Questions tagged [incrontab]

incrontab is a command from the incron project (inotify cron, for cron based on inotify events) used to manage the crontab for incron

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20 votes
5 answers

rsync error unexplained error (code 255) at io.c

I was using a script to perform rsync in sudo crontab. The script does a 2-way rsync (from serverA to serverB and reverse). After I reboot both the server machines, the rsync is not working in sudo ...
kabeer's user avatar
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0 answers

How can I get incron to run a task when a file is overwritten?

I have data extract that gets updated by another server. I want to run a script whenever that file is updated. My incron task looks similar to: /path/to/file IN_MODIFY php -f /path/to/script.php -- ...
David R.'s user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

How can I create cron jobs in specific files on Linux Centos

I want to have a separate folders for cron jobs like: /mydata/cronjobs Now in that folder I want to have files like backup_server which will have the content like: 30 3 * * 1-5 /home/user/scripts/...
MOtaro Site's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Setting up inotify (incron) to monitor several directories using asterisk

I am trying to create an entry in /etc/incron.d/ that'd monitor all changes done under the following directories: /var/www/virtualhosts/*/*/public/css Now, I assume this should be as ...
Gajus's user avatar
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2 answers

incrontab watching files uploaded through vsftpd

I have a process where users ftp particular files to /home/ftp/file1.txt & /home/ftp/file2.txt any given time of the day. I setup incrontab with the following: /home/ftp/file1.txt IN_CLOSE_WRITE ...
KinGBin's user avatar
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1 answer

ways to automatically fix line endings in shell scripts or files who break with ^M

Problem We regularly break our files lines endings and things stop working without us noticing. Bash complains about "invalid option" or ": command not found" as described here: http://...
pyb's user avatar
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2 answers

Using puppet to manage incrontab

Puppet has the cron resource for managing the crontab, but is there a similar way of managing incrontab? I can find no writings anywhere regarding this, and to be fair, I'm extremely new to puppet (...
Josh Smeaton's user avatar
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2 answers

What resources is incrond using? What can make it stop?

Incrontab is set up to monitor approx. 10 directories. The only thing it does is that it starts a Bash script when the new file is received inside one of these directories. Approximately, one file is ...
Muhamed Huseinbašić's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

incrond Error - access denied on /home/*/abc/ events will be discarded silently

I am getting following error on Ubuntu in the logs. incrond Error - access denied on /home/*/abc/ events will be discarded silently I am trying to monitor /home/*/abc/ can be anything. Any ...'s user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Incron executes only once

I have an incron configured , in the incrontab. The event gets executed only once after the reload and incron disables the watch after that and the event does not get triggered by incrontab table ...
Prashanth Ganesh's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

use incrontab to run a cron job when anything under a directory is modified using *

how can I tell incrontab to run this command when there has been any modification done under the /web directory? /web IN_CREATE,IN_DELETE,IN_MODIFY /bin/echo "this is a test..."
Eli's user avatar
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3 answers

Cron - Does not execute command every 10 mins

I don't understand why cron is not really executing the command every 10 minutes. in crontab -e I have added: */10 * * * * /var/www/myproject/recording/ I could see in the cron log it is ...
I'll-Be-Back's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

cron takes UTC time instead of local time

I've a script set in cronjob to run at 00 hours but it runs 5 hours earlier ie at 7PM local of earlier day. I mean it was supposed to run at local 00 hours of local time but it ran at 00 hours of UTC/...
arun kushwaha's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Cronjob starts multiple processes

Cronjob creates multiple processes for the same script. One using /usr/bin/php /path/to/php/script And other using /bin/sh -c /usr/bin/php /path/to/php/script These are 2 separate processes....
VarunS03's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

incrontab is not recognizing www-data writes

I have a Linux server with incrontab. Here is my incrontab /home/pi/upload IN_MODIFY /bin/sh /home/pi/autoprint $@/$# If I am a root user, i tried creating a new pdf file inside the 'upload' folder, ...
vvavepacket's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

Incrontab does not execute command

I have copied this question over here from unix.StackOverflow When I use incrontab out of the box, I mean no changes, I get no result, as if the cmd was not executed. my incron line is : /crrae ...
user3545361's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

crontab emails me that /bin/bash/ mail or /bin/bash mailx is not found

Update: cron string is now correct in structure. I have the mailto:[email protected],[email protected] option configured in my crontab I have this crontask scheduled right now: */5 * * * * root /bin/...
mcv's user avatar
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2 answers

Trigger a command when two files have arrived in different directories in Centos 7

I need to launch a command when two files from different sources are present. Every file could arrive in different time, but I want to trigger the command when both were received. I have tried to do ...
Jose Ángel de Pascual Viciana's user avatar
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Cron Job Issue - Centos 7 ( Centos Webpanel) [duplicate]

The following cronjob don´t work in my server and I don´t understand the reason Cron: `curl >...
Andres jimenez's user avatar
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1 answer

redirect website while making backup

I use incron to create backups for a website, and I like to redirect all requests to an other site when/while my scripts are running. What I have done so far... incron runs some scripts every time I ...
Mario's user avatar
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1 answer

Why am I seeing much more cron jobs in webmin than in `crontab -e`?

I am just starting to learn cron jobs. Basically I am going to use webmin to manage my cron jobs, I am also reading some basic information about cron jobs. So far I've learned that /etc/crontab ...
shenkwen's user avatar
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2 answers

Running python script in incrontab in Debian

I have a user, dropbox, that runs the Dropbox daemon, I want to monitor the directories in the Dropbox directory for new files and run a python script when they appear. I have the python script that ...
WilliamMayor's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

php core script not getting called from Crontab

I am using core PHP and written a simple script that needs to be called automatically. For testing purpose I have just written a print statement as below, $host = 'localhost'; $user = 'admin'; $pass = ...
user595016's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

crond service running after removing the entry in crontab

I removed the entries in crontab for root and still, I can see the scripts running tail -f /var/log/cron. How can I remove those entries. Output of cron log: CROND[2736]: (root) CMD (/home/centos/...
Ricky Vijay's user avatar
-2 votes
1 answer

What's the difference between /var/spool/cron and /var/spool/cron/crontabs?

This went unmentoned anywhere else I could find, not even in the man page of crontab. what's the difference between them? some people say they don't have /var/spool/cron/crontabs, but one can easily ...
Sajuuk's user avatar
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