Questions tagged [chrome]

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78 votes
6 answers

Generating a self-signed cert with openssl that works in Chrome 58

As of Chrome 58 it no longer accepts self-signed certs that rely on Common Name:!topic/chrome/zVo3M8CgKzQ;context-place=topicsearchin/chrome/category$3ACanary%...
bcardarella's user avatar
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122 votes
8 answers

How do I clear Chrome's SSL cache?

I have a HAProxy / stunnel server that handles SSL for our sites on AWS. During testing, I created a self-signed cert on this server and hit it from my desktop using Chrome to test that stunnel was ...
Foovanadil's user avatar
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62 votes
3 answers

Unusual HEAD requests to nonsense URLs from Chrome

I have noticed unusual traffic coming from my workstation the last couple of days. I am seeing HEAD requests sent to random character URLs, usually three or four within a second, and they appear to be ...
JeremyDWill's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

VMware Remote Console Plug-in and VMware Infrastructure Web Access (Firefox, Chrome, and Internet Explorer on Ubuntu 10.04)

I have VMware Server working on a server running Ubuntu Server 10.04. After many troubles getting it going, I have one virtual machine running and I'm now stuck with a browser issue. Firefox won't ...
user29600's user avatar
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