Questions tagged [full-text-search]

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2 answers

MySQL Fulltext 3 letter limit

We have a site thats using MySQL fulltext searching but has an issue that a number of strings that need to be indexed are 3 characters long. I know that the default for MySQL is not to index strings ...
robjmills's user avatar
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Local full text index for a directory tree, a quicker alternative for grep -R

I have a large directory tree of source files. I want to search around all these files. My first instinct is to use grep -R or ack, but either way they just sequentially read all the files. Is there ...
Amandasaurus's user avatar
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IIS6 Indexing Service indexing codebehind (.aspx.cs) files

I've setup a few catalogs on an Windows Server 2003 IIS6 install, each tracking files within a website. In the Properties -> Generation Dialog for each catalog, 'Index files with unknown extensions' ...
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22 votes
4 answers

How to detect if full text search is installed in SQL Server

I need to find out if full text search is installed on SQL Server 2005. I don't have permission to log into the box and fire up Setup to check. However I can run SQL Server Management Studio and ...
Alex Angas's user avatar
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