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Questions tagged [google-cloud-functions]

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Why do calls from our Google Cloud Function deployed in europe-west6 (Zürich) originate from an US located IP address?

We have a Google Cloud Function deployed in europe-west6 (Zürich), which makes HTTP calls to an API. In our server logs these HTTP calls originate from the IP address, which is showing ...
dabo248's user avatar
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Google Cloud Function abruptly stops without errors!

Problem My cloud function abruptly stops in the 4th iteration of a finite 12 iteration loop. I have a script where I request form data from an external server. I do this for each individual form. I ...
user1057818's user avatar
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Serverless VPC Connector for Cloud Function cant access compute instance through private IP

I have two GCP compute instances set within a VPC 'myVpc' of subnet range, sayy On one of this instances I have a docker container running on the port 2376. I want to be able to access ...
Tamunopriye 's user avatar
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SSH Egress Settings for Google Cloud Functions to connect to Egnyte SFTP

I'm attempting to use Google Cloud Function to connect with an Egnyte SFTP server and transfer files to Google Cloud Storage. Currently, I have a Python script that uses Paramiko to connect and that ...
ASM's user avatar
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Google Firebase Cloud Functions: Error: Your project is being set up. Please wait a minute before deploying again

I have a Google Cloud / Firebase project, let's call it A, to which I can normally deploy Cloud Functions via the firebase deploy command. Recently I've had to set up a parallel project that is ...
Dario's user avatar
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Why is my Google Cloud Function timing out when making a HTTP request to my AWS Fargate instance?

I am working on a Google cloud function for beforeSignIn trigger which needs to fetch some data from a microservice hosted on a AWS Fargate instance. The request times out but only in the Google cloud ...
alsuvo's user avatar
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Why suddenly much higher costs in Google Cloud Functions (Cloud Scheduler)?

I usually had to pay $0.10 per function, which made about a few cents a month. Now it costs a few dollars and seems to come from non-firebase services, which I dont understand. Image of Cost Increase ...
Niklas Gee's user avatar
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Connect to Cloud SQL from Google Cloud Functions

I have a few already deployed and running functions that use a custom VPC connector (projects/dc-****/locations/us-east1/connectors/serverless-vpc-dev-use), then I created a Cloud SQL from scratch ...'s user avatar
0 votes
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compute.instances.list privilege required for Cloud Functions

I am following When testing the Cloud Function, I get the error message: Error: Required 'compute....
Thorsten Staerk's user avatar
1 vote
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DNS resolving from Cloudfunctions in VPC network

I am deploying a Cloudfunction with VPC network as follows: gcloud beta functions deploy my-function --trigger-http --region europe-west1 --memory 128MB --runtime nodejs16 ...
Vojtěch's user avatar
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4 votes
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jsonPayload (structured logging) output from Python Google Cloud Function's logging needed to create Log-Based Metrics (LBM) in GCP

I need the jsonPayload in the logs of a Google Cloud Function instead of the textPayload. My aim is to use the keys of the dictionary as labels (see Log-based metrics labels) for Log-Based Metrics so ...
questionto42's user avatar
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Google Cloud Function warning "OpenBLAS WARNING - could not determine the L2 cache size on this system"

I get the warning OpenBLAS WARNING - could not determine the L2 cache size on this system, assuming 256k in the logs of the "LOGS" tab of the Cloud Function. There is already a Q/A on this ...
questionto42's user avatar
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When writing csv from CF to bucket: 'with open(filepath, "w") as MY_CSV:' leads to "FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory:"

I get this error FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory when I try to write a csv file to the bucket, using a csv writer that loops over batches of data. The full insight into the ...
questionto42's user avatar
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Reading only the metadata of a file in a Google Cloud Storage bucket into a Cloud Function in Python (without loading the file or its data!)

I need something like Cloud Storage for Firebase: download metadata of all files, just not in Angular but in Python and just for a chosen file instead. The aim is to return this information when the ...
questionto42's user avatar
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Google cloud functions contains whole application code unlike aws lambda which contains only function specific code

I was using aws lambda for few projects. In lambda i can package only function specific code so every function has only its own code. and now i am using google cloud functions for my new project. I've ...
Amol Barge's user avatar
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2 answers

Org Policies error when creating a Cloud Function

When trying to create a "hello world" Cloud Function, I get the error message: "The request has violated one or more Org Policies. Please refer to the respective violations for more ...
Thorsten Staerk's user avatar