Questions tagged [cluster-aware-updating]

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WinRM connection refused but not to FQDN

I have 2 domain joined servers running a failover cluster and I am trying to get CAU running. However, the readiness test fails because of WinRM issues. Both servers get connection refused when using ...
Guest1's user avatar
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Best practices for updating a Windows Failover cluster / SQL Server Availability Group without using Cluster-Aware Updating

I have set up an SQL Server 2016 Availability Group inside a Domainless Windows Server 2019 Failover Cluster. Everything runs fine at the moment, but now I am wondering what might happen if cluster ...
Adrian Grigore's user avatar
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Do all nodes in a Windows Cluster need to use the same WSUS Server when using Cluster Aware Updating?

In the technet article for Cluster Aware Updating best practices, it states "All cluster nodes should be uniformly configured to use the same update source, for example, a WSUS server, Windows Update, ...
Matt Girolami's user avatar
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Install optional updates using Cluster-Aware Updating

The question is simple - how can I install updates listed as "optional" in Windows Update using the Cluster-Aware Updating feature in Windows Server Failover Cluster? I installed all the important ...
BuahahaXD's user avatar
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Can you run CAU on an Exchange 2010 DAG cluster?

I've searched for this and I expected it to be a common topic, but I can't find any information on it. Given that the Exchange DAG is built on top of WCF, will CAU properly handle updating a DAG ...
ElMalakai's user avatar
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Does Stop-CauRun Stop the Current Server or the Whole CAU action?

When using a PreUpdateScript or PostUpdateScript with "Windows Cluster Aware Updating" and "Updating Run Profiles" would calling the cmdlet Stop-CauRun do any of the following: Would it actually stop ...
Colyn1337's user avatar
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Cluster Aware Updating set up - VirtualComputerObjectName ignored

I am trying to set up Cluster Aware Updating, but it always fails with the following error: Add-CauClusterRole : Unable to create the CAU clustered role because a Network Name resource could not be ...
Mustard's user avatar
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