatar
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4 votes
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How can I password protect an IIS directory with only FTP access?

How can I password protect an IIS directory when I only have FTP access to the server? I can't adjust any IIS settings or add users or anything like that. The answer to: IIS Basic Authorization ala ...
Tony Adams's user avatar
3 votes
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Let's Encrypt certificate on SQL Server 2019 - "The target principal name is incorrect"

Summary I'm having trouble getting a certificate issued by Let's Encrypt R3 to work on SQL Server 2019. When using the certificate for SSL but not trusting the server certificate explicitly (In SSMS, ...
fusillibips's user avatar
3 votes
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Domains have been verified, but Google still says app has not been verified

Message in the consent screen settings: Comply with domain verification requirements Ensure your application's domains have completed the Search Console verification process But... all my domains on ...
Victor Alisson's user avatar
3 votes
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SSH login not working with Kerberos

I am trying to perform SSH login using Kerberos authentication. Instead of Kerberos, password is prompted for login. There are three computers : client, kdcserver and service (SSHD server). Client is ...
khopdi's user avatar
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OpenVPN with authentication but without encryption does not work with multiple clients

I'm trying to set up a system in Linux where OpenVPN tunnels are authenticated but the actual traffic is not encrypted. With one server and one client everything is working fine. Here are the relevant ...
Sampo's user avatar
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how authenticated multiple subdomains in nginx with one login

we've got app consisting of several parts. Each part is running on it's subdomain (nginx site). We would like to hide access of dev env behind some shared auth, where first login on whatever of ...
Pavel Cisar's user avatar
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Pushing RD Gateway Authentication to a 3rd Party

The company where I currently work have a mix of SaaS and older thick client applications, which customers still use, however they want these to be run offsite. As a result, we have a hosted platform ...
DGray94's user avatar
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1 answer

ADFS: Convert SAML Assertion to OAuth Token?

We have Microsoft Active Directory Federation Services (ADFS) as our authentication/federation provider. We use it for performing identity federation via SAML to several external vendors, SaaS ...
Shadowman's user avatar
3 votes
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PKI Authentication in HTTPD using Active Directory (LDAP)

In my environment, an external entity provides a Root CA & Intermediate CA(s). They issue thousands of smartcards with PKI certificates for authentication. They provide the Client Authentication ...
ruckc's user avatar
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PROFTPD accepting all public keys regardless of contents of SFTPAuthorizedUserKeys file

I've just attempted to set up ProFTPD as an SFTP server, However I'm facing some curious behavior when it comes to public key authentication. For some reason, proftpd is acepting every single key ...
Rui Fung Yip's user avatar
3 votes
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Squid form based authentication

I use Squid as a reverse proxy to publish web resources with limited access. I've configured it to check user credentials using standard web browser form (Basic authentication). Is it possible to ...
Tatyana's user avatar
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Mac OSX - SSHD partially broken after El Capitan Upgrade

I recently upgraded my firm's Mac Mini device to El Capitan from Yosemite, and encountered several issues during the upgrade. I've gotten most of them resolved but one that's still failing is the SSH ...
Nick L's user avatar
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What process is causing unexpected nslcd syslog entries?

We're using LDAP for authenticating users our devices using nslcd and we're seeing messages in syslog like this: /var/log/syslog.1:Dec 20 06:25:11 T53-1014-014 nslcd[1496]: [398c89] <passwd="*">...
Katjoek's user avatar
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3 votes
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Make a basic auth client authenticate on a digest auth proxy server

My company has a legacy application which needs to connect to the Internet. Unfortunately, our network staff has changed the proxy settings in order to accept digest authentication only, which this ...
Victor Ribeiro's user avatar
3 votes
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Unable to configure CNTLM

I am setting up a proxy server on my linux system using CNTLM. I have edited the cntlm.conf file and made the following changes- # # Cntlm Authentication Proxy Configuration # # NOTE: all values ...
Backspace's user avatar
3 votes
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LDAP with SSSD: force user to change password - 'ShadowLastChange' not working

I have CentOS6, with LDAP user authentication, using OpenLDAP and SSSD. I'm trying to force user to change the password. According to this ServerFault question I tried to set ShadowLastChange to 0, ...
Zvika's user avatar
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dovecot userdb passwd-file default_fields uid not expanding %variable

I'm trying to set up a very simple shared mail server, where each 'domain' is a system user, i.e. '' is a real user with /home/, a uid of 5001 and gid '' of 5001. ...
Tim Jones's user avatar
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SSL Proxying with mutual authentication

I have a bunch of backend servers each them should make https-requests. I want all my https traffic inspected and controled by few number of machines (many times fewer than server farm) - that's why I ...
pls's user avatar
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Require ldap-group on apache 2 vhost fails when trying to log in

I have a vhost which I'm trying to get to work with LDAP-authentication. My configuration looks like this: <VirtualHost> DocumentRoot "/var/www/root/" ServerName ...
Vince's user avatar
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Authentication Problems with Lync Online Using DirSync/AD credentials

I am in the process of vetting Microsoft Lync Online for use within our organization. I have purchased 2 licenses for testing so far. We will only be using Lync Online Plan 2 and nothing else so we ...
qroberts's user avatar
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apache authentication with SSL certificate and SSLUserName

i just try to put an SSL authentification for a SVN server over https. I would like that the client certificate allow authorized person to check their repositories. <VirtualHost
julien's user avatar
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What does 'http: getaddrinfo*.gaih_getanswer: got type "46"' mean

Today I got an e-mail from logcheck informing me that the following system event occurred. http: getaddrinfo*.gaih_getanswer: got type "46" Indeed, the above message occurs 4 times in /var/log/auth....
Maarten Derickx's user avatar
3 votes
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How do i configure a simple dante instance?

I'm trying to set up a simple SOCKS proxy on Amazon EC2, but I'm not able to figure out the documentation and configuration file for dante. For now i've been able to set up a proxy without ...
Maciej Swic's user avatar
3 votes
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Shibboleth SP doesn't redirect, no IdP authentication - Error 403.14 w/ IIS 7.5

I'm trying to get a test server setup as a Shibboleth SP using IIS 7.5 and I'm stuck. I'm using the IdP but it never asks for credentials or redirects to the ...
compcentral's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

Password protect directory with Apache: "couldn't check user. Check your authn provider!"

I am trying to password protect a web directory with apache. I have the site set up like this: D:/ webapp/ lib/ .htpasswd document_root/ admin/ index.php ...
Explosion Pills's user avatar
2 votes
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Why I can't activate SSL on my Ubuntu Server (20.04) with ldap auth? (ldaps)

I have to activate SSL for secure comunications with ldap, I count with Letsencrypt .pem files (chain, fullchain, cert & privkey). I followed the steps of some pages but it didn't had any effect ...
Harry02's user avatar
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Authorization failed when I try to log into gmail using fetchmail

After solving a small problem with starting fetchmail I am faced with another obstacle. This time related to accessing a gmail account through "fetchmail" I know it's a lot of stuff but I ...
DottorBooom's user avatar
2 votes
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Windows authentication doesn't work for around 30 minutes?

I have a site on IIS that uses windows auth for logins and it works 99% of the time. But on some days there will be a period of time where logging in just won't work for around 30 minutes, it keeps ...
Joe Defill's user avatar

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