Questions tagged [docker-machine]

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23 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Docker-machine and Google Compute Engine: GPUs?

Looking at the docs for the GCE driver for Docker Machine, it seems that it's not possible to spawn a machine that has a GPU attached. In contrast to AWS, where there are specific machine types that ...
Thomas Wana's user avatar
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Find out CPU and memory usage percent of Docker container within its running environemt

Does anyone know how to get resource consumption of a specific Docker container within its running environment? Outside of a container, we can get it easily by typing a command "docker stats". ...
John Pekl's user avatar
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Docker external network affecting local host network on container restart : ERR_NETWORK_CHANGED

I am facing a weird issue with the docker networks. I am using an external network of bridge type named extenal_network in my docker containers with auto-restart enabled. I am not able to access my ...
Ankur Mahajan's user avatar
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Axios in a Node.js container on Kubernetes is returning “ECONNREFUSED”?

Full error message: connect ECONNREFUSED at TCPConnectWrap.afterConnect The axios request is running in a Node.js environment (Next.js), which is where the error occurs, strangely the ...
thatguyjono's user avatar
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Kitematic (docker) - pointing to a host on a docker-machine?

I am using kitematic but when i launch it on MacOS it shows my local docker installation. Via the command line - i can use docker by first doing docker-machine env remote-mac How can I have ...
Ian Gregson's user avatar
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connecting to apache server in docker container (osx and docker-machine) FROM INTERNET

In short, everything works until I try to access my apache server in a docker container from the internet. The incoming packets reach the docker container, but the outgoing packets get dropped by the ...
user59553's user avatar
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Security maintenance on cloud instances created with docker-machine?

After reading about some people's issue with Docker hosts' time going out of sync, I realized that my Docker host on Digital Ocean (created via docker-machine) may want ntp running on it, and that got ...
Dolan Antenucci's user avatar
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Docker daemon inactive (dead)

I am having trouble with my Portainer GUI. I can't seem to find my local environment. As a solution, I changed some parameters in the 'docker.socket' file on my Ubuntu server. However, this seems to ...
harrymillz's user avatar
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Move applications and DB to docker or vm

I have one server with one public IP. Apache2 is installed. Mariadb is installed. There are about 50 identical Java applications running on Tomcat on the server. The applications are running on some ...
Kamil Sz's user avatar
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Docker, How to make published ports unreachable from outside the host?

Used Docker version: 19.03.12 When I map a port in the container to a port on the Docker host, this port is automatically accessible to the outside, although the iptables default policy is set to drop....
DerFlo129's user avatar
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dpkg throws an error when regenerating certs of my instance on AWS

I'm trying to regenerate certs for my instance on AWS through Docker-Machine as I do need to do it quite often for some reason. All of the sudden I'm getting this error after running docker-machine ...
Mark's user avatar
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Connecting to docker-engine on remote mac using docker-machine

I have a MacMini that is sitting in the server room which has a docker for mac running on it. I'm able to use docker directly on the machine when I ssh in just fine. $ docker --version ...
whobutsb's user avatar
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How to remotely deploy Docker services on an existing Digital Ocean droplet?

I've got a docker-compose.yml file which defines 3 services: MySQL db, ASP.NET Core api application and Angular application. The last two images are built locally, not pulled from a remote repository. ...
kai's user avatar
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Windows and WSL docker-machine conflict

I have a windows 10 and I installed the WSL ubuntu 18.04 inside. Since the WSL can't use the docker due to virtualization, i ends up use my DigitalOcean droplet as my docker machine target. I follow ...
Hans Yulian's user avatar
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Docker Swarm Mesh not working on mixed Win7 / Linux cluster

I've got a mixed Docker Swarm Cluster with Linux machines and Win7 machines running VirtualBox via NAT (bridged option is not allowed). Win7 Win7 | | (port forwarding on ...
Frankie's user avatar
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how docker handles high availability

Coming from a VMware environment, my through process was that, Multiple Docker machines (swarm), mount the same NFS data stores A container (e.g. Maria dB) is deployed on the Docker swarm If a node ...
aristosv's user avatar
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IP address of the service inside docker

When the application that you run inside docker need the server private and public IP address to communicate, what will be the values of the IP address? For instance: If the private and public ip of ...
Minisha's user avatar
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Docker-machine mess up docker on host

After creating a Ubuntu 16.04 Droplet in Digital Ocean I've tried to connect it with docker-machine from my local machine but the server's docker won't start. I actually attempted in two ways: first ...
Rinaldi Segecin's user avatar
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Docker sharing /var/run/docker.sock when deploying through Docker Machine

I've been trying to deploy my containers using Docker Machine and Docker Compose. I am running a Windows 10 with docker for windows v1.12.5. When i start my configuration i run the following: docker-...
Maxim's user avatar
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2 answers

Browser services' container in Docker Swarm mode

I've created 3 vm using docker-machine: docker-machine create -d virtualbox manager1 docker-machine create -d virtualbox worker1 docker-machine create -d virtualbox worker2 these are theirs ip: ...
pier92's user avatar
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Regex path to pass through proxy

I have the following location directive in a dockerized machine server { listen 80; location ~* ^/openchain/ { rewrite ^/openchain/(.*) /$1 break; proxy_pass ...
Kendall's user avatar
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gitlab-runner with docker+machine (to AWS) not working

I have a question regarding gitlab-runner, docker+machine and AWS. I have setup gitlab-ce (works great, as usual), and a second server with gitlab-runner. The gitlab-runner server is configured to ...
Peter van Arkel's user avatar
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HA Swarm cluster with docker-machine

I have a Swarm cluster which currently only has a single master. So far the whole thing has been deployed using docker-machine. I have another node that I would like to use as another master. When I ...
chriscowley's user avatar