Questions tagged [localhost]

Localhost is an address/term used for testing connection to the local host (current computer) used for some network troubleshooting

124 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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2 answers

How to reset and persist the hostname and FQDN of an Windows Azure Centos instance?

How does one reset a hostname and domain name (FQDN) to localhost.localdomain on a Centos 6.2 Azure Instance? I've tried editing /etc/sysconfig/network, /etc/sysctl.conf, setting the hostname manually,...
ddario's user avatar
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Match address rule in sshd_config, , difference between localhost, and [::1]

I would like to understand why these three rules in sshd_config behave differently : Match host localhost PasswordAuthentication yes Match address PasswordAuthentication yes Match ...
hello world's user avatar
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psping to localhost - improve throughput

I'm using following psping command to measure the bandwith throughput for localhost on a physical server psping -4 -b -l 8k -n 20000 localhost:1234 The throughput is around 150MB/s wich isn't all ...
Lieven Keersmaekers's user avatar
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Nginx redirecting every url to localhost

I have a Django website running with Nginx and Gunicorn. Everytime I call a url on the server, example website/url, it redirects to localhost/url. I have given the nginx settings in both nginx.conf ...
Shounak's user avatar
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Getting 503 when trying to run Classic ASP on Win7 and IIS7.5

I am being asked to resurrect a classic ASP application for temporary use. Wonderful. Well, the pay's the same, so I am now trying to get the thing to run on my localhost so I can test it and so on. ...
Cyberherbalist's user avatar
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haproxy tcp transparent mode on the same box as service

I'd like to set up transparent HA Proxy for TCP protocol. It works flawlessly when HA Proxy is in front of the boxes that are running the service. But when I try to set up HA Proxy in transparent mode ...
Filip's user avatar
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MYSQL: Aborted connection to db: 'unconnected' user: debian-sys-maint' host: 'localhost' (Got timeout reading communication packets)

I recently migrated all my logs to a new service, where I could see a recurring bug in mysql. The message is the following: Aborted connection <NUM> to db: 'unconnected' user: debian-sys-maint'...
Gonzalo's user avatar
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sendmail localhost host name lookup failure

I am starting to see a certain type of email that is causing problems for our users. I am running sendmail on Fedora with mimedefang-filter. When this certain type of spam comes in with random ...
xivix's user avatar
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how to serve php files on a Apache server (localhost) running Coldfusion/MySql?

I'm still learning my ways around on my localhost server, whih is running Apache 2.2, Coldfusion8 and MySQL Server 5.5 (on Windows XP). I need to work on a site I inherited, which also ran some PHP ...
frequent's user avatar
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how to set up nginx aliases on a localhost development server?

Struggling to adapt nginx to my framework and get the equivalent of, in apache config : Alias /site1 "/home/framework/public_HTML" (and then localhost/site1 displays site1 with local/dev ...
mikakun's user avatar
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More explicit Nginx logs

I use nginx in my MacOS to test third-party authentications such as Google and Twitter in localhost. As a result, on my local website https://localhost:8000/..., I could engage with for ...
SoftTimur's user avatar
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How do ProxyPass from Apache to node.js so I can drop the port number in my local URL?

I'm trying to use a domain name for local development of a next.js app. Normally, it fires up at localhost:3000 but I'd like to use site1.local (and no port). I've edited my hosts files to point the ...
paintedbicycle's user avatar
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Which Traefik config to replace Ngrok?

I have a server with a public IP and Traefik V2 running on it (dockerized). I have pointing to the server's public IP. I can make a SSH reverse tunnel between my laptop and the ...
Sulliwane's user avatar
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windows 10 localhost resolution slow

i am running a local python server on windows 10 and sending requests to it via the localhost domain are significantly slower than using i have edited my hosts file and the problem occurs ...
jpro's user avatar
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Web server on remote, is it possible to ssh to remote and have local browser connect to server?

On a headless remote machine which I connect to via ssh and do not have sudo privileges, I have an interactive python script with a console interface. I want to use a simple web framework like flask ...
Elfen Dew's user avatar
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CURL Cannot Resolve Host running on MAMP

I have a MAMP PRO set up with local SSL certificates for a url named qph-plugin.local which is running a wordpress site. When I view the site in the browser on my machine it all works as expected. ...
Paul's user avatar
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If I have user/host pair "root@<MyMachineName>", is it necessary to keep "root@localhost" in the mysql host/users table? (multi-part Q)

On computer "dexwin10", the user@host pair is as follows: root@dexwin10 root@% root@localhost When people install our software, we want them to be able to access the database from computers ...
Collin's user avatar
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How to connect to localhost in Docker in Windows Server 2016

Background: Am using Windows Server 2016 Have installed Containers Have installed Docker (not Docker Desktop / Docker for Windows): Have multiple ...
A X's user avatar
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Unable to make named virtual hosts work on windows-docker-nginx

Windows version: 10 Docker for Windows: (30215) Nginx: latest Docker-compose.yml: version: '3.7' services: nginx: restart: always image: nginx:latest ports: ...
Ilyas Khametov's user avatar
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Postfix google network is not reachable from server but its reachable with same configs on local

This is my # See /usr/share/postfix/ for a commented, more complete version # Debian specific: Specifying a file name will cause the first # line of that file to be used as the ...
Yamen Nassif's user avatar
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haproxy with SSL in front of apache for local development

I work on a web app that regularly makes AJAX calls to a REST server that (in production) is accessed via the same domain. While developing locally, I have been redirecting REST calls to a dev server ...
thedarklord47's user avatar
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How to connect to a service on a local network machine whch which only listens to localhost?

I have a service which only listens to localhost on port 7400. There is a service running on a windows and an ubuntu machine on a private network. How can another computer on the same network ...
Greg's user avatar
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What is the 'play' host?

I tested the following on a Ubuntu machine. The command ping play results in PING play ( 56(84) bytes of data. 64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.029 ms 64 bytes from ...
Michel Krämer's user avatar
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How to set up Apache2 on different local development environments to use the same artificial host name?

I have two development environments: PC at work (env1), laptop at home (env2). Both machines run Ubuntu 15.10 with Apache 2.4.12. Once finished, the project shall be deployed to a public web server (...
Bunjip's user avatar
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How to map apache to use an index file inside another directory in www/html/ without reflecting on url

Apache version: 2.4 OS: Ubuntu 14.04 I am not sure whether I wrote the heading correctly. My index file is located at some directory (say /var/www/html/new/ ) rather than the default apache root. I ...
Anonymous Platypus's user avatar
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dnsmasq causes "Bad request syntax"

I need to wildcard localhost for dev purpose and I'm really green on dns and network things. With wildcard localhost I mean that I need to test my python and node.js applications with:, ...
nkint's user avatar
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Mongoose hang waiting for localhost

I'm using Mongoose on Windows 10, localhost is unreliable. I have tried almost all hosts file combination possible. I have tried almost all qualified names for localhost. Most of the time it just ...
user1169933's user avatar
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DNS does not route properly to WAN NIC when dnscrypt is used

I have a Windows 2003 server with AD integrated DNS. I'm trying to configure the server to make outgoing (forwarded) DNS requests through dnscrypt proxy instead of through the normal TCP/UDP 53. I ...
just.another.programmer's user avatar
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Ubuntu server not using localhost IP for internal communication

I am using Ubuntu Server 13.04 on my mail system. I am just setting the Postfix and Amavis. In every config for communication I am using as IP address to pass mails to amavis. When I look to ...
InToSSH's user avatar
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Bingbot spoof localhost ip

So here is a fun one. I'm getting bingbot requests at a certain time everyday that kill the server. Here is the request: - - [14/Sep/2013:08:18:49 -0500] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 82810 "-" "...
Alan's user avatar
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vhost working but not finding index.php

Its my first time that i have a vserver with plesk - i always deleted plesk and worked without it because i didnt liked it but now i try with and it doesnt work as i want it. installed magento here: ...
Jonny Vince's user avatar
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3 answers

VirtualDocumentRoot & localhost

Currently this is my httpd-vhosts.config file NameVirtualHost *:80 <VirtualHost *:80> VirtualDocumentRoot /Users/Gabri/Sites/%2/%1/build </VirtualHost> However I would like to have ...
ahmedelgabri's user avatar
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Can't load my php.ini on localhost

I have a server and a local version of it on my hard drive. I am trying to access the local version through localhost. Entering localhost works, I enter the base html file and all that. The problem ...
john-jones's user avatar
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IIS 7 my site works using localhost but using or my IP fails

My question title basically says it all. I was reading some other questions that are similar to this, but I think I need some help on trouble shooting it. Can't seem to figure it out. Using IIS 7, ...
gdbj's user avatar
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mysql error : "cant connect to local mysql server through socket

Taps Server Error: Mysql::Error: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2) I get this error whenever I try to push my local mysql to heroku postgres. It ...
joar's user avatar
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Apache fails to serve request or pauses for extended period of time

At seeming random intervals, my page requests will timeout. It happens the most to me when I am working on either a Drupal 7 project or a CodeIgniter project. Chrome gives me the error Error 7 (net::...
Icode4food's user avatar
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Latency time to sometimes load css or js file to 5s on localhost

I use windows 7 64 bit + xampp 1.74 (apache) You can see in this picture: all that files is on localhost. it takes 5s to response. i checked Why ...
meotimdihia's user avatar
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Access a host server running on localhost from a guest VM? (XP-Mode)

I have a weblogic server running on localhost, and I'd like to connect to it from an XP-mode virtual machine without much hassle. It isn't accessible via its IP, so I've been trying to get the XP-mode ...
Stefan Kendall's user avatar
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404 in local server with apache and dnsmasq

I have been trying to setup a local server to the ones mentioned here and here(added TLDR at the bottom), but I keep getting 404s no matter what I try. I can ping both and So I ...
alme1304's user avatar
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Bypass DNS rebinding for localhost

I am encountering more and more issues with an app I created that binds to on an obscure port. I have a domain name - due to needing an SSL cert - that resolves to I have this ...
Dan's user avatar
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Wordpress site on localhost WAMP "This site can´t be reached this connection was reset ERR_CONNECTION_RESET"

I've been working on a WordPress site on localhost using WAMP. My site was slow and I saw that it would get faster if I unchecked the cgi Apache module. Now, none of my local WordPress sites load ...
humblestudent's user avatar
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MySQL Database refusing connection to user with USAGE privileges

I have a user 'salesman'@'%' trying to connect to my database with USAGE privileges on *.*, and SELECT privileges on one view within the database. Whenever I try to connect to the database whether via ...
o0V0o's user avatar
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Cannot connect to website through reverse proxy on local network

I'm having this strange issue. I have a local network running a server with my gitlab instance and some webpages. The configuration of my reverse proxy is following: server { server_name
Just Bucket's user avatar
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All tcp ports are not reachable on localhost (MacOS 13.4)

A friend of mine asked for help, basically any app listening on some local tcp port on localhost can't be reached. For example a node.js server running on port 8080 or 3000. Executing the command sudo ...
revy's user avatar
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Windows 11, localhost / port number changes on invocation

I'm testing a fastapi http server on Windows 11 running on In another terminal, a request is sent to the server on The result is a Bad Request and the server says it ...
Henry Thornton's user avatar
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cURL error 7: Failed to connect to localhost port 443: Connection refused

OS version: Ubuntu 20.04 x86_64 Plesk version: Plesk Obsidian Hi, I am running XenForo Forum on my Plesk which running behind Cloudflare. I get following erro log, which is showing me that ...
Adem Aga's user avatar
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How to access pods from local terminal?

I have a Kind cluster installed on my Ubuntu machine. I have deployed few pods on the cluster and can see they're running using kubectl get pods command. As my pods are some NodeJS services and a ...
best_of_man's user avatar
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Can I tunnel all ports from remote server to (for example), so work with it like with localhost

I have a remote server. I started on remote server app that listen localhost only. I want to tunnel this server to local ip like and access this app through like I on remote server. I need ...
Дмитрий Лейкин's user avatar
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Localhost not working with vue.js

Im new using vue.js, so I just installed vue.cli and I tried localhost:8080 and it worked perfectly showing the vue welcome page. Then, 2 minutes later, localhost is not showing the page anymore (...
NdeNoob's user avatar
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Can't make v2ray to send DNS queries to its localhost

There are two v2ray servers A and B with similar configurations but A works as an intermediary (vmess+websocket on both inbound and outboud) to reach B. I want to make A to send incoming DNS queries ...
Masood Lapeh's user avatar