Questions tagged [docker]

Docker is an open source project that automates the deployment of applications inside software containers.

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Why can I connect to the docker daemon with sudo, but not root?

Consider the following sequence of commands. When I try to connect to the docker daemon as a regular user, or root, I can't. When I use sudo (both as a regular user and root) I can. Why is this? [john@...
ThatDataGuy's user avatar
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Docker daemon inactive (dead)

I am having trouble with my Portainer GUI. I can't seem to find my local environment. As a solution, I changed some parameters in the 'docker.socket' file on my Ubuntu server. However, this seems to ...
harrymillz's user avatar
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Make Docker Compose available to non-root user?

I've created a non-root user (userB) on my Ubuntu Linux 22.04.4 server for an application and added them as a member of the docker group. When I try checking the Docker Compose version as this user, I ...
Dan Herbert's user avatar
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Cors issue when deploying a mernstack app on minikube

I have a mern stack app (react vite + nodejs) web app that is working fine as i enabled cors middleware to allow my frontend to send requests to the backend but the problem is when i tried to deploy ...
Achref's user avatar
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Data written to PVC using job pod is not available in main POD

I have a job pod with a bash script that executes and writes data to the PVC, however, the same data is not available when I check in from the main POD, both the deployment & job use the same PVC, ...
Naveen Naidu's user avatar
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How to Configure vcluster to Use Internal Docker Registry Certificates?

I'm setting up a vcluster instance and I want it to use images from an internal Docker registry available at docker-registry.docker-registry:5000. On regular Kubernetes nodes, I usually configure this ...
Fabrice Jammes's user avatar
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GitHub action runner with containerd - /var/run/docker.sock not found error

I'm running a GitHub self hosted action runner which uses the docker cli but the host I am running it on is using containerd as the runtime. docker is installed, except there is no active /var/run/...
Justin's user avatar
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Docker image expands vastly on extraction during pull, unable to pull docker image

System Information Our company runs an application packaged in a Docker image based on arm32v7/python:3.11-bullseye image, which is around 800MB in size, on embedded Linux devices (Debian 9 OS) on-...
Sobek Sage's user avatar
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How to access a docker-compose container running with Minikube?

I used to setup and run some containers in my local machine with docker-compose with the Docker daemon running via Docker Desktop. I uninstalled Docker Desktop (due to licensing issues) and installed ...
blackgreen's user avatar
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2 answers

Why Docker doesn't throw error if I delete my SQLite database using bind volume mount?

So I have a project using Next.js + SQLite + Litestream (Database Backups on Cloudflare R2) + Docker & I tried to perform database delete on /data folder on container (./data/ on disk) to see if ...
deadcoder0904's user avatar
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Cloudflare WARP not allowing telnet to 3306

I've recently started having issues with cloudflare WARP. I have the following setup. Ubuntu 22.04 Cloudflare-warp Version: 2024.2.62-1 Docker: 1.5-2 When I connect to warp I have no problem accessing ...
aoa's user avatar
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Website redirects are not working when using Pihole on docker instead of VM

I’m currently in the middle of moving some infrastructure to containers from a ton of VM’s running simple things. I’m trying to move our pihole DNS server to a container. All was working well, until I ...
Tayotoka's user avatar
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Nginx automatically redirect to add a trailing slash

In my nginx config i have a location block for a subpath: location /documentation { alias /usr/share/nginx/html/documentation; index index.html; try_files $uri $uri/ /...
Jonas Stasseyns's user avatar
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Unable to connect to remote Dockerized MySQL container from local machine

I'm unable to connect remotely from my local machine, everything worked well but suddenly it won't let me to the mysql database anymore. I tried every possible combinations, but none of them worked ...
aspirinemaga's user avatar
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Nginx container running inside docker on custom network allow / deny not working

I have a docker compose file with this in: nginx-proxy: image: nginx:1.18.0-alpine restart: always ports: - "80:80" - "443:443" networks: - ...
webnoob's user avatar
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Can I run a DHCP server using Docker Swarm?

I am using PiHole inside Docker as my DNS server, I want to enable the DHCP server functionality but I am running in Docker Swarm and I am not certain if it can handle broadcast requests at least it's ...
Archimedes Trajano's user avatar
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Jenkins / Docker scanning for docker port on multiple IP's

I've had a message from my host provider explaining that my server has been scanning other IP's belonging to them (the host provider, not my servers). The data they sent is this (and more for about a ...
webnoob's user avatar
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Can a Docker container run as a Jenkins build node with both Java 11 and Java 8?

I have a customer who is excited about the idea of Docker containers as Jenkins build nodes, but a few of their pipelines still have dependencies on Java 8. Can a Docker container have Java 11 and ...
Juan Jimenez's user avatar
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Apache Guacamole + Portainer + Nginx Proxy Manager + Cloudflare

maybe somebody could help with this... My setup: Qnap TS-664 Docker containers (Portainer managed) Domain at porkbun (lets call it Cloudflare DNS: A Name: C Name: Name: nginx, ...
John Smith's user avatar
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Kubernetes namespaces vs Docker namespaces

Linux kernel offers a feature called namespaces. Docker containers are isolated with this feature. There is also a "namespace" feature on kubernetes. Does it rely on Linux kernel namespaces ...
Bob5421's user avatar
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Bind9 on Docker can't resolve on host

I have a PC on my local network that will run services that I want to access with URL's instead of IP's. I have followed many guides and articles on how to use Bind9 (and dnsmasq) but always get stuck....
Jonas Birkelöf's user avatar
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Setting Up Lua Records for GSLB with PowerDNS in Docker

I am working with a PowerDNS setup within Docker that currently manages zones through files and responds with A records. My goal is to implement Lua Records for GSLB (Global Server Load Balancing) ...
Jay's user avatar
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Can't get nginx resolver to work

I'm facing issue with nginx when a container in network change his IP , i can access it in Linux OS But nginx didnt resolve the new IP... I searched alot about a solution and i see that nginx tell us ...
Rafael darkxp's user avatar
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in wireguard there is no access to some dns

I am implementing a docker with wireguard on a Linux ubuntu20.04 server as it says in its official documentation at The clients cannot access certain ...
Miguel Duque's user avatar
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Dockerized http services are not accessible from nordvpn meshnet

I am setting up a home server (using ubuntu server 22.04) with several services deployed on various ports. For example, my homepage server is deployed on port 3000. When on the local network: Ssh ...
matthieusb's user avatar
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Monitoring the actions performed to my docker container

Is there any way to monitor the operations performed on my docker container? So, i have a docker container with name web. Now i want to check if anyone performs docker exec , docker cp etc , i want to ...
Ravi Teja RVN's user avatar
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Traefik, docker swarm and portainer. Serving robots.txt file

I'm playing around with my homelab and I'm trying to include robots.txt file. I'm launching traefik and portainer using this docker_compose file. This is using Docker swarm mode version: "3.3&...
Adam Radomski's user avatar
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How to initialize kubeadm in a non-default network interface?

I have been trying to set-up Kubernetes in my university server which has two network interface. The default interface (10...*) is connected to my university network and there is another interface (...
Sadman Amin's user avatar
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"doas" not working in alpine 3.18 container

I can't get the doas command to work in an alpine 3.18 based container: ~$ cat /etc/doas.conf permit nopass :users as root cmd / ~$ id uid=1000(me) gid=1000(me) groups=100(users),1000(me) ~$ ...
Iruwen's user avatar
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limit container connection on specific ip address

I just run a container on 8000:8000 my server so if I run curl from another server (like it will return hello-world from my API. I want to limit the ...
Mahdi's user avatar
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Restrict docker container

I am new to docker. We have a requirement to host our app in client's environment. So, I have to restrict the shell access and no one should be able to extract the code. I have tried to restrict shell ...
Ravi Teja RVN's user avatar
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Can't run systemd inside docker container on specific host

I'm migrating a containerized deployment from a Ubuntu 20.04 host to a Ubuntu 22.04 one. The container runs systemd, and it works fine in the 20.04 machine: $ docker run -i -d --name test-cvmfs-...
Nicola Mori's user avatar
3 votes
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Why does the official docker image for mongo not use XFS, and then warn about not using it?

According to the official docs, MongoDB with WiredTiger is supposed to be run on Linux with the XFS filesystem. Yet, the official docker image for mongo uses ext4, which means that we get a warning ...
Magnus's user avatar
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Changing sendmail HELO/ELHO header in docker container

I have a Debian 11 docker container in which sendmail v. 8.15.2 is installed as MTA. Unfortunately blacklisted the host IP due to the HELO header of mails being sent from this container ...
digijay's user avatar
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DNS name resolution for Docker containers not working from Host

I have several Docker containers running in bridge mode and would like to address them by container single label name from my Host. My Host is a Debian Linux System $uname -a Linux sv2 6.1.0-17-amd64 #...
Gill-Bates's user avatar
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Apace Reverse Proxy to Docker Container - CSF Breaking Container App

I've been at this all day now and can't seem to figure it out. I installed listmonk on my server and set up an Apache Reverse Proxy to it: <VirtualHost> ServerName ...
GenesisBits's user avatar
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haproxy kills external-check process before script ends

I have a docker container running haproxy:2.8-lts, which does a check to the backend, but my script gets killed before it can finish resulting in a failed check and accumulated alot of processes in ...
sgt's user avatar
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Install Services with a Script or Use Docker Compose [closed]

I have an old website that runs on a single LEMP Ubuntu server where a bunch of services are installed: NGINX, MySQL, PHP, Redis, Certbot, Postfix, WP-CLI, AWS-CLI, Fail2Ban, cron jobs and some custom ...
Vila's user avatar
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How to allow full use of all available swap space, when a process is running inside a Docker container

I have written a test Node app which eats memory (in 100MB chunks). I am trying to get it to continue allocating memory beyond the physical memory limit of 8GB by using the swap space which is ...
Tom's user avatar
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supervisor tool logs in different format. I need JSON format

I use the tool supervisor to build some app in a docker container. Processes controlled with the supervisor output logs in JSON format. But supervisor outputs ...
Roman Gelembjuk's user avatar
-2 votes
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Is it possible to install docker on Windows Server 2016? [closed]

I installed docker on Windows Server 2016 using a blog:
Ya.'s user avatar
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Getting Nextcloud and Wordpress Image behind a location in NGINX

setting up my Dockered Applications (wordpress nextcloud) behind a reverse proxy location in NGINX if i use NGINX location / wordpress runs out of the box and nextcloud after some configuration in ...
naseweis's user avatar
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Forem forum software in Docker can't be reached from Nginx in Ubuntu

I am trying to run the Forem forum software in Docker via Dokku. I was following this guide: The A record of the domain ...
Petr Břeň's user avatar
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nerdctl sees that a lot of k8s mirrors produce a lot of empty tags

BUG REPORT Versions kubeadm version (use kubeadm version): v1.28.6 Environment: Kubernetes version (use kubectl version): v1.28.6 Cloud provider or hardware configuration: vsphere OS (e.g. from /...
zccharts's user avatar
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How to log systemd output to container logs

I run a rootless container system container with podman, i.e. systemd is running inside the container as entrypoint. I cannot figure out, though, how I can get the logs of the container, i.e. output ...
omgold's user avatar
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Tyring to access MariaDB running in a docker container on a remote machine

I can't seem to remotely connect to my database, via SSH tunnel. I'm relatively new to all this, so I was hoping someone might be able to give me some pointers. I've got a cloud server on which I've ...
newjunkcity's user avatar
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4 answers

NGINX Reverse Proxy configuration not working

i have a Nginx Front End Server running on Centos9 on and different docker Containers in the backend. The docker container working fine i can acess them ez via port number BUT my nginx ...
naseweis's user avatar
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HEREDOC in Dockerfile produces no output

I have this command that I am trying to run in a Dockerfile and it is producing no output to the file: FROM alpine:3.19 as base RUN <<-EOF > /root/.npmrc registry=https://\${...
Christian Bongiorno's user avatar
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Not able to connect to local MySQL install after using Docker and MySQL image to connect to secondary DB on external drive

Huge appreciation for help in advance. Using Ubuntu 22.04 and MySQL 8. I have a legacy MySQL DB on an external hard drive as well as a local install on my Ubuntu machine, both using MySQL 8. I set up ...
Chris's user avatar
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How to forward Wireguard traffic to shadowsocks by provided urls?

I have 2 servers on separate hosts: wireguard and shadowsocks. They work as expected. Wireguard server config in docker container (>51821/tcp, :::51821->51821/tcp,
zemil's user avatar
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