Questions tagged [google-kubernetes-engine]

Google Kubernetes Engine is a cluster manager and orchestrator for running Docker containers. It schedules your containers into the cluster and manages them automatically based on requirements you define (such as CPU and memory). It's built on the open source Kubernetes system, giving you the flexibility to take advantage of on-premises, hybrid, or public cloud infrastructure. It was formerly called Google Container Engine.

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What should be the NodeClassRef for Karpenter's NodePool in GKE?

I have created a GKE cluster in GCP and wanted to install Karpenter on it for the autoscaling. While trying to install Karpenter, pods gives the error asking to create the NodeClaim resource which ...
Harshit Agarwal's user avatar
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Ansible "Failed to create temporary directory" (GCP)

I've encountered an issue with my Ansible playbook that provisions both a Kubernetes cluster and other servers within our cloud infrastructure. Specifically, the problem arises when I configure the &...
1wonder's user avatar
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Tried to set up a K8 cluster from scratch on Ubuntu 22 but the kubelet is failing to register nodes

The kubelet service shows the below error Apr 05 14:13:06 estk8worker0 kubelet[90209]: E0405 14:13:06.863258 90209 kubelet_node_status.go:92] "Unable to register node with API server" err=&...
Sks's user avatar
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Unexpected behavior for two backend apps deployed in GKE with the same config

PROBLEM BACKGROUND I don't have another word to describe the behavior of the deployment I found in my workplace Kubernetes deployment, We have five Kubernetes deployments for backend apps using Koa.js,...
F.Anriko's user avatar
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How to find what caused an AUTO_REPAIR_NODES event in GKE

We've had a whole bunch of AUTO_REPAIR_NODES events suddenly occur on a previously stable GKE cluster, and can't figure out why. We found this page:
Jty.tan's user avatar
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How to remove an unhealthy node in Google Kubernetes Engine Autopilot?

My Kubernetes cluster running on GKE autopilot has an unhealthy node. The node has a Ready status, but all the pods running on it have a CreateContainerError status and seems to be stuck polling ...
e741af0d41bc74bf854041f1fbdbf's user avatar
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GKE Autopilot - consume reservation

I had some issues creating GKE deployment with nvidia t4 GPU (Node scale up in zones europe-west1-b associated with this pod failed: GCE out of resources. Pod is at risk of not being scheduled.) so I ...
Noskol's user avatar
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How to use a reserved external IP address from Shared VPC host project in a service project's GKE LoadBalancer service

I've found two references (here and here) in the GCP docs saying that I may reserve an IPv4 address in the host project and use it in the service project. My case is that I have a host project where I ...
Mike's user avatar
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Kubernetes API returns 403 Forbidden from inside a pod with seemingly correct ClusterRole bound to pod Service Account

I have a Python script that runs inside a k8s pod (Google Kubernetes Engine 1.25) and queries K8S API to create VaultStaticSecret's resources. I'll paste Helm Chart templates for brevity: apiVersion: ...
Dima Medvedev's user avatar
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All cluster resources were brought up, but: 1 nodes out of 1 are unhealthy

Unable to create a gke autopilot cluster using shared vpc . The same shared vpc works fine with standard private cluster . Repeated this multiple times with the same error. Followed google ...
Mujeeb Sayed's user avatar
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Google Cloud Kubernetes reservations

Recently our GKE environment was suspended. When the account was re-activated Kubernetes was not working because only 1 of 3 servers were available. Two zones reported ZONE_RESOURCE_POOL_EXHAUSTED for ...
Luke's user avatar
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GCP Workload Identity works for some workload, not for others even if K8s service account is the same

We deploy our microservices in two distinct GKE clusters, one for testing, other for production. Our workloads make use of workload identity. In "test environment" all works well, all ...
danidemi's user avatar
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Is a GKE Ingress sufficient as a proxy for gunicorn?

I am running a Python application behind Gunicorn in a container in GKE (Google Kubernetes Engine). The application sits behind a GKE Ingress, i.e., an HTTP(S) Load Balancer. The Gunicorn ...
user35042's user avatar
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How do I filter the command gcloud container operations list? What's the syntax?

If you have 20 GKE clusters, gcloud container operations list returns too much data. Google Cloud's official docs lack good examples of how to do filtering: Their docs just mention --filter=[...
neoakris's user avatar
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Deploying Multi-Cluster/Multi-Region Gateway AND have redundant stateful services with GKE Autopilot?

I want two clusters to each be in a different region so I have basic region redundancy. Some of the services I want to run are stateful (which includes keeping track of user sessions). I am not ...
ift-436t's user avatar
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Possible to deploy service to GKE Autopilot cluster without YAML?

Is it possible to deploy to GKE Autopilot cluster without YAML and just command line? I have inherited a project where deployment generates command line to deploy to CloudRun. I am in the process of ...
ift-436t's user avatar
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gke autopilot cluster creation failure

I am trying to create GKE Autopilot cluster and the creation fails. I see just this error. "All cluster resources were brought up, but: 1 nodes out of 1 are unhealthy". Not sure if there are ...
Sateesh Pula's user avatar
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What CNI is used (and what are the alternatives) in GKE?

I'm confused with Google Cloud's documentation on GKE. In the Compare network models doc, it says GKE has a fully integrated networking model which suggests to me it has its own CNI implementation. ...
johny.bravo's user avatar
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Argocd Sync issue error validating data: ValidationError(Deployment.spec.template.metadata):

I have deployed my app using terraform and I'd like to now sync it to my ArgoCD but I keep getting this error and I can't bypass it. error validating data: ValidationError(Deployment.spec.template....
SumMmGuy's user avatar
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HEALTH CHECK not resolving for ClamAV hosted in GKE cluster

Couldn't resolve health check related issue for the clamAV:1.2 deployment hosted in the GKE cluster in the port 3310, 7357. Facing some backend services are in UNHEALTHY state, in the ingress after ...
Vikram R's user avatar
-2 votes
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Set up minikube installation with gke

I just want to set up minikube on kubernetes While installing facing an error Minikube start--kubernetes-version=vm-driver="hyperv'--hyperv-virtual-switch=minikube I want to resolve above error ...
Paul's user avatar
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What would lead to a "Cancelling deletion of pod" message?

I see these messages in my GKE logs several times a day... Cancelling deletion of Pod <pod-namespace>/<pod name> It looks like they are happening due to the taint-controller with a ...
Jty.tan's user avatar
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New VM is not getting attached to K8S Cluster using kubeadm join command

I have K8s cluster of 1 master and 2 Worker node working fine, having OS Rocky Linux. I added one more VM of same OS and installed all dependencies such as docker, containerd, kubelet, kubeadm, ...
Divyank's user avatar
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GKE and multiple VPN

I have a GKE autopilot cluster where I deployed a workload that needs to connect to two SQL databases via two different on-premise VPNs. The network is on another project and it is a shared VPC. The ...
Lic's user avatar
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Kubernetes outages potentially being caused by kube-dns

We've got a production kubernetes cluster that has been having a bunch of ~1-5 minute outages on a semi-regular basis. We're trying to troubleshoot, but running into various gaps of information/...
Jty.tan's user avatar
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GCP Automatic Instance Template replacement issue in Compute Engine

I'm using Google Kubernetes Engine where my cluster's node pool is connected to Compute Engine instances defined by instance templates. I'm controlling these instance templates by Managed Instance ...
rapago's user avatar
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Getting error while secrets for gke ingress

Using gke cluster but ingress is not loading a load Balancer error:error syncing to gcp: error running load balancer syncing routine secret does not exist I want to know the reason why iam getting ...
Martin rudez's user avatar
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Google Cloud Load Balancer URL limit?

I've been in a process of migrating our application to use Gateway (gke-l7-global-external-managed). Part of deployment are the 'review' applications, e.g. apiVersion:
Gajus's user avatar
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GKE Arm-based cluster starts in invalid state

After I install a new GKE cluster on Arm-based VM it immediately starts in a failing state. Specifically antrea-controller-horizontal-autoscaler cannot be run as it has no toleration for Arm-based ...
Martin D's user avatar
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Accessing the Kubernetes API from a Pod

I am trying to access to Kubernetes API from a Pod using Java Client library. I have followed in cluster config example from below URL:
Radha Gupta's user avatar
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I want to check the storage used by GKE Node

I have created a GKE cluster with 20 GB of storage and it is runnning 4 pods. 3 of them are angular application and 1 is node applicaiton and 10.5GB is already used and only 3.96 GB is left. I wanted ...
Robin's user avatar
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GKE: metric server crashlooping (crosspost from r/googlecloud)

I have several (<10) gke clusters, all but one are all in the same condition and I can't figure out what and why is it happening. I hope to find someone that managed to solve the same issue :) Some ...
Luca Gervasi's user avatar
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Error:unable to upgrade connection:Authorization error (user=kube apiserver, verb=create, resource=nodes, sub resource=proxy)

I have set up my cluster with my app but now I'm facing issue in my gke cluster Error:unable to upgrade connection:Authorization error (user=kube apiserver, verb=create, resource=nodes, sub resource=...
Martin rudez's user avatar
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Kubernetes cluster with certificate authority

Certificate error after upgrade of kubernetes Error is SSL certificate problem:unable to get local issuer certificate After doing multiple modifications Now I'm getting above error.
Ruthew's user avatar
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Eventarc Triggers Not Receiving Events When GKE clusters are created

I want to create an eventarc trigger which can send payload messages to Cloud Run whenever a new GKE cluster is created.The code seems to be working when I created another eventarc trigger which send ...
Syam's user avatar
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Replacing arbitrary fields in Kubernetes YAML

I want to use configMap variables inside my Kubernetes YAML outside of my container specification. Basically, I am looking for a way to replace text in my configuration with the value of a configMap ...
dan1st's user avatar
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How to find the maximum number of nodes in a GCP Kubernetes cluster?

In a GCP Kubernetes cluster is there a command to find out the maximum number of nodes? I have a Kubernetes cluster and need to identify if I can fit my pods to the nodes since there is a taint ...
Phil's user avatar
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GKE ingress returns 502 with encrypted service

I'm on GCP and I've deployed ElasticSearch and Kibana into a cluster, using the ElasticSearch operator. I've created an external Ingress with a preshared certificate, to send traffic into the Kibana ...
Peter Lind's user avatar
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Backup for GKE does not restore all volumes

I have manually triggered update of worker node pool in GKE but after update one of our database persisent volumes was recreated instead of just reattaching to pod on new node. We have backup for GKE ...
ItsNotFany's user avatar
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Will I be charged for GKE Autopilot if I didn't run anything?

If I have installed Google kubernetes autopilot cluster and didn't install anything on it, will I be charged? Here is a ...
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How to add gke node pool as backend to http loadbalancer in gcp

I tried with NEG but it has limitations to only point to zonal cluster.however i have regional cluster so want to point the node pool as backend to http can i do that?
Shrus's user avatar
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How to fix HPA deprecation warning on GKE?

Observed output kubectl describe hpa Warning: autoscaling/v2beta2 HorizontalPodAutoscaler is deprecated in v1.23+, unavailable in v1.26+; use autoscaling/v2 HorizontalPodAutoscaler Attempted fix ...
Jared Beck's user avatar
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Can't rebuild deployment with PersistentVolumeClaim

I want to create a MongoDB deployment with a PersistentVolumeClaim. apiVersion: v1 kind: PersistentVolumeClaim metadata: name: auth-mongo-pvc spec: accessModes: - ReadWriteOnce resources: ...
BPDev's user avatar
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How to manage utility pods on GKE autopilot?

My company is going to migrate to GCP, and I found some issues with how we want to manage our infrastructure and projects. Our stack is mainly based on Kubernetes, right now we have 2 clusters: ...
pida's user avatar
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Strange behavior of GCP Load Balancer

I had a strange behavior with google global lb. On the one zone traffic evenly , but on other zone with same load traffic loads pods not evenly. Configs at zones are the same. Can it appears to gcp ...
Danila Eliseev's user avatar
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Is it possible to have multiple ingress paths under the same host that point to the same backend service

I'm trying to restrict access to certain paths on my service how can I accomplish this on kubernetes? I have a service that runs a basic API but it also runs an admin service. Is it possible to use ...
James's user avatar
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GKE pods to other VPC peered instance not reachable

I've created a VPC-native GKE private cluster. My Pod address range is and my Service address range is GKE is setup on vpc-8 private subnet ( I need to ...
pbms's user avatar
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Enabling GKE Backup on regional VPC peering Autopilot Clusters

We are trying to enable GKE Backup for our Autopilot Clusters, but we are encountering error while trying to run following command (with proper values that is): gcloud container clusters update ...
Adam Marchewka's user avatar
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Why GCP v2k-system namespace shows 200%+ memory usage?

Looking at my 1.23 GKE cluster under "observability", I see memory usage of 200%+. The breakdown shows most of it is by the v2k-system namespace, which AFAIK is GKE's internals. Why does it ...
Sagi Mann's user avatar
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Debug ASP.NET k8s services on GKE

Is there any way to remote debug ASP.NET kubernetes services on GKE? I tried to search related articles but I only found debugging local kubernetes services or them on AKS (with Visual Studio or ...
Ellisein's user avatar

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