Questions tagged [ffmpeg]

FFmpeg is a free software project that produces libraries and programs for handling multimedia data. The most notable parts of FFmpeg are libavcodec, an audio/video codec library used by several other projects, libavformat, an audio/video container mux and demux library, and the ffmpeg command line program for transcoding multimedia files.

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2 answers

What permissions are needed to run a system() command within a php script that writes to a folder?

I've got a php script which has the line: system("ffmpeg -i ......"); The output folder is set to be: drwxrwxr-x 5 apache apache 4096 Oct 19 07:40 in_upload If I run the exact text "ffmpeg -i .....
siliconpi's user avatar
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3 answers

FFMpeg-PHP Installation Error

While installing FFmpeg-PHP, I got this interesting error: /usr/downloads/ffmpeg-php-0.6.0/ffmpeg_movie.c: In function 'zim_ffmpeg_movie_getAudioStreamId': /usr/downloads/ffmpeg-php-0.6.0/...
tundoopani's user avatar
4 votes
6 answers

How do I reduce RAM usage on my server?

I have recently launched a site that is very popular but I am having trouble with scalability. My site makes heavy use of FFmpeg and at peak times RAM usage hits the 2 GB point quickly and the swap ...
Abs's user avatar
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3 answers

Why I can't install ffmpeg on CentOS 7

I want to install ffmpeg to my CentOS 7 server but I can't, it say we missing some libs that I can't find where and how to install them. This is command i used and the error occured: [root@www13 ~]# ...
Thinh Phan's user avatar
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3 answers

ffmpeg on Ubuntu Intrepid (8.10) Server

I'm trying to get ffmpeg running on my server so I can use the PHP Video Toolkit successfully. I'm currently setting up my testing platform, which is a 32-bit Ubuntu 8.10 Intrepid Ibex Server. ...
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