Questions tagged [elastic-beanstalk]

AWS Elastic Beanstalk is a PaaS (Platform as a Service) service that allows you to quickly deploy and manage applications in the AWS cloud. Elastic Beanstalk handles the deployment details of capacity provisioning, load balancing, auto-scaling, and application health monitoring.

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How do I deploy this web app (Sentry) to Amazon Elastic Beanstalk using Docker?

I am trying to deploy a popular web app (Sentry) to Amazon Elastic Beanstalk. Beanstalk has support for Docker containers and the Docker Hub already has a configuration for Sentry here. I have ...
RainSear's user avatar
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AWS Elastic Beanstalk Instance - debugging low CPU but high memory usage

I'm running a small t1.micro instance on Amazon Elastic Beanstalk. The app itself is a Java web server, uploaded via a .war file, that responds to requests from a remote Heroku web app. Upon ...
sir_thursday's user avatar
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Cant get to work on Elastic Beanstalk

I currently have an Elastic Beanstalk instance running with no load balancing, in future I'll be using Elastic Load Balancer. My EB Instance is sitting behind an nginx proxy, I'm aware to fix this ...
Alex Sims's user avatar
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How to run a Parse Live Query Server (Web Sockets) behind an AWS Load Balancer?

ParseLiveQuery depends on Websockets. More generically this question could be about getting web sockets to work behind an AWS ELB. I'm using the new Parse Server configured in AWS using Elastic ...
Chad Pavliska's user avatar
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Where should migrations be run on elasticbeanstalk deployment process?

I'm very curious as to how people run a command like db migrate on their eb apps. If you add it as an .ebextensions I fear that when you have multiple instances for one app, there could be conflicts ...
ThomasReggi's user avatar
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Is there any difference between load balancer url and the elastic beanstalk url?

It seems that both the load balancer url and the elastic beanstalk point to the same ip address. thomasreggi$ nslookup Server: ...
ThomasReggi's user avatar
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What does ElasticBeanstalk error "Application version is unusable and cannot be used with an environment" mean?

I'm attempting to deploy a .NET application to ElasticBeanstalk using the AWS-cli tools. First upload then create version using: aws elasticbeanstalk create-application-version --application-...
gregmac's user avatar
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Node path on elastic beanstalk

It seems I have node installed in this directory here on my elastic beanstalk instance, however I do not have a node command available on the system. $ ls -la /opt/elasticbeanstalk/node-install/ ...
ThomasReggi's user avatar
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Having a lot of difficulty using CNAME and A records with Elastic Beanstalk to redirect non-www to www

I have my website up with Elastic Beanstalk (as a VirtualHost): I also have my domain at Namecheap: I've installed an SSL certificate ...
Neel's user avatar
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How can I install an SSL certificate using Amazon Certificate Manager to a VirtualHost?

I'm using Elastic Beanstalk and a t2.micro instance to host a few of my websites. For one of the websites specifically, I want to enable https. How do I go about doing this? I have each domain ...
Neel's user avatar
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AWS Elastic Beanstalk - Node not found after creating NodeJS instance

Using AWS Elastic Beanstalk I chose to launch an instance that runs NodeJS. EC2 instance launched but when I check what version of node is running I get this: node --version -bash: node: command ...
dev.e.loper's user avatar
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Apache www to non-www redirect on Amazon Elastic Beanstalk

I've recently moved a simple PHP site to Elastic Beanstalk but am finding it difficult to redirect the to It's not https which most of the suggestions I have found are ...
Craig's user avatar
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Install Comodo SSL Cert for AWS Elastic Beanstalk Instance

I purchased a wildcard SSL cert from Comodo SSL, but am really confused on how to install it to use with my AWS Elastic Beanstalk instance. The files they sent me are: STAR_setheroapp_com.crt ...
dennismonsewicz's user avatar
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Deploying Rails App on Elastic Beanstalk - Is WEBrick automatically replaced by passenger?

Quick Question: I develop a ruby on rails application on my laptop. Rails has WEBrick installed as an out of the box APPLICATION server. I deploy my app on amazon web services elastic beanstalk. I ...
E_James_McLaughlin's user avatar
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Adding environment variables to files within .ebextensions

I pulled this from the New Relic docs. I'm looking for a way to replace YourNewRelicLicense and NameOfYourServer with environment variables set up on the ec2 instance. packages: yum: newrelic-...
ThomasReggi's user avatar
5 votes
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504s on Elastic Beanstalk app deploy (user -> ELB -> Elastic Beanstalk mod_wsgi)

I have a Python Elastic Beanstalk load-balanced app. Here is the path a user request takes on its way into the Elastic Beanstalk app: user -> Elastic Beanstalk ELB -> Elastic Beanstalk mod_wsgi ...
markplindsay's user avatar
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Questions on Elastic Beanstalk application in VPC

I am trying to deploy a rails application on Amazon's Elastic Beanstalk. I am not very well-versed in network/server environments, so I picked up some knowledge along the way by reading documentations ...
the_critic's user avatar
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Why EBS keeps waiting for terminated instances?

Why EBS keeps waiting for terminated instances? 2016-03-02 01:41:22 UTC+0100 INFO Still waiting for the following 3 instances to become healthy: [i-1b5e9691, i-7f5c94f5, i-5d5e96d7]. Only ...
Wojtek Dmyszewicz's user avatar
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No targets available trying to set alias target to an Elastic Beanstalk environment

I am setting up a Route 53 zone, and am trying to point the domain root ( to an Elastic Beanstalk environment. However, when I try to select my EB environment all I see is: -- Elastic ...
awidgery's user avatar
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From Bitbucket to Elastic beanstalk - PHP deployment

Context A PHP project is set up on bitbucket cloud. The code is developed locally in XAMPP. The code runs in Amazon Web Service Elastic Beanstalk environment. Problem I commit my changes locally ...
user4826347's user avatar
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Can AWS Certificate Manager (ACM) Certificates be used on Elastic Load Balancer Instances in Regions other than us-east-1?

Amazon has recently announced their new AWS Certificate Manager (ACM) service. This looks promising, but it is currently only supported in the us-east-1 region. I have existing resources in the us-...
MusikPolice's user avatar
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If you can't change the RDS endpoint of an AWS Beanstalk instance, how do you do a blue/green deployment?

From what I can tell, one can't change the Amazon RDS (RDS) endpoint of an existing Elastic Beanstalk (EB) instance? If that is the case, than you can't have your code deployed to a stage server, ...
Ryan's user avatar
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Setup keystore and truststore in elastic beanstalk

Im new to AWS, mutual authentication. However I have not setup elastic bean stalk. I am working with a payment API. The organization that has setup the API requires a keystore and trust store to be ...
Brian Hawi's user avatar
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Elastic Beanstalk on a naked domain?

If I were to be using Elastic Beanstalk to deploy a cluster of servers, it creates a load balancer for me. The advice is to specify an A record pointing to the Elastic Beanstalk name provided (...
Marc Fowler's user avatar
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Can I use the new free SSL/TLS AWS certificates without ELB or Beanstalk on plain EC2?

AWS just announced free SSL/TLS certificates here: Mainly: SSL/TLS certificates provisioned through ...
site80443's user avatar
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Error on AWS deploy

I'm working on a project that I haven't touched in about 4 months. Before everything on the deploy was working fine, but now I'm getting an error when trying to deploy an update eb deploy my-env-name. ...
awwester's user avatar
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SSL certificate complication for aws eb

I am using Digicert for buying SSL certificate and its giving me different files on demand as DigiCertCA .crt .pem star_evercam_io .crt .pem TrustedRoot .crt .pem am totally unaware that how ...
Junaid Farooq's user avatar
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AWS Elastic Beanstalk Single Environment website update without down time

I am running a single instance Elastic Beanstalk environment with an EC2 instance and MySql RDS. The documentation for applying a website update without down time is geared to multi instance ...
Luke's user avatar
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Unable to deploy a rails application using eb cli

I recently updated my environments configuration to :64bit Amazon Linux 2015.03 v1.4.6 running Ruby 2.2 (Passenger Standalone). After deploying my application using eb deploy i now get an error in my ...
Colin Wagner's user avatar
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How do I use AWS Elastic Beanstalk Enhanced Health monitoring with a long polling app?

With AWS Elastic Beanstalk, I have an app setup with enhanced health monitoring. However, the app uses long polling so that it can sync between a mobile app and the web app. The long poll is a 60 ...
Matt H's user avatar
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Jenkins aws elastic deployment plugin just create a new ec2 on each update

Here is something strange happening when I tries to deploy from Jenkins to Elastic Beanstalk , you can check my previous question for more clarity.
user29578's user avatar
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Is it possible (or efficient) to run a complete backend with AWS Lambda (vs say, Elastic Beanstalk)

I'm relatively new to the server world, so forgive me if some of this is basic (and the first bit of text will be me explaining my logic to make sure that's not flawed). All my questions will be ...
Matt's user avatar
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git deployment to aws elastic beanstalk multiple tiers

We're using git and eb to deploy our elastic beanstalk application on aws, but have just added a worker layer. Given that so much of the code is common (models, etc etc), it seems sensible to have a ...
stevemarvell's user avatar
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AWS Elastic Beanstalk Load balancer returning blak page after cloning EB enviromnent even if EC2 are runnig

Given I have healthy working production enviroment set up via AWS Elastic Beanstalk running 3 EC2 instances load balanced by ELB. (EC2 instances are Docker containers) When I clone the EB environment ...
equivalent8's user avatar
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Setting up Amazon elastic beanstalk to be accessible through fixed ip address(not CNAME)

I want to deploy my app to multi-container elastic beanstalk to be able to point my A-record to some fixed ip connected to it(somehow). I've read related questions(like this one) and understand that ...
Dmytriy Voloshyn's user avatar
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should I use different files for aws eb or set Enviroment variables via eb console

let say I have several ElasticBeanstalk enviroments: productionMyApp stagingMyApp qaMyApp Each environment has really similar (what volumes should be linked where) but different ...
equivalent8's user avatar
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Using Multiple SSL Certificates on AWS Elastic Beanstalk

Our multi-tenant app runs on Elastic Beanstalk. Our wildcard cert is on the Beanstalk load balancer (ELB). For clients that have their own domain name and certificate, we are installing those on ...
Acyra's user avatar
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Permissions for EC2 created by Elastic Beanstalk connecting to external RDS

I am quite new to Elastic Beanstalk and not very proficient with server administration, but I need to set up a Django project on Elastic Beanstalk connecting to external RDS MySQL database. I have ...
Aidas Bendoraitis's user avatar
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Can i run multiple web apps on a single EC2 instance

I need to lower my AWS costs and looking for ways to reduce my AWS usage. I currently have a single java/tomcat webapp which I run multiple EC2 instances of with different configurations. I have ...
brad12s's user avatar
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Running a script before packages are installed from requirements.txt

My app has some prerequisite conditions that mean that the installs from requirements won't work until a few scripts are run. I've been reading through the documentation on customizing the Python ...
Jordan Reiter's user avatar
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Manage DNS for AWS EB site with hundreds of dynamic subdomains

A Domain Name System (DNS) problem: (also asked on stack-overflow) I've got an Amazon Web Services (AWS) Elastic Beanstalk (EB) site with potentially thousands of subdomains. Apparently it's not ...
Peter Ponderer's user avatar
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Can I use CloudFront to serve a WordPress blog from the same domain, but a different server?

We have a website that we serve from Elastic Beanstalk (AWS), and it all works great. We use the built-in load balancer to serve our site over HTTPS, etc. Our database is separated through the RDS ...
Sam McAfee's user avatar
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AWS IAM User unable to create Elastic Beanstalk environment. Missing permissions

Permissions option is missing from user sub-accounts. How do I enable it for sub accounts? In the screenshot below I am logged in on the main account.
Julian's user avatar
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Deploy to Elastic Beanstalk from S3 gives "You do not have permission" -- who is "You"?

I'm testing out AWS and Elastic Beanstalk and have Beanstalk running a version that was manually uploaded. When I try to update the version via the command line, the command line returns ok but ...
Sam's user avatar
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Run AWS Beanstalk app only at certain time periods

I only want the beanstalk app to run during working hours 8 - 5. How do I configure it so that I automatically starts at 8am and shuts down at 5pm on weekdays and turns off completely on weekends?
Julian's user avatar
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AWS ElasticBeanstalk: container keeps restarting

I'm trying to deploy a multi-container docker Elastic Beanstalk cluster on AWS and my situation is; I have 7 docker containers, six of which are Scala applications each listening on port 9000 for ...
Ashesh's user avatar
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Is it normal for Elastic Beanstak operations to take forever?

Every time I deploy, reboot, or change a configuration setting on EB, the change takes several minutes to take effect, during which time my environment's status is "Updating" and I can't do anything. ...
Jason Swett's user avatar
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Attempting to initialize AWS EB, getting 'signature not yet current error'

I'm on my local machine. I'm a dev guy with no idea about ops. After selecting us-east-1 for my region after running eb init on the command line, I get this: ERROR: The current user does not have the ...
Zero's user avatar
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Use boto to update ElasticBeanstalk environment options

Boto has a function, update_environment, that allows the user to update options in an AWS ElasticBeanstalk environment. Using the AWS CLI, this would typically be actioned as follows: aws ...
Garreth McDaid's user avatar
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Elastic beanstalk loadbalancer configure redirect from http to https

Is it possible to configure the Elastic Beanstalk load balancer to accept connections from both http and https, but in the case of http, redirect it to https?. Is it possible to configure this via ...
7alcon's user avatar
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