Questions tagged [content-security-policy]

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14 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Client-side caching when using CSP with nonces in nginx - how do you use weak caching validators/etags?

I'm using nginx's expires directive; its etag directive as well as the Last-Modified header (if I understand correctly) are on by default. In order to allow specific inline JavaScripts when using ...
Christian's user avatar
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How to configure Content-Security-Policy for Nginx and Drupal 8?

I have a Nginx server with Ubuntu 18.04 and a Drupal 8 site. I have read on several articles that should not use 'unsafe-eval', 'unsafe-inline' I added headers for security but the pages of the site ...
Mathieu's user avatar
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Implementing Content-Security-Policy on Apache 2.2

On Apache 2.2 I'm about to set up Content-Security-Policy to allow browsers coming from one particular domain to load data into iframes from a certain virtual host. $ httpd -S VirtualHost ...
Rolf's user avatar
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Images on wordpress arent loading

I've recently installed a clean wordpress installation on my Ubuntu 18.04 LTS Server using nginx. Now i'm running into an error, when I've uploaded my images, I cant see them on the page. Thats what ...
Yeriwen's user avatar
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Editing Content Security Policy in IIS to allow a CDN script to be loaded

I am currently trying to load an external plugin into an application that is deployed on IIS. I am getting this error: Refused to load the script '
Samir Kassem's user avatar
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Nginx, webP, and a strict content security policy (SCP) on a LEMP Server

I am attempting to create a strong and secure content-security-policy in nginx, running a wordpress based LEMP Server. I believe I am using the module, and have implemented FastCGI on ...
DanRan's user avatar
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Why doesn't nginx proxy_hide_headers directive work in this case?

I have an nginx server block like this, and I am trying to use the proxy_hide_header directive to hide the Content-Security-Policy response header from the proxied server because I am not running an ...
jonseymour's user avatar
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Can CSP reports be configured to exclude known blacklisted ressources?

When i use a Content-Security-Policy knowing that it will (and should) block some elements, is there a way to get reports for all violations except these? I get for example hits from a script that is ...
allo's user avatar
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Seeking Guidance on Excluding Directory from General CSP

Good Day. I have been working on rebuilding a CSP for a client that has insisted on a particularly restrictive configuration. :data and unsafe-inline must be ruled out and my developer advises me that ...
Anne Tuff's user avatar
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configuring content-security-policy for apache virtual hosts

I have Apache 2.4 with these sites configured in the httpd-vhosts.conf file: <VirtualHost *:80 *:8080 *:8084> DocumentRoot "c:\apache_php\sites\public" ServerName www.mydomain....
raphael75's user avatar
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Setting "Content-Security-Policy default-src https:" breaks site

I need to set the Content-Security-Policy header to allow loading scripts from any HTTPS source. When I add the following line to my nginx configuration, the look and feel of the site breaks. What am ...
electrophile's user avatar
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Content-Security-Policy issues

I'm running NGINX as a reverse proxy and I4ve set the Content-Security-Policy header and I'm running into problems with some directives. I get the following errors in the console: Unrecognized Content-...
Sven Cazier's user avatar
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2 answers

Setting SElinux Labels for a magento site on Centos 7

I was hoping someone could kindly help myself. I have a Magento site running on a Centos 7.6 server. Now, the site is not correctly loading and looking in the messages.log I see numerous entries ...
Vaishal Patel's user avatar
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1 answer

CSP response header causes firefox to abort loading of website

only in Firefox (recent and legacy) a website of mine is answered with a status code 200 but Firefox simply aborts without any error message. The server logs also show no issue. By going through the ...
mikeg's user avatar
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