Questions tagged [devuan-linux]

Devuan is a Linux distribution based on Debian, with the goal of removing dependencies on systemd and retaining a sysv-init core.

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Slow SSH - Failed to activate service 'org.freedesktop.login1': timed out - no systemd

I run Devuan Linux, which still uses sysvinit and does not use systemd. For a while now, I've noticed SSH logins are very slow. The log (/var/log/auth.log) indicates that DBus is timing out: Feb 19 10:...
Gargravarr's user avatar
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No boot in Devuan after installation - EFI Shell

I installed Devuan ASCII on a virtual machine on VirtualBox. Installation went smooth, but after installation I get the following EFI shell See the image But any attempt to enter a BLK* device ended ...
JaKaiser's user avatar
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1 answer

Rename network interface at boot based on what traffic it sees

I have a Devuan system with an inconveniently large number of physical network interfaces. I occasionally have to disconnect the cables and it's a pain to make sure they get reconnected to the same ...
András Korn's user avatar
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BIND9 excessive logging on network failure

I had a network failure today, and in response one of my servers, running BIND, began logging all of its failed queries. Trouble is, it logged every single failure, with a retry rate of sometimes ...
Gargravarr's user avatar