Questions tagged [heartbleed]

The Heartbleed bug is a vulnerability in OpenSSL's TLS implementation. The CVE ID for this issue is CVE-2014-0160

3 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Updating openssl to fix heartbleed bug tries to remove redis-server

I am trying to fix openssl heartbleed bug on my server. I read that I can update the openssl version with the following command: sudo apt-get install openssl libssl1.0.0 But when i try to run this ...
maths's user avatar
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How to better block phishing spam due to heartbleed?

I imagine it won't take long for spammers to recognize that Heartbleed is an ideal way to do phishing. I am thinking of ways to mitigate the phishing risk, I mean just this time for the heartbleed bug,...
Thomas Weller's user avatar
-1 votes
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Upgrade to secure openssl fails

Upgrade to secure openssl fails Method: have in /etc/apt/sources.list: deb wheezy/updates main contrib non-free Then do: apt-get update apt-cache policy openssl apt-...
user216141's user avatar