Questions tagged [bootstrap]

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mariaDB 10.5.12 access denied for [email protected]

fresh installation of mariaDB 10.5.12 on debian 11 was hardened with 'mysql_secure_installation' script, question "Switch to unix_socket authentication [Y/n]" was answered with 'yes'. Now ...
mpr's user avatar
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Has Microsoft documented XSS mitigation for bootstrap and jquery XSS vulnerabilities in their online hosted products?

I am reviewing a web scan vulnerability report and believe Microsoft has mitigated the vulnerabilities reported (based on jquery and bootstrap versions) but finding documentation from Microsoft would ...
Rex Bloom's user avatar
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Does chef knife ever need to directly access a node?

Does knife ever access nodes directly, for example, during bootstrapping? Or does bootstrapping (and other access) all go via the chef server? I'm wondering whether I can get away with configuring ...
Jordan Morris's user avatar
2 votes
4 answers

IIS randomly returning INET_E_RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND

I am using IIS 7 on Windows 2008 Server for an ASP.NET 4 application using Bootstrap. The server has a private IP address to use at work, but is also accessible through a public IP address from ...
CesarGon's user avatar
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Configure GoDaddy when hosting via custom port

I rent a VPS / seedbox that happens to offer http file hosting via nginx. Instead of renting another service to host my website, I've configured my current VPS successfully. The catch is that nginx is ...
austin's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

What's the definition and difference between provision and bootstrap?

What would "provision a machine" mean, compared to "bootstrapping a machine"? I see that provision is mostly used when talking about Puppet and Chef, and bootstrapping seams to be mentioned more ...
Fredrik Wendt's user avatar
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Bootstrapping Windows EC2 instance with cfn-init command failing due to 1641 exit code

I'm having trouble with my EC2 instance cfn-init script. I'm attempting to have it install Powershell v5. When I execute the command: "command" : "C:\\cfn\\install\\Win8.1AndW2K12R2-KB3066437-x64....
Jim March's user avatar
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