Questions tagged [http-method]

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2 answers

If I send a HTTP GET request do I receive the response in GET? [closed]

This is probably a very basic question so pardon my ignorance Which method does the server use to respond to the requests it gets? I am making a web app and there's a certain route which returns a ...
RinkyPinku's user avatar
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1 answer

Apache and custom HTTP method

Is it possible to make apache accept custom HTTP methods? Say I want to send DESCRIBE method. I tried enabling it in Limit directive but apache returned 405 method not allowed. Here is my config, it'...
Peter's user avatar
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1 answer

How to use nginx reverse_proxy for PUT requests?

When I use nginx as reverse proxy in front of some other web application, it seems not to forward PUT requests, but shows an HTTP 405 generated by nginx (and not the upstream server). I tried the ...
allo's user avatar
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Apache/Tomcat web server: nmap always returns that all http-methods are allowed

I'm running a web server with Apache http server in front of an Apache Tomcat server. My goal: Disable http-methods DELETE and PUT on the web server. According to OWASP (
chloesoe's user avatar
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Why does my condition on %{REQUEST_METHOD} not appear to work in my apache .conf file

I was trying to whittle down the cases where the Access-Control-Allow-Origin is sent in a response to only some specific scenarios such as only for specific request methods. In this situation we ...
jpierson's user avatar
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1 answer

Apply location block to alias requests only on HTTP GET requests

I have a web application which is accessed through nginx, which acts as a reverse proxy. However, a subpath of this application is aliased to a directory. The server configuration is as follows: ...
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1 answer

Method request in nginx

my Nginx report in error log with 2012/07/24 13:00:16 [notice] 19056#0: *3275841 "^(GET|HEAD|POST)$" matches "GET", client:, server: _, request: "GET /template/images/loading.gif HTTP/...
tquang's user avatar
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2 answers

Configure Apache httpd to ignore/block a specific HTTP method?

Is it possible to configure Apache httpd to ignore/block a specific HTTP method? If so, how? I've tried adding the following but it didn't make any difference, non-listed methods still get through: &...
Pablo Fernandez's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

HAProxy - Redirect scheme to HTTPS by keeping the same HTTP method (POST)

I'm using HAProxy 1.6 I'm forcing https usage. Therefore in my backend I'm redirecting http to https. For that I'm using the following code: backend my-app-name redirect scheme https if !{ ...
maxime_039's user avatar
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0 answers

Getting no response when using POST method (URGENT)

I have 3 servers svrA, svrB, and svrC. svrA and svrB need to call a web service ( hosted in svrC. Now the issue is sometimes I am able to get the response from ...
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2 answers

Nginx not honoring configuration

I have a kubernetes deployment which requires the following configuration: POST must be allowed from any origin. GET, HEAD, LIST must be restricted to intranet. I came up with: include modules/*....
vfbsilva's user avatar
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