Questions tagged [boto]

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AWS SSM deleting its own files as part of its execution. Any way to safely do it?

Is there a safe way to delete all of an AWS SSM runRemoteScript directory as part of execution? Details below. We've got a very robust AWS SSM setup working involving a python app that polls AWS, ...
UtahJarhead's user avatar
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How to delete tag from EBS using boto3?

I want to delete a tag from EBS volume using boto3/lambda. At this doc I see 'create_tags()' only. It is suitable for ...
Putnik's user avatar
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Using boto in an AWS lambda function in a VPC

I have a lambda that accesses EC2. I want to assign it to a VPC for security purposes, but when I do boto just stops working. Here's a minimal example: ec2 = boto3.resource('ec2', region_name='eu-...
fredley's user avatar
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IAM policy doesn't let me start instances

I've attached the following policy to a user, so that they can start and stop one specific instance. { "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Sid": "VisualEditor0", ...
user31415629's user avatar
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How to show if ip address exists in AWS instances with AWS SDK on python? [closed]

i have a easy question. I need to show, if ip address exists or if ip address does not exists in simple condition. Little part of my code: for i in ec2.instances.all(): if i.public_ip_address == '...
Piduna's user avatar
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How to not install google cloud sdk by default while creating a Compute Engine instance?

Whenever I create a Compute Engine instance, it installs the google-cloud-sdk by default on the server. And that installs and configures BOTO on the server and set environment variables for that. ...
Nishant Dixit's user avatar
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Ansible EC2 Dynamic Library Boto Error

I'm trying to run ansible with the inventory file to make some updates on a fleet of servers. But I keep receiving the error message: ERROR! Attempted to execute "inventories/" as ...
whobutsb's user avatar
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Ansible - dynamic aws inventory: read vault variable for key and secret

I know for I can either specify environment variables via export before calling or use a boto config file with plain-text passwords (or python keyring). As I have the aws key and secret ...
cytopia's user avatar
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Fastest way to terminate an EC2 instance

I have a requirement to be able to terminate EC2 instances in under a minute. The current process takes just under 2 minutes per instance because the OS shutdown process takes 60 seconds. I want to ...
schroeder's user avatar
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Cannot Connect to EC2-VPC

I would like to configure an EC2 instance in a public subnet within a VPC. To accomplish this, I have the code below, using boto3. To summarize, I create a VPC, enable DNS support and hostnames for it,...
user3249763's user avatar
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access to custom cloudwatch metrics using lambda+boto3?

I have a custom metrics, and I can get data from bash: aws cloudwatch get-metric-statistics --namespace System/Detail/Linux \ --metric-name LoadAverage1Min --start-time 2017-01-04T00:00:00 \ --end-...
Putnik's user avatar
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How to specify an iface to map container port on AWS?

I have an EC2 instance with eth0 and eth1 interfaces that runs 2 docker containers. Now I want to map port 5000 of container0 to port 5000 on host to eth0 and port 5000 from container1 to eth1. Is it ...
Anzor A. Khoutov's user avatar
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Programmatically Check AWS EC2 CPU and Memory usage

Does boto3 make it possible to access EC2 CPU and Memory usage? I looked here, but couldn't find anything in the docs. How do I programmatically check memory and CPU usage on an EC2 server running ...
nu everest's user avatar
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Boto3 error on authorize_security_group_egress

When I try to update egress rule using boto3. I get the following error: client.authorize_security_group_egress( GroupId=group_id,CidrIp="", IpProtocol='tcp', FromPort=from_port, ...
user37143's user avatar
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How to get the output of the python script executed in aws instance

I am trying to automate the aws instance setup using boto. I have a python script in which I will do the ssh to the instance. After ssh,I am executing a python function which is in remote python file ...
Abinaya Sadhasivam's user avatar
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AWS boto filters

Below is the JSON result (for one volume) I get from running aws ec2 describe-volumes: { "AvailabilityZone": "eu-west-1a", "Attachments": [ { "AttachTime": "2015-02-23T15:...
SPRBRN's user avatar
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3 answers

Pip / boto problems - ImportError: No module named boto3

I want to get boto3 working in a python3 script. I can execute aws commands from the cli. After updating pip, it doesn't run with sudo rights unless I use the absolute path: /usr/local/bin/pip. ...
SPRBRN's user avatar
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How to find total number of reserved instances under particular tag?

I am query AWS using boto ec2 in python. Firstly I find all reserved instances by get_all_reserved_instances then I am also able to find total count of each instance_type by instance_count. I am ...
Vikas Saini's user avatar
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Getting different number of AWS instances depending on how I count

I am calculating my total number of reserved instance on the basis of instance_type and I'm storing this in a dictionary by instance_type as a key. Firstly, I'm finding my all reserved instances by ...
Vikas Saini's user avatar
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4 answers

Error while creating EC2 Dynamic Inventory in Ansible

I am new to Ansible. I had been using the following tutorial to set up dynamic inventory- ...
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Using IAM roles to generate a dynamic inventory for Ansible

I'm looking at setting up a deploy server within our VPC and am trying to use an IAM role instead of keys for Ansibles dynamic inventory script. An answer at Can I use IAM Roles for Ansible ...
hafichuk's user avatar
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python boto3 allow ingress security groups

I am developing a simple python script to add rules to securitygroups, and I am wondering what is the difference between the two methods available within boto3: authorize_security_group_ingress(**...
Tom's user avatar
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Use boto to update ElasticBeanstalk environment options

Boto has a function, update_environment, that allows the user to update options in an AWS ElasticBeanstalk environment. Using the AWS CLI, this would typically be actioned as follows: aws ...
Garreth McDaid's user avatar