Questions tagged [git]

Git is a distributed source control system.

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2 answers

ssh publikkey authentication for git within a bash script?

I currently have a bash script running on my Linux server that once a week goes through my repositories, performs some tasks, and backs them up remotely. Today I started backing up some remote ...
enriquein's user avatar
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2 answers

how to install git on CENTOS 5.5

How can I install git on CENTOS 5.5 machine? I tried to install it from yum but got following msg. root@host [~]# sudo yum install git Loaded plugins: fastestmirror Loading mirror speeds from cached ...
Prakash's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Change location of repositories gitosis

I installed gitosis on my CentOS box last week. I'm really happy with how it works and how simple it is to use. I've run into a small problem though. Because gitosis is installed under a new user ...
4 votes
1 answer

Why is my git auto commit script in cron.hourly not running?

I'm running Ubuntu 10.04 (64-bit) and have the following script in /etc/cron.hourly cd /home/chris/path/to/directory git add . git commit -m "Commit message" git push origin master The file is 775 ...
PHLAK's user avatar
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Manage http access to git repositories using gitosis

[Update 9/16/2010] After looking into this last night, I realized that my original question was really asking 2 separate things: 1) Is it possible to set the post-update hook for all remote ...
cdwilson's user avatar
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2 answers

Permission denied (publickey) error

I'm trying to connct to github via shh with using following command: ssh -v But i have error Permission denied (publickey). I generated rsa keys with ssh-keygen command keys are located ...
iburlakov's user avatar
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7 votes
4 answers

Using symbolic links with git

I used to have my system configuration files all in one directory for better management but now i need to use some version control on it. But the problem is that git doesn't understand symbolic links ...
Alfredo Palhares's user avatar
3 votes
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Authentication for git push over http

I've set up apache to use git-http-backend as per the instructions in the pro git book, and its manpage. My apache config now looks like: SetEnv GIT_PROJECT_ROOT /var/www/git SetEnv ...
urschrei's user avatar
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2 answers

Allow users to ssh to specific user through ldap and stored public keys

I recently setup gitolite, where users access git repository with "gitolite" user through ssh. Now I would like to integrate that into LDAP. Each user has pubkey in LDAP and if he has "git" ...
iElectric's user avatar
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1 answer

How to migrate to git from two SVN repositories?

We use SVN as our VCS, but wish to migrate to git. All is good, but a few months ago our SVN server had a serious RAID problems (so much that it became unusable) plus at the same day no IT person was ...
mark's user avatar
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1 answer

git pull in a hook not executing

I have a system setup like this: However no matter how I configure the shell environment (i.e. GIT_DIR and PWD) the git-pull command does NOT run ...
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3 answers

Setting up key based authentication for root

I connect to one linux machine with a standard user account and use sudo when it is necessary to perform something a little above my users station. One of those things would be to perform a pull ...
Toby's user avatar
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2 answers

How is gitosis-serve invoked?

I have a working installation of Gitosis, but I'm wondering how the gitosis-serve command ever gets invoked! From all I can understand, when you connect through SSH as the git user (using git@host), ...
André Caron's user avatar
4 votes
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gitolite setup on Mac => git-upload-pack: command not found

I am trying to setup gitolite using the "directly on the server method" in the docs Went through the entire setup, uploading the ssh public key etc... so now I can ssh git@myserver without ...
Bach's user avatar
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Removing .git from gitweb listings?

Is there a canonical way to remove the ".git" suffix from listings of gitweb? This is the only thing bothering me when viewing the repositories... I could probably change this in the source, but upon ...
Bran the Blessed's user avatar
244 votes
10 answers

How to tell which local branch is tracking which remote branch in Git?

I would like to know if there's a way to tell which local branch is tracking which remote branch in Git. I'm using one remote server, which is named "origin".
PJ.'s user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

Local SVN repository to git

I am in the need of converting a local SVN repository to GIT. I know how to convert a remote SVN repository to git, however, I only have the local repositories; they are no longer hosted. How would ...
drewrockshard's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Gitosis post-receive hook before initial push

I have a script on the client machine that adds the necessary configuration stuff to gitosis.conf on the server. I'm able to push and everything works correctly. However, I want to add a post-...
dave paola's user avatar
16 votes
4 answers

Create SSH user with limited privileges to only use Git repository

I have a git repository hosted on my SunOS server, that I remotely use through ssh git clone ssh://[email protected]/path/to/git Now I need to add more users to be able to access that repository, ...
Bach's user avatar
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1 answer

git hook and ssh on server

I have a git repo on a server. I would like to run a update hook on this when a push is done. I am unable to get git revlist or take any information from the user because i can't enable tty. I have ...
myusuf3's user avatar
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git diff between two branches when the path has changed

I need to understand changes to a file between two releases represented by my current master and branch new_branch. Normally, I would run the following if path/name are the same in both branches. ...
Mike Jr's user avatar
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3 answers

How to remove git mac os x

I've installed git on my mac, but I don't know how to completly remove it, because I want to reinstall it again...any tips?
Uffo's user avatar
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Apache virtual server setup for http and https

I know this has been asked a few times before but even after reading the answers a couple of times I still can't "get it". I have a server running Apache2 and I want to be able to serve two sites ...
Marko Poutiainen's user avatar
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Manage dotfiles/configuration and ~/bin/-scripts for sets of servers

I have a few git repositories containing my config files and scripts that I use. Of course I don't use all scripts on all machines that I have access to, e.g. no music related scripts and configs on ...
exic's user avatar
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25 votes
4 answers

Enabling nginx Chunked Transfer Encoding

It looks like nginx 0.8.35 may support chunked transfer encoding: Changes with nginx 0.8.35 01 Apr 2010 *) Change: now the charset filter runs before the SSI ...
rentzsch's user avatar
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1 answer

"Permission denied" when doing a `git pull` in an (Apache -> Django -> subprocess) stack

I have a Django app on an Apache server that uses subprocess.Popen to do a git pull on a repo stored on that server. It manages to fetch the new commit for the server, but it can't do a checkout: ...
Ram Rachum's user avatar
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4 answers

GIT pull times out?

I've recently set up a small turnkeylinux revision control VM (which has about 256MB RAM), and am attempting to clone one of the repositories I pushed up to it. It is very fast to push to (via ssh) ...
Andrew Matthews's user avatar
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1 answer

Problem with Hudson + Git + Gitosis on windows

I have Hudson configured to connect to a Gitosis managed repository. I am using the Git plugin. To manually clone a repo, I need to enter my ssh pass phrase. How can I make Hudson aware of my ...
Jacko's user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

Why does the Debian Lenny git package not install git?

If I run the following command on Debian Lenny: apt-get install git ... I'm unable to use git: # git --version bash: git: command not found
Nick Bolton's user avatar
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gitorious doesn't up as virtual host

I am trying to set up a gitorious instance, but I keep getting mis-directed. I am using passenger to host the rails app. This is the part from the vhosts file: <VirtualHost *:80> ServerName ...
eyecreate's user avatar
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1 answer

SVN Or Git Users & Permission management

Which one is better for user management, adding users to special repo and grant special permissions on them (Read or Write). SVN or GIT ?
user24912's user avatar
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3 answers

Setting up Git over SSH on Windows using a non-standard port

I had to switch from Ubuntu so that I could use Adobe Suite at full speed and now I'm finding that SSH on windows is not as unified as on linux. So I installed msysgit and putty but I'm finding that ...
Xeoncross's user avatar
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Git SSH key-pair stopped working after a location change

I have used the same public key scheme to ssh to my server that hosts its own git repository. Recently, I changed the location from where I work from (different IP), and now git asks for my password ...
Dirk's user avatar
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Executing git post-receive hook on windows server

I'm trying to execute a post-receive hook on a windows server git(msysgit) installation - to sync the repo to codebasehq. The script does nothing more than just wget "url" but it doesn't seem to be ...
zulkamal's user avatar
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Git clone/push/pull - where's that username comes from?

I've set up gitosis and able to pull/push through ssh. Gitosis is installed on Debian Lenny server, I'm using git from windows machine (msysgit). The strange thing, if I enable loglevel = DEBUG in ...
Kuroki Kaze's user avatar
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What git binary I am using?

I just installed git 1.6.0 from source, but strange thing now happening to me: debian:~/git# git version git version debian:~/git# which git /usr/local/bin/git debian:~/git# /usr/local/bin/...
Kuroki Kaze's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Installing gitweb failed: No package gitweb available

I have tried installing gitweb via ssh and failed. Below is what I get. root@server [~]# yum install gitweb Loaded plugins: fastestmirror Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile * rpmforge: ftp-...
logii's user avatar
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Test and Production Server

I am using Git for a test and production server and I'm trying to figure out the best way to update the production server. I have limited SSH access, and don't want to manually update my production ...
Mike Silvis's user avatar
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How to set up Git server for windows xp

Probably this is very stupid question, but google dosen't helps. As I find out we should use gitweb and apache, but can't find any relevant tutorial about. Thanks.
abovesun's user avatar
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How to set up multi users on dev server with git and github

I'm working on lamp application. We have 2 servers (Debian) Live and Dev. I constantly work on dev main to add new features and fix bugs. When happy all works well I scp the relevant code to the ...
Derek Organ's user avatar
4 votes
4 answers

transparent git-svn gateway

Currently we have an subversion repository with the following layout: /trunc /group1 /proj1 /proj2 group2 /proj3 /etc.. /tags /group1 /proj1 /proj2 group2 /proj3 /etc.. /branch /anything ...
azatoth's user avatar
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Git Clone from SSH Repository

I used to be able to clone from my personal git repository but now i seem to be running into an error. mikesilvis$ git clone { my ssh directory } server@ipaddress's password: ...
Mike Silvis's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

What's wrong with this bash prompt?

I use the following entry in ~/.bashrc file to colorize the prompt and display current branch of git repository: PS1='\[\e[1;32m\]\[\u@\h\]\[\e[m\] \[\w\]\[\e[1;1m\]\[$(__git_ps1 " (%s)")\] \[\e[1;1m\...
takeshin's user avatar
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install git on RHEL3

having a problem installing git on redhat enterprise 3. When I try and install the rpm it gives a circular dependency problem. [root@tflaus001 tmp]# rpm -i git- warning: git-...
Dan Littlejohn's user avatar
0 votes
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Git push from post-receive

I have two servers, let's call them first and second. First one is where the real development is done, and second one should be the replica. What I would like to do is put "git push" in post-receive, ...
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How can I run Git submodules?

How can I run these submodules? The only thing i can find on the web is information on how to create submodules. But i just need to run them. Is this really so difficult? After you have clone the ...
DADU's user avatar
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7 votes
5 answers

How to store etckeeper repositories on a central server via git

I would like to have one central git repository for all my servers' etckeeper .git repos. Here the suggestion was to use a file in /etc/etckeeper/commit.d, which basically looks like this, assuming ...
andreas-h's user avatar
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Git: can I store known repository in the repository?

I am setting up a Git repository. I know you can add repositories using git config --global, but is there a way that those known repositories gets cloned by users? For example, I add git://X/mobility....
0x6adb015's user avatar
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Git Daemon on linux?

Trying to set up a simple git-daemon on a linux server, and talk to it from a windows box. On linux server: Make a folder /home/foo/bar CD to /home/foo/bar do a git --bare init here Do a touch ...
bwawok's user avatar
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Is the port number the same when connecting to git via the git+ssh protocol?

I was wondering when connecting to a git repository, does the git+ssh protocol use the same port number as just using the git protocol. For example: git:// git+ssh://root@...
Tomek's user avatar
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