Questions tagged [bitbucket]

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19 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Is there a way to configure Bitbucket to show compiler warnings in PRs?

A common problem we have at work is people committing code without having noticed that they're increasing the number of compiler warnings. The ultimate goal is to make warnings errors, but until the ...
Hakanai's user avatar
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4 votes
3 answers

Trigger Jenkins job from Bitbucket Pull Request

There are various ways to trigger a Jenkins job from an SCM like Bitbucket, but what I want to do specifically is trigger a build using the branch that is the source of the Pull Request. Up to now, ...
Garreth McDaid's user avatar
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shell request failed on channel 0 putty

I'm trying to pull from bitbucket through Jenkins in our AWS windows server. Jenkins is using the System User so I need to accept the host key in order for it to work because Jenkins doesn't provide ...
bubbles2189's user avatar
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BitBucket Server -- running multiple server proxies?

I've got BitBucket server 5.11 I'd like to run multiple proxies in front of it, with different hostnames. So that as well as can be hosted on seperate proxies. ...
Mr.Budris's user avatar
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AH01909: RSA certificate configured for does NOT include an ID which matches the server name

I'm having trouble automating a push from Bitbucket to my server and when I check the server log files I see the following error: AH01909: RSA certificate configured for subdomain.subdomain....
Amesey's user avatar
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Bitbucket YLM pipeline to deploy on Digital Ocean

I am following this guide to create a pipeline to deploy my Django project to Digital Ocean, Ubuntu 18 droplet. What I have done SSH key generated and added to my remote server and bitbucket Synced ...
sogu's user avatar
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1 answer

Permission denied SSH key and bitbucket

In order to ensure security, I have added SSH public key to my Bitbucket account. This is working perfectly and no password is prompted since the private key is added to my machine using ssh-add ...
Tismon Varghese's user avatar
1 vote
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Using elastic beanstalk CLI (eb cli) via bitbucket pipelines

I'm attempting to use bitbucket code pipelines to deploy to elastic beanstalk, using the eb cli. Here's my bitbucket-pipelines.yml file, I've based it on the amazonlinux image, as this is what's ...
RYFN's user avatar
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Get public IP from Bitbucket Pipelines on Bitbucket Cloud

I need to check public IP of each Bitbucket Pipelines container (using Bitbucket Cloud). Is there any way to do so?
Yaroslav Minieiev's user avatar
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How do you obtain $KUBE_CONFIG variable for a bitbucket deployment to a Kubernetes instance on Digital Ocean?

So my company has been in the process of moving our backend application hosting from digital ocean droplets to a digital ocean kubernetes cluster. However when following the bitbucket pipeline guide ...
Pursuatnspy3's user avatar
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What is the meaning of Attachments size in CodeCloud repo dashboard

What is the meaning of Attachments size and how it differs from the other size?
tonymontana's user avatar
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1 answer

Failed to trigger build: Couldn't read commit

I work with google cloud build and connect with bitbucket. The trigger have been work with a few build. But suddenly, I got the error like in the screenshot. I don't have any idea. What is it mean? ...
Uysim Ty's user avatar
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How to connect BitBucket Server on Azure VM with Azure DevOps?

I have a Azure VM with BitBucket Server Installed. How do I connect this to Azure DevOps for establishing a CI-CD pipeline ?
Maximusawesome's user avatar
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No IPv6 in AWS EC2

I've mounted an EC2 instance based on Ubuntu LTS 16.4. Instance is in a VPC and has IPv4 and IPv6 assigned. Security group allows output towards any IP address for IPv4 and v6 on port 22. (Same ...
chindit's user avatar
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Git: server certificate verification failed using Bitbucket Server

I have a Bitbucket server running onprem with a certificate. I added it to the keystore ussing the follwing commands openssl pkcs12 -export -in -inkey -out ...
quadroid's user avatar
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Bitbucket fails to start on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS

I installed Bitbucket 5.3.1 from the terminal, but when I attempt to startup the app it hangs with the following log output: INFO [spring-startup] c.a.s.i.hazelcast.HazelcastLifecycle Updating ...
IslandDev's user avatar
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ssh_exchange_identification error only in cron

On our server we run a cronjob that checks our bitbucket git repository for the latest tag. When we run the command ourself it works just fine. For some reason when the cron executes the command it ...
Bart Bergmans's user avatar
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1 answer

Link a JIRA cloud with local bitbucket server + jenkins

We would like to have an online "JIRA Cloud" account, linked to a local "on server" Bitbucket install. Our IT will not open any port TO bitbucket(but is ok, to allow bitbucket communicate to JIRA ...
J4N's user avatar
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Is Gitlab the only vendor support subgroups level git repos?

Try to evaluate a few SaaS Git providers (e.g., Github, Bitbucket) other than Gitlab, but I don't think any of them support a subgroup level repo mycompany/backend/core.git mycompany/devtools.git ...
samxiao's user avatar
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