Questions tagged [docker-compose]

Compose is a tool for defining and running multi-container Docker applications.

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2 answers

docker-compose static ip does not work

I want to assign static ip to nginx, but it doesn't work at all. I have no idea where I'm doing it wrong. Could you please help? docker.compose.yml version: '3' services: web: container_name: ...
Spartan Troy's user avatar
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Unable to pass the root MySQL password into an AWS ECS Fargate launch type WordPress deployment

I'm trying to figure out how to pass the root MySQL password into an ECS Fargate luanch type WordPress deployment. I'm working with this official AWS tutorial which provides this sample docker-compose....
dlanced's user avatar
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container cannnot connect to service from another container

I have the following containers running: $ docker ps CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS ...
ivanleoncz's user avatar
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12 votes
3 answers

"docker-compose up" as root user or non-root user?

After reading some articles I'm still not sure about what user I should use to run a docker container. Are there any security concerns when running a docker container as root user? Is it ok to run ...
r00tusr's user avatar
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Make trusted self-signed certificate not register as "self-signed" (i.e. trusted) on private network

I'm currently implementing a private Docker Registry server with nginx configured to forward https traffic securely to the running Docker Registry (i.e. docker-compose) instance on a private network (...
Rolf's user avatar
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Apache Err 403 on static files from a docker volume

I am struggling with staticfiles and, since I'm new to docker and not quite fluent with Apache, I am not sure whether the problem comes from the former or the latter. [the set up] I have a ...
zar3bski's user avatar
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Docker Compose and multiple subnets

I'm struggling with Docker Compose (version 2 or 3). I'm trying to add multiple subnets, so various services can reach each other, but get assigned IPv4 addresses from different subnets. This is my ...
Alfred Balle's user avatar
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DBI connect('orthomcl:mysql_local_infile=1','root',...) failed

I have cat orthomcl/Dockerfile: FROM debian:stretch-backports RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends \ wget \ cpanminus \ build-essential \ ...
user977828's user avatar
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docker-compose up exited with code 1 because of few InnoDB errors

I have cat orthomcl/Dockerfile: FROM debian:stretch-backports RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends \ wget \ cpanminus \ build-essential \ ...
user977828's user avatar
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docker-compose up caused orthomcl_orthomcl_1 exited with code 0

I have cat orthomcl/Dockerfile: FROM debian:stretch-backports RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends \ wget \ cpanminus \ build-essential \ ...
user977828's user avatar
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ERROR: Couldn't connect to Docker daemon at http+docker://localhost - is it running?

My environment: # cat /etc/redhat-release Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 7.6 (Maipo) # uname -a Linux X.Y.Z 3.10.0-957.12.1.el7.x86_64 #1 SMP Wed Mar 20 11:34:37 UTC 2019 x86_64 x86_64 ...
alexus's user avatar
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Podman: Method to convert docker-compose files to systemd unit files

I'm migrating away from docker towards podman (not going straight for kubernetes, as that would definitely be overkill at this point). Now, many an elegant configuration can be had as docker-compose ...
Marcus Müller's user avatar
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How to properly get code logs from container in host using docker compose and volumes

I am trying to understand how to share logs generated by a toy project into a volume. The logs are generated inside a docker container. For this, I am using docker-compose version 3. So far, I built ...
ChiPlusPlus's user avatar
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docker-compose build --no-cache not working

I made some updates on a Dockerfile for one of the services, but the changes are not reflecting, when running docker-compose build, not even with --no-cache option. I added two two parameter before ...
ivanleoncz's user avatar
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How to setup IPv6 with docker-compose

I am using Ubuntu 18.04 on DigitalOcean, with IPv6 turned on: PUBLIC IPV6 ADDRESS: xxxx:xxxx:2:d0::216f:3001 PUBLIC IPV6 GATEWAY: xxxx:xxxx:2:d0::1 CONFIGURABLE ADDRESS RANGE: xxxx:xxxx:2:d0::216f:...
ロジャー's user avatar
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What is the difference between creating a volume in docker-compose and in docker file?

I discovered docker-compose a few days ago. I saw that it has a neat way to create volumes for serveral containers without any problems. However, as far as I know it is possible to do the same in the ...
ChiPlusPlus's user avatar
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redirect to a different localhost based on url nginx

I'm using docker to create multiple containers and I'm trying to redirect calls coming to my website to the relevant container. for example, if someone tries to go to
Abderrahman Gourragui's user avatar
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How do I do a correct reverse-proxy to a Redis instance?

I'm running an application called Ambar on a (Samba)fileserver. I want users in my network to be able to search for documents freely, and securely. Since Ambar runs on HTTP, and the server already has ...
Oleg's user avatar
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Why am I getting sh: /dev/fd/63: Permission denied process substitution (anonymous pipe)

I have a shell script that adds users from a csv to a running nextcloud instance. The nextcloud instance is running inside docker containers. For some reason, I am getting an error from the line that ...
quarterpi's user avatar
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NGINX use root directive in if-clause

I´ve got an NGINX docker container which receives requests at port 8089 (Reverse proxied by an NGINX on my main system). It should then retrieve the $host variable to determine the correct root ...
3x071c's user avatar
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How do I give a docker container its own routable IP on the original network?

Main question Imagine this scenario. A network of A computer with hostname 'Docker-Host' is running a docker engine at 'Docker-Host' has sshd server running On 'Docker-...
TrevorKS's user avatar
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Docker errors - Nginx keeps looking for files under /etc/nginx/html

I have a seperate docker container setup with Lesencrypt (using nginx, nginx-gen, nginx-letsencrypt) The Nginx and app containers are working fine but I see errors in Docker logs for Nginx. I have ...
Harish Chennamsetty's user avatar
5 votes
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How do I access nginx server logs from within Docker?

I have Nginx routing requests from the browser to either the Express API or my react server, however, in the console I continue to get xhr requests that are just pending and then timeout with 502 bad ...
Daniel's user avatar
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31 votes
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Docker turn anonymous volume into named volume

I have tried out a docker image using the docker command line without specifying names for volumes. Now I found that I want to continue using this container/image but by defining the container in ...
freiheitsnetz's user avatar
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logstash charset error (gelf)

I had some trouble with Logstash and Nginx (all running on Docker). On my docker-compose file i was trying to enable logging from Nginx container to Logstash: nginx: container_name: nginx image: ...
Vlad Bubnov's user avatar
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Cannot block port 21 and 5222 via iptables (due to docker?)

I'm trying to get just port 80, 443 and SSH open on my Ubuntu VM. I'm running Docker which I think is what is causing port 21 and 5222 to be visible. telnet HOST 21 Trying HOST... Connected to HOST. ...
twiz911's user avatar
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Prometheus container connection refused

I have prometheus , nginx-vts , php and nginx-vts-exporter all in separated containers i'm trying to get metrics to prometheus from the exporter ,, it keeps telling me Get
Tyr_90's user avatar
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Unable to set network mode host in azure container

I'm trying to set up network_mode: host in my docker-compose file in scope of my azure web app for container. But it looks like this setting is ignored according to logs. There is no --network ...
Sergey K's user avatar
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Serve Django Media Files via Nginx (Django/React/Nginx/Docker-Compose)

Context I have a single page web app using the following stack: React for the frontend Django for the backend Nginx for the webserver The web application is dockerized using docker-compose. My ...
Teddy's user avatar
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Docker compose sometimes fails to bring up a docker container

I have an automated test that brings up a RabbitMQ container which occasionally fails because the container is stuck in ‘Created’ with no ports exposed. This can be reproduced, but not every time. ...
user1013341's user avatar
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Which tools simplify administration tasks with Docker containers? [closed]

Context: My task is to administer a virtual machine with about 5 web services for a small workgroup. I plan to run all services in Docker containers. An additional nginx Docker container should ...
thando's user avatar
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TCP connections between docker containers timeout after ~10000 connections

I have 2 containers defined in a docker-compose.yml file, and am using them to run some rspec tests in a CI pipeline - the first container executes the tests, the second is an nginx container that is ...
aweraw's user avatar
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7 votes
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WEBRTC MCU/SFU inside kubernetes - Port Ranges?

I am using janus-gateway as a webrtc media server for group videocalling. Previously I had deployed it in a single node using docker-compose but now I want to be able to scale it horizontally. For ...
Abdul Basit's user avatar
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Not able to reach container running in a localhost docker swarm cluster

If that's interesting: OS: WIN10 (cygwin), code written in Java. I am using hyperv VMs as stated in this guide: this I'd expect to reach the service in front of the container, which is running on ...
elp's user avatar
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prohibit use of ip adress to access to website (use of container nginx reverse proxy)

I use docker compose to run two containers: one with a nginx reverse proxy (nginx-proxy) one with netdata I want to disallow access to netdata with the ip address. This IP cannot get certificate (I ...
Jean Ooo's user avatar
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How to restrict external access to ports exposed by Docker containers, while still allowing links to work?

I have a couple services running on a machine in docker containers that need to be available to a specific IP address, and need to be available to containers with links (as defined in a docker-compose ...
user43704's user avatar
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redis-sentinel Docker container can't resolve master instance hostname

I'm trying to set up redis-sentinel from bitnami and I'm getting the following error: redis-sentinel_1 | nami ERROR Unable to start com.bitnami.redis-sentinel: redis-sentinel_1 | *** FATAL ...
AndreasKralj's user avatar
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Embedded DNS stops working after installing and starting firewalld on CentOS 7 container

I have two dockers that run from docker compose: version: "3" services: sqa: image: sqa ports: - "80:80" hostname: sqa networks: - robottest_net tty: true slave: ...
Joseph Peysakhov's user avatar
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AWX docker-compose stop not working

I'm pretty new to docker-compose and I can't seem to make this work. I have been following this guide for installing AWX and has been successful so far. But when trying to stop everything using ...
Lester's user avatar
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Why does nextcloud in a docker container not see my none docker mariadb

I have searched for this question on the internet, but found only topics the other way around. (connecting to a mariadb in a docker container). I'm in the process of installing nextcloud in ...
Mart1250's user avatar
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Docker compose doesn't reuse the intended anonymous host volumes on container recreation

I have an Ansible container and when I have developed a docker-compose file create the container. version: '2' services: ansible_tower: image: ybalt/ansible-tower:latest ports: - "333:...
CK LZEM7's user avatar
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Docker Compose WP permissions

I've a docker compose creating a WP container. The container has a more recent version of WP than the one I'm trying to import, so WP ask me to update the database and some folders. The update process ...
Jumpa's user avatar
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Docker compose db not starting

I have this docker-composer.yml file that starts 4 services: a web portal, a mysql db an elastisearch and kibana service. If I use as db image mysql:latest, I see all 4 services starting. But if I ...
Glasnhost's user avatar
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Docker: how to sync date between a CentOs host and a Debian container?

I have a CentOs host running a docker Debian container. The container has the wrong localtime and timezone: how can I synchronize it with the host date? I'm trying with mounting volumes on the ...
Alessandro C's user avatar
9 votes
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nginx and php-fpm: "Primary script unknown" while reading response header from upstream

I want pass any api/* route to php-fpm. Specifically to index.php as I use Symfony. This is the only route that should use php. Anything else will be loaded from /usr/share/nginx/html/public (just ...
BugHunterUK's user avatar
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OpenResty with Docker Compose cannot resolve own name (hostname.domainname) in Lua block

I have a docker image containing an OpenResty server. I am running it within a docker-compose file like this: version: '2.1' services: # etc. If I set the resolver to use the ...
Tom Fenech's user avatar
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Using Environment variable in proxy_pass nginx

I have nginx container where I want to forward an api call to another server. I want to pass in environment variables from Docker Compose to be able to change sites, without rebuilding the Docker ...
ChrKong's user avatar
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Docker-compose stop does not stop all containers

I have a test rails 5.2.2 app running in docker and reports no errors in console but when I run docker-compose stop there is 1 container which doesn't stop. My o/s is macos running Docker for Mac. The ...
markhorrocks's user avatar
4 votes
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Why isn't firewalld filtering the services running in my Docker containers?

My services were filtered correctly after migrating from iptables to firewalld and updating the rules with firewall-cmd. Then I moved all services to containers using Docker, and ran everything with ...
Ken - Enough about Monica's user avatar
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running mongodb with ssl and docker secrets docker-compose sample

I'm new to docker. The developers on my work create a docker-compose with mongodb and core application setup, although its funcional, they didin't setup SSL for the application, mongodb isn't ...
LCR's user avatar
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