Questions tagged [home-drive]

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1 answer

Renaming multiple folders

I have 5000 folder under a specific path as /servername/home. I want to rename them by reading the folder names from text file. I tried the below script but it does not work. Foreach($folder in Get-...
12 votes
1 answer

Best practice for defining user "HOMEDRIVE" "HOMEPATH" "HOMESHARE"

Is it considered a best practice to map domain users' "HOME" environment variables to a network path? If so, why? By "HOME" variables, I am referring to: %HOMEDRIVE% %HOMEPATH% %HOMESHARE% This ...
1 vote
3 answers

Auto-mapping network drive when a user logs in

I used to know how to do this a few years ago, but I can't remember how I did it. I have one machine that is used by 5 different people. I need to map their home drive/folder when a user logs in with ...
0 votes
1 answer

Security Permissions for Roaming Profiles, Folder Redirection and Home Drives and Automatic Creation

Looking at changing the way we manage roaming profiles, home drives and folder redirection. Our last sysadmin was lazy and set everyone access to everything to get around the headache of setting up ...
1 vote
2 answers

User's home drive permissions don't contain system or administrators on Windows Server 2008 R2

I have a user whose home drive has only that user in the permissions. No administrators, etc. I have tried to take ownership as a local administrator however I cant seem to apply settings to the ...
2 votes
1 answer

Windows 7 - Home Drive Map Fails

Server 2003 SP2 (not R2) with 2 new Win 7 Pro workstations. Home Drive is set in AD (not GP) to map to \\server\users\username. Home Drive map fails, other network drives map correctly. No error ...