Questions tagged [lsof]

Lsof is a tool to list opened files by processes

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14 votes
3 answers

Link to a specific inode

I have a file that was deleted, but is still held open by a program. I found the inode number using lsof. How can I create a hard link back to that inode?
Jeff Ferland's user avatar
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What's the difference between `lsof -p <pid> | wc -l` and `ls /proc/<pid>/fd | wc -l`?

Background: I'm playing around with monitoring the ulimit for running processes for a particular user. (I had occasionally seen processes that were getting started with an incorrect limit.) I asked a ...
Jared's user avatar
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4 answers

Running lsof -i shows a lot of connections in CLOSE_WAIT ? Should I worry

So I am running lsof -i | wc -l periodically and it is telling me that out of 420 lines, between 240 and 255 are in CLOSE_WAIT state. How does TCP connections enter this state? Should I be worried ...
user20414's user avatar
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How can I observe what nginx is doing? (to solve: "1024 worker_connections are not enough")

I have a very low traffic site running on nginx, with 4 workers, 1024 connections each. Every several hours I start seeing in the error log "1024 worker_connections are not enough", and my site slows ...
John Bachir's user avatar
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Why is rpc.lockd obscured from netstat/lsof output?

Prologue: On a number of machines, which happen to act as NFS clients, netstat reports two ports that are open with no PID listed for an associated daemon. Ordinarily this might be a bit concerning. ...
Dan Carley's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

lsof for files opened by other users

How do I see the list of files open (lsof) in a specific directory and by other users? I can do lsof +D /path, but that only shows current user's files. Any way to see if other users have opened ...
user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Custom lsof output

The following command produced the unix domain socket opened by PID 30661 $ sudo lsof -U -a -p 30661 COMMAND PID USER FD TYPE DEVICE SIZE/OFF NODE NAME haproxy 30661 haproxy 7u ...
pradeepchhetri's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

lsof shows tmp growing file marked as deleted

I have a cron that generated a lot (15GB) of PHP warnings and was writing them in a log file. I killed the process and as a temporary measure I stopped redirecting stderr to stdout so I don't fill up ...
rwms's user avatar
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2 answers

Unknown process on port, lsof no help, nfs-kernel-server?

During a standard security sweep we found out a something was listening on a port unknown to us, 2030, and we are having trouble determining the source. # netstat -anp | grep LIST tcp 0 0 ...
Wrikken's user avatar
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1 answer

Find what is using disk space in CentOS 7 (du vs df vs lsof)

I have a server, CentOS 7, that show disk usage on DF way higher than you can see on DU and I trying to understand why DF shows 38GB used DU shows 14GB There is no mount point on any folder Checking ...
kordhaldrum's user avatar
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Centos 7.4, dev/vda1 is 100% [duplicate]

My VPS on DO now has an issue of dev/vda1 is 100% since around 3 months ago, at that time, I did poweroff & reboot then disk spaced freed. But the thing rans into some bigger issue since 1 week ...
Phong Thai's user avatar