Questions tagged [daemon]

On linux an unix-like systems is demon the designation of processes running in the background and providing certain services. Direct user intaractions with demons are not intended.

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systemd doesn't work nicely with pdflatex

I wrote a program that should be run as a service, so I wrote a systemd units file and tried it out, but pdflatex (which is called by my program) keeps throwing errors since some directory settings ...
zvavybir's user avatar
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Docker daemon inactive (dead)

I am having trouble with my Portainer GUI. I can't seem to find my local environment. As a solution, I changed some parameters in the 'docker.socket' file on my Ubuntu server. However, this seems to ...
harrymillz's user avatar
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Systemd service stops after start (only while booting)

I have a minimal systemd service that seems to work normally when started manually using systemctl start my-application.service And it stops normally using the corresponding stop command. For some ...
Luca Sagoleo's user avatar
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Dockerd run as ServiceUnit alters /tmp access

It's been my first success weeks developing Docker containers using dockerd along its plugins and recently i found out some problems after automating the daemon. Tried to manipulate dockerd as a ...
ogeid's user avatar
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dockerd does not start debian

Linux OS: debian11 Everything worked, but I think today after sudo apt upgrade I installed new version of docker. Then docker daemon does not start: $ sudo systemctl start docker Job for docker....
K.I.'s user avatar
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Unit shutdown.service could not be found

I'm trying to set up in a Redhat server, 2 services that start a database at startup, and stop it at shutdown, so I have put 2 files under /etc/systemd/system as follows: shutdown.service: [Unit] ...
Souad's user avatar
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What is the fastest method of getting a small amount of data from whitelisted servers?

I have a bunch of servers which build various different programs for various different systems. Once a build has completed, it gets archived into a single file and compressed, then an md5sum is ...
Ben Holness's user avatar
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Cannot kill redis server. It restarts every time I kill it

I cannot kill redis-server no matter how many times I've tried. ps -ef | grep redis-server gives root 10592 1 0 01:10 ? 00:00:00 /snap/redis/658/usr/bin/redis-server *:6379 root ...
Shaundavin13's user avatar
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Warning: atop.service changed on disk. Run 'systemctl daemon-reload' to reload units [closed]

I was trying to change the atop log interval on CentOS 7 cPanel server from 600 to 60 seconds and tried editing the file /etc/system/system/ (Environment="...
linuxtale's user avatar
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Postfix doesn't run in macOS Ventura

I have just updated my Mac to macOS Ventura. When I try to start postfix, it says "$daemon_directory/master -t 2> /dev/null postfix/postfix-script: fatal: the Postfix mail system is already ...
Noah Wu's user avatar
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How to monitor memory usage continuously with Linux?

I have a daemon service application runing a Ubuntu server(20.04.1). The total phisical memory is 2G, and the swap space is 4G. Sometime my service was killed by OS quietly, eventhough I add ...
Leon's user avatar
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How to restart deluged daemon on macos?

I am running an old macbook pro as a server and have deluged running on it. How can I restart the daemon without having to restart my server each time?
Stretch0's user avatar
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Is there a daemon that can poll Prometheus targets and relay to Graphite?

I am running a Graphite based collection, and have a couple of Prometheus only apps that I would like to be able to monitor through that. Does anyone know of a proxy-like piece of software that can ...
FlyveHest's user avatar
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Multiple instances of systemd unit not writing to log files

I'm trying to create a systemd unit file that will take an argument for a php script. The small php script: <?php $val = $argv[1]; while(true) { echo "Argument = $val\n"; ...
DevOpsSauce's user avatar
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clamav - clamd error when setup as daemon (mac osx)

Issue: Setting up clamav as a daemon process in mac osx throws some cumbersome errors and warnings while doing the setup and the documentation is good, but not perfect. I ran into some permission ...
codelinx's user avatar
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How return to prompt after execution of script that spawns a daemon?

$ cat #!/usr/local/bin/bash source ~/.venv/appleclue/bin/activate cd ~/applications/appleclue/appleclue-web/ git pull pip install -r requirements.txt python3.9 migrate --...
Victor Ribeiro's user avatar
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How to stop the swatchdog scipt running in the background?

Under Ubuntu 20 I have installed Swatchdog and started five daemon processes (running in the background). Now I wanted to stop the script, so I used apt-get remove swatch. However, as I could notice, ...
Avatar's user avatar
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Docker daemon ignores daemon.json on boot

My Docker Daemon seems to ignore /etc/docker/daemon.json on boot. Similar to this question, I'm having some troubles telling the Docker daemon that it should not use the default 172.17.* range. That ...
Rody Oldenhuis's user avatar
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How do I find the PID file for a process given the PID number?

I'm trying to use Monit to monitor and send email alerts about a process when it stops running, but I need the location of the PID file for that process. I can find the PID number using the htop or ps ...
Alasdair's user avatar
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Setting UMask in systemd override.conf is ignored

I'm using amavisd on fedora33 and trying to change the file permissions on the socket it creates so nagios and nrpe can read the file in the amavis group. The file permissions currently are as such: # ...
Alex Regan's user avatar
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Setting up Auto-restarting php daemon

I have a php script with an environment variable from Fuelphp that I run with a command like FUEL_ENV=production php oil run task however, I'd like it to run as a daemon that will automatically ...
paullb's user avatar
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Configure a server program to restart after crash

I have a web service that runs on Linux. Is there a conventional way to ensure the server is restarted in the event of a crash? I suppose I might have a shell script which does something like this: ...
CaptainCodeman's user avatar
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screen inside systemd daemon on CentOS 8

So I want to run screen inside a systemd service so that I can give the process (inside the daemon) commands while it is running. See at the end of the question for examples of what I want be be able ...
Rinkana's user avatar
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Fedora28 - firewalld stopped working as it unable to communicate with ABRT daemon

We are currently running a Fedora 28 server. Due to the server being restarting multiple times, FirewallD has stopped working. Based on the error messages presented when we run the command systemctl ...
Ashish Prajapati's user avatar
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Retrieving the current PTP settings of an Ubuntu machine

I have an Ubuntu machine (18.04) with PTPd installed. I want to write a script that can determine what PTP settings have been set previously. Specifically, I want to find information on the master PTP ...
Eliezer Miron's user avatar
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Linux OS hangs at boot due to daemon systemd service fault

i have a python script that does infinite loop on functions written, and i have added this to systemd as service so i want to run python script at background and control its from systemctl. sudo vi /...
Maria628's user avatar
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Making git daemon serve the repo I created

I've been wracking my brain over this and came to a possible conclusion with no solution. First, my dilemma. I have a project where I can create a repo programmatically. I can edit the description of ...
NetOperator Wibby's user avatar
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Lsyncd runs but does not update files

So I installed the daemon and configure it as : matias@~ $ cat /etc/lsyncd/lsyncd.conf.lua settings { logfile = "/var/log/lsyncd/lsyncd.log", statusFile = "/tmp/lsyncd.stat", ...
Matias Barrios's user avatar
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Docker daemon seems to ignore no_proxy configuration

I'm trying to setup a docker daemon behind a corporate proxy (e.g. and want the daemon to ignore the proxy when pulling images from a local registry (e.g. registry....
Bigbohne's user avatar
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How to start a daemon at boot time after all other services are ready

I have developed a daemon in Linux. It works correctly, however, when I set that script to be started at boot time, it has conflict with other service, so I need to start it after all services have ...
jstuardo's user avatar
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monit reload - how to know when it is finished?

I have this requirement to add services to monit dynamically. So what I am doing is copying the service monit file to /etc/monit.d/ (which is included in /etc/monitrc) and reloading monit. cp <...
Soumen's user avatar
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Running td-agent (fluentd) init.d script under Supervisor got (spawn error)

I have installed td-agent and they provide an init.d script that you can run it with, I have configured td-agent and I run it via the init.d script and it's running smoothly, but I want to move td-...
Iliyass Hamza's user avatar
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Trying to enable auditd but svcadm not in solaris 10

I am new to Solaris. environment: Solaris 10/ i386 Here's my problem: I want to enable auditd to start generating system auditing log file. (Like service aduitd start in CentOS.) And every guide I ...
ktc's user avatar
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passing labels parameter to daemon.json in Docker

I am trying to setup docker daemon on Centos 7. The goal is to pass parameters to the overriding script in systemd and keep everything in daemon.json that is much more readable and cleaner Default ...
fromthestone's user avatar
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OpenVPN exits when network connectivity is restored

I'm using OpenVPN as a daemon and when I lose the internet connection, OpenVPN waits for 2 minutes before it tries to restart each 5 seconds. This is as I want it to behave. However when the internet ...
iveqy's user avatar
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Sending different signals for system shutdown and manual stops in supervisord

I have a set of auto-scaled EC2 instances that run a daemon managed by supervisord on each instance. I want to differentiate the clean-up behavior for the following cases: when shutting down ...
Achimnol's user avatar
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Java daemon keeps failing due to FileInputStreamException for config files outside its jar package

I want to implement a Java application as a daemon / service that runs on my Raspberry Pi with standard Debian Stretch (Kernel version 4.9). The java application starts but then throws an exeption ...
EliteRaceElephant's user avatar
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linux, daemon startup, determine if launched by initd or user

in my /etc/init.d/blabla script, which is the correct way to determine if the system is booting or the user root is runnig the script ? I am thinking about * parent pid * euid * terminal... pts ?
Massimo's user avatar
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Rsync with rsync daemon is not preserving owners or groups

I am setting up a new internal backup strategy where multiple hosts on my LAN will be backed up to a single host running the rsync daemon. I am still in the early stages of this, backing up a ...
David Patterson's user avatar
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How to start git-daemon at boot?

I've created scripts to control starting, stopping, etc. of my git-daemon on Fedora28. I'm now attempting to link these scripts to a systemd service so git-daemon will be available after reboot. The ...
dacracot's user avatar
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Haproxy two processes are created by systemd

I have just compiled the latest Haproxy. [root@proxy system]# haproxy -v HA-Proxy version 1.8.8 2018/04/19 Copyright 2000-2018 Willy Tarreau <[email protected]> My service file looks as ...
cyeostoragrn's user avatar
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Autostart/restart program simply with daemontools in debian 9 [closed]

For example make vlc start and play a video full screen on boot. After working this out here it is:
Hayden Thring's user avatar
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How to kill rsync daemon that keeps respawning

How do I kill these rsync daemons that keep respawning root@que2 ~ # ps aux | grep rsync root 9660 0.0 0.0 19928 2844 ? S 13:35 0:00 rsync -rlptD --progress --delete --exclude=server/...
Vituvo's user avatar
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How to hide a password from ps, if it's given to a process via script or command line

So I have a certain program, which is running almost 24/7. I have a start script I've written in bash which simply does: ./app --user XXX --pass YYY There are a few more options, but they are ...
Sam's user avatar
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journalctl only refreshing after restarting systemd service?

I have a systemd service with gunicorn. I have a print statement in a function.Problem is that, journalctl does not show the print output when i call the function but it shows the output after ...
r4v1's user avatar
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How to run linux daemon in container linked to another container with docker-compose?

Disclaimer: I'm posting this here because people started to vote to close this question on SO as "off-topic". Although some people believe Docker questions should be posted on SO as opposed to SF, ...
rfgamaral's user avatar
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Run nscd in multiple network namespaces

How to run an instance of nscd daemon per network namespace? I did the following: ip netns exec <network_namespace> /usr/sbin/nscd However, it threw output /usr/sbin/nscd: already running ...
LinuxPenseur's user avatar
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How to turn a script into a daemon? So that upon a random script failure it is restarted by the kernel?

I have a script which streams important logs from another system. Unfortunately the machines are separated by a large distance which means that the connection between them can be poor. How to deal ...
Greg's user avatar
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How to capture details of an aborted process into a logfile

A daemon is started and running under Debian until it randomly crashes. I found out that it sometimes aborts due to an assertion which is shown if the process is running in foreground, like: /usr/...
Achim's user avatar
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Is it safe to give ownership of files to “daemon”?

I was having trouble uploading files using my CMS (Drupal). When I put more restrictive file permissions on, I could not upload anything. Then I changed the owner of the upload directory and all sub-...
Chris's user avatar
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