Questions tagged [images]

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0 votes
1 answer

NGINX redirect attempts download instead of rendering image

I've got a PHP page that renders a dynamic image /scripts/oem-image.php?brand=$1&sku=$2 break; I'm trying to do a background redirect (keep the original url) from a .jpg link. For instance, if ...
0 votes
1 answer

nginx giving 500 for images and for some api's

We have a site deployed on crafter, when we access it directly with "IP:port" it works fine. But when we are accessing it with Nginx reverse proxy, it gives 500 for images and other api's. ...
1 vote
1 answer

Trying to get Apache to serve webp instead of png/jpg (from /img folder of prestashop)

First post here, so I hope I did it well. I converted all png/jpg starting from my prestashop public_html folder to webp, and added rewrite rules to the .htaccess in order to have the webp served ...
0 votes
1 answer

Docker private registry as kubernetes pod - deleted images auto-recreated

I run a docker private registry v2.7.0 as a kubernetes pod with a service and a persistent volume, thanks to the Varun Kumar G tutorial, which has been the only successful method on my setup, for ...
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0 answers

NGINX liip_imagine unable to create path for ... "Get operation failed" webp - not creating .webp in media/cache/filter_name symfony

So in my liip_imagine i have something like: webp: generate: True quality: 70 and it works good locally, it serves .png.webp images, but when i put it on my NGINX server i have an issue called ...
0 votes
1 answer

Comparing file differences between an offline and an online linux image

so I hired a freelancer to do some work on my server that required admin access. Before hiring him I took a backup of my debian installation on that server. I have a basic level of trust with this guy ...
4 votes
1 answer

htaccess rewrite /dir/*.jpg to /dir/webp/*.webp only when webp file exists

I'm trying to rewrite all website files (*.jpg|*.gif|*.png) to *.webp in a subdir, but only when the *.webp file exists. Previous and new files have the same name, only changing the extension and *....
2 votes
0 answers

Displaying ODG files thumbnails in Mediawiki

I would like to manage network diagrams in a Mediawiki instance using Libreoffice Draw (odg extension) : importing the odg files in the wiki is working but it's actually impossible to display ...
0 votes
0 answers

Automate Docker Base Image Lifecycle

I'd like to provide for our disconnected container infrastructure (OKD, Harbor) several base images, which are automatically weekly renewed (re-created) and images older than XX days are pruned. For ...
1 vote
1 answer

Magento 2 with Nginx and Varnish - How to serve webp images

I am using the following, trying to serve webp images from Magento using Nginx and Varnish as caching. Added to /etc/nginx/mime.types image/webp webp; Added to main nginx.conf http { map $...
0 votes
1 answer

Laravel mass image serve

We have a Laravel application and imagine the following: We have a slider with a play button that will start showing images on a slideshow. These images arrived from web cameras so obviously there are ...
0 votes
0 answers

Copy files from city web cam to WordPress site

Have a user that would like to copy city webcam images showing day by day construction of their building, then house those copied images on their WordPress site. The URL is always the same http://www....
-2 votes
1 answer

error code 401 when call ping search image api {"error":{"code":"401","message":"...
2 votes
1 answer

Convert VMDK images into AMI images

I have setup and environment for building the virtual machines in vmdk format and then use ec2 api tools to convert, bundle and upload it to the AWS Cloud. However, I am facing certain challenges in ...
1 vote
0 answers

How to convert files to jpg format in nginx?

I've just setup nginx uploading with nginx_upload_module with the following configuration: location = /upload { # backend upload_endpoint upload_pass @upload_endpoint; upload_store /var/...
0 votes
1 answer

Serving images is too slow in certain ISP

I'm serving Images as part of my website for a long time now, but recently images became too slow on a certain ISP! I'm hosting on DigitalOcean with a load balancer (with http2 rule) in front of ...
4 votes
1 answer

WordPress not resizing images with Nginx + php-fpm and other issues

Recently i setup a Ubuntu 12.04 VPS with 512mb/1ghz CPU, Nginx + php-fpm + Varnish + APC + Percona's MySQL server + CloudFlare Pro for our Ubuntu LoCo Team's WordPress blog. The blog get about 3~4k ...
-1 votes
1 answer

How do I setup Sendmail and the FQDN for use with server images

I have loadbalancer sitting infront of serveral webservers. The website served up has a contact form that uses sendmail. I have installed sendmail on one of these webservers: web-01 This is the ...
4 votes
1 answer

Whats the best filesystem for managing millions of images?

I am designing a system capable of working with 15 million (and growing) image files ranging from 100k to 10mb. I am looking for some opinions on what may be the best filesystem to support the (...
82 votes
24 answers

Storing a million images in the filesystem

I have a project that will generate a huge number of images. Around 1,000,000 for start. They are not large images so I will store them all on one machine at start. How do you recommended on ...
0 votes
1 answer

is access time of images dependant on number of images on server?

I expect to host a website with many images, and I mean many - around 300-400k. I am wondering if the number of items on my server affects access time? In other words, will GET requests be slower ...
0 votes
1 answer

Nginx Rewrite Rules Are Messing Up Images

Wondering if anyone with some nginx experience could help me out with a rewrite rule issue I'm having. I want to remove .html and trailing slashes from my URLs, so I put the following code in the ...
0 votes
1 answer

Nginx Cache status Miss even after adding caching

I am new to caching on nginx. I have been trying to set caching on server but X-Cache-Status is giving a MISS even after adding configurations for css/js/and images. This is leading to high load time ...
-2 votes
1 answer

How do I prevent all script execution in a web-accessible image uploads directory?

I am using nginx and PHP, and want to allow images to be uploaded by my users, and placed into a public web accessible directory. I currently have this rule defined: location ~ /uploads { ...
0 votes
0 answers

QEMU image format

I have an image with .qemu format. I looked here to see QEMU supported formats but there is no .qemu. Is.qemu equal to raw? Thanks
8 votes
3 answers

Possbile to port a KVM VM to Amazon EC2?

We currently have our own servers that have multiple KVM guests. If we ever decide to move to the Amazon EC2, would it possible to simply copy the VM image over or would I need to begin reconfiguring ...
-2 votes
2 answers

What is best directory for storing uploaded images from my website in linux [closed]

i am building a webpage where a the user can upload images. i am going to use the file-system to store my images. i was wondering what is the best directory to hold such data? is it "var" directory? "...
4 votes
1 answer

Why would a Image Hosting website, such as Imgur, use AWS EC2 instances over S3 buckets for uploads?

I was reading a Q&A with the creator of Imgur, and he went into detail explaining the server infrastructure that Imgur runs on. Here's a small quote from what he had to say: Most of the ...
1 vote
1 answer

Using Loris image server for IIIF functionality, no responses

I've been trying to implement a small, local IIIF supported image server using the Loris image server. I'm running this on a Centos box (which did required some special setup wizardry.) I was able to ...
0 votes
0 answers

Getting PXE-E78 error when trying to network boot

When imaging a laptop or desktop through our network, I keep getting these errors. The fix I've found is starting Windows up before I throw up our company image and doing a renew/refresh in cmd. Any ...
1 vote
2 answers

Best way to optimize (loss-less) thousands of jpgs in a windows folder structure?

Using or Firebug's built-in image optimizer I realize we can reduce the file size of all of our web jpgs. By quite much actually. As we have hundreds of thousands of images, is there any way ...
0 votes
0 answers

Docker container for on-demand deployment of other Docker containers

I have read the "Getting Started" introduction on Docker's website, but I still have one question I could not find an answer to: Is it possible to set up a Docker container which can create other ...
1 vote
2 answers

nginx load balancing images not loading

Below is my load balancing other servers contain nginx unicorn based application setup. When i tried above configuration the images are not loading. I have total three servers 1 ...
2 votes
3 answers

Real-time Image Resize, Cropping and Caching Server Product [closed]

I'm investigating what products are out there that will allow you to request images through a HTTP API in arbitrary image sizes. The server would behind a CDN but would still need to be able to handle ...
0 votes
0 answers

Nginx : Images takes too long to load. (1sec to download a 50KB image)

I just switched from Apache to debian 7.6 nginx php-fpm and after running all kind of optimisations it seems that it takes a lot longer than usual to display images : The application is extremely ...
-1 votes
1 answer

Does/can serving larger files (images in this case) necessitate increased CPU load on a linux/apache web server?

We are experiencing quite a high CPU load on our web server right now (I'm just doing some research, I am not actually the website's administrator) One of the most significant changes has been a new ...
1 vote
2 answers

Dicom: What are my options? [closed]

After a cursory Googling, I can't find a legitimate list of DICOM vendors. I've tried DCM4Chee, Conquest, and PacsOne. Each server seems to have it's own quirks and annoyances, memory leaks, etc... ...
1 vote
1 answer

How to ideally store images on Amazon S3

I want to store a huge number of images on Amazon S3 (served via Cloudfront). Currently the way I am doing is simply dumping the images and having basic HTTP Cache headers set to a month so that users ...
0 votes
2 answers

Optimize images on CentOS server [closed]

I have a huge directory of images on a CentOS server (~65gb). The images are predominantly jpeg's but theres some png's and a couple of gif's. Here's the annoying and weird part - the images are all ...
0 votes
1 answer

Ubuntu 13.10 server has no kernels

Something has gone wrong and now we no longer have a Linux kernel (not even recovery mode) installed. GRUB is still there, but it runs the memory test. How can I fix this? Everything I've looked at ...
0 votes
1 answer

How to efficiently permanently redirect 150.000 images?

For SEO purposes I need to rename around 150.000 images, then I'd like to permanently redirect the previous url locations requests to the new locations. The current url to every image is something ...
0 votes
2 answers

How to decide on MPM module (worker.c, prefork.c or something else

We have several sites running on one server. (CentOS, Hostgator "Elite") A few of the sites are fairly large and our main site is large enough that Google has indexed > 1,000,000 pages. I complained ...
0 votes
2 answers

Where to store images users upload [closed]

I'm using Restlet as backend trying to create a small web app. I am allowing users to upload their profile images, but not sure where to store them. Google tells me to store it in the file system ...
3 votes
1 answer

How to distinguish between virtual disk image formats?

There is huge number of different formats for virtual storage files for desktop and server purposes (vmdk, qcow2, vdi, vdk, etc.). I'm writing a little script for manipulating them and would like the ...
10 votes
6 answers

What happens if you don't sysprep an image?

I've been researching WDS and other imaging tools, and the best practice seems to be to sysprep the master machine before imaging. However, where I've been working they simply build a machine then ...
1 vote
3 answers

nginx hackery : change image file every X request

Let me describe what I am trying to do first. I have a bunch of pictures in a directory called /images/*.(jpg|gif|png|blah blah|) Now say these images are embedded in an html page and I dont really ...
1 vote
1 answer

htaccess rewrite?

i have a script that uploads images, creates a hash for it, creates 3 directories, and stores the image to imgs/f3s/v5g/234/536_f3sv5g2344270fd093ee8a9bf8de3de32dad.jpg (the “536_” is the user id) ...
3 votes
1 answer

Apache Options in .htaccess file

I am using Options +FollowSymLinks -MultiViews within a .htaccess file that is stored within 1 folder above the images folders, but this causes issues for seeing the images in these directories when ...
4 votes
3 answers

What's the best way to store thousands of images in a windows folder structure?

We have hundreds of thousands of jpg images in a windows folder structure like this but it's really hard to interact and work with them in a snappy way (listing takes time, copying takes time, etc). ...
0 votes
1 answer

How to set Apache to return 403 on images used as CSS backgrounds [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: How to prevent hot linking (“image theft” / “bandwidth theft”) of ressources on my site? I'd like to configure my Apache server similar to a working configuration I noticed on ...