Questions tagged [mainframe]

Use this tag for questions related to the IBM z Systems machines and their predecessors ever since the System/360, as well as their operating systems, such as z/OS and Linux on z Systems.

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Mainframe VSE configuration questions for a new Systems Admin for VSE

I am not new to mainframe but I am new to the System Administrator side of configuring a mainframe. I have mostly been on the production control/computer operations side of the Mainframe. I was ...
Andre's user avatar
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Can z/VSE expose data via SOAP/REST?

I work for a large organization still using an IBM mainframe on z/VSE 5.1. Today we interact with the system over flat files exclusively (to get data out of the system or pass data in). Does ...
Killnine's user avatar
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Check health of my system such as database connections, mainframe connections, messaging services etc

I am so new to this topic that I am not even sure I am asking it correctly but I will give my best. We have number of applications talking to databases such as Oracle and Mainframe and uses messaging ...
dbnex14's user avatar
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