Questions tagged [data-integrity]

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3 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Verify rdiff backup integrity

I am using rdiff for my differential backup. Recently an issue happened where all versions of my backup failed to patch correctly and rdiff returning an error 106 which after investigation is a code ...
Zaid Amir's user avatar
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Archival storage tool: fast, queryable, has api, reliable

I have large quantities of structured data coming in over the network from disparate sources, and that data is archived in the filesystem, parsed/analyzed, and eventually makes it's way into a ...
mikewaters's user avatar
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MySQL Table Checksum - Before or after MySQL dump?

The company I'm currently working for has a script that runs at night that takes a MySQL dump of the production environment and imports it into the staging environment. This is a very basic setup - No ...
Justin's user avatar
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