Questions tagged [mpm-worker]

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27 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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2 answers

1GB VPS - Apache Worker MPM - FCGID - Max concurrent connections - RAM CAP

I have spent a week or two researching and setting up my server to run Apache with the Worker MPM and FCID. I am trying to optimize it to allow for the most concurrent connections possible. It has ...
user1287874's user avatar
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apache mpm_worker server failed to respond

I'm trying to update our current Apache 2.4.9 configuration from using prefork to worker mpm. I'm doing some simple load testing using jmeter to compare the performance between the 2. My first test is ...
aka_tony's user avatar
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Configuring mod_wsgi daemon mode processes and threads

I am planning to use mpm_worker or mpm_event with daemon mode of mod_wsgi. How to configure processes and threads of WSGIDaemonProcess directive for the optimal performance of apache 2.4.9
eldos's user avatar
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Using Apache2 Worder MPM with Moodle

Is Moodle (I am using Moodle 2.5.2) compatible with Apache2 "Worker MPM" (in contrast to "Prefork MPM"). If it is indeed compatible, has has anyone tried both and is able to say which performs better ...
Filip's user avatar
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Apache worker mpm, one process and many threads: understanding performance

Got a mod_perl-written serverside program. Im using shared apache worker mpm memory with one process only, and ~ 60 threads. Im using locks to temporary secure the access to the shared memory, just 0....
user2148543's user avatar
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How to increase amount of concurrent connections in apache2?

I am running into traffic issues as apache 2.4.18 maxes out on concurrent connections: ps auxf | grep apache2 | wc -l 258 As soon as 258 is reached the server is waiting to serve new connections ...
merlin's user avatar
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Which mpm setting to use to limit the number of connections on Centos 7 apache

I am googling around and finding myself going down a rabbit hole and getting nowhere. My over all goal is to limit the number of connections that can be made at the same time to Apache on a Centos 7 ...
James Connigan's user avatar
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How to tune apache with mpm_event

regarding apache tuning, there are lots of good documents and posts on the web eg. How To Tune Apache on Ubuntu 14.04 Server unfortunately almost all of them describe how to tune apache with ...
Muhammad Naderi's user avatar
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Is Apache Prefork working fast then Worker MPM to serve static content?

I have found so many stuff related to Apache worker MPM is working fast than Prefork MPM, i know nginx is another option but i want to stick on apache as for use of htaccess and some other features, ...
Mike's user avatar
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Apache configured as mpm_worker - why it still shows as mpm_prefork?

I believe that I properly configured Apache MPM as worker under Ubuntu 13.10, including PHP-FPM and FCGI, and disabled mod_php. When I run top I can clearly see multiple Apache (~2-3 MB) and php (~ 25-...
dev101's user avatar
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Reducing memory for worker MPM in Apache

I've moved from the prefork MPM to the worker MPM due to a process limit I was hitting on my VPS. However, memory usage increased after switching over (which is odd since the worker MPM is supposed ...
ShyM's user avatar
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Configuring Apache2/mpm-worker not to eat up all the server's RAM

Th server is running around 40 WordPress sites. Originally I'd set the server up using mod_php and mpm-prefork back when the server had 2GB of memory, and it was running comfortably well. Recently, ...
Mortanis's user avatar
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Apache: "mpm_worker:error scoreboard is full, not at MaxRequestWorkers"

My enviroment: Server with 4 OCPU and 16GB ram hosted on Oracle Cloud; PHP-FPM 7.4.33 Server; Apache/2.4.52 (Ubuntu) mod_fcgid/2.3.9 OpenSSL/3.0.2; Ubuntu 22.04.3; On this host I have 10 virtual ...
Andrea Di Martino's user avatar
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Apache Server 2.4.57 / Increasing the maximum number of conections/requests accepted & Check the number of concurrent process

We are using the following configuration and as far as I know this configuration can execute 8000 requests/processes concurrent. Apache Server Version: 2.4.57, Server MPM: event <IfModule ...
rndm_acct1's user avatar
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Why does apache work only with mpm-prefork?

I have 2 websites of wordpress on LAMP (Linux, Apache2, MariaDB and PHP-FPM). If I disable mpm-prefork and enable either mpm-worker or mpm-event, apache shows only a blank page (I have a few wordpress ...
sebelk's user avatar
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Apache2 MPM_Event Conf to avoid Scoreboard full error

I have a couple servers running apache2 service to hose REST APIs and traffic is descent. For now, apache2 is set to start 2 servers so I see two 222-data processes. Rarely, but from time to time, ...
Moe's user avatar
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How could I setup prefork mpm in my m4.xlarge AWS instance with 16GB RAM

Background: I have six webservers behind an ELB, each webserver running 2 virtual host sites. My httpd.conf file doesnt have the configuration for prefork mpm or worker mpm or event mpm. I tried: I ...
vil's user avatar
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How to figure out the optimum settings for Apache 2.4 PHP-FPM mpm_worker?

I'm struggling to figure out the correct settings for my Ubuntu server. It has 16 CPUs and 48GB of Ram. However, it seems to be taking a while to respond to requests. Recently, I switched to PHP-FPM ...
Wayne's user avatar
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Why apache2-mpm-prefork should be removed when install apache2-mpm-worker?

I have a packageA, which depends on apache2-mpm-prefork. packageA was installed. Now I tried to install apache2-mpm-worker, but the output is: me@XXX:~$ sudo apt-get install apache2-mpm-worker ...
BAE's user avatar
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apache (httpd) problems with mpm_worker

UPDATE: Seems that the mysql deamon is the bottleneck!! Working on it - will let you know if this fixed my problems (and not switching to another mpm). UPDATE2: that was not the reason for my problem ....
Reto Stauffer's user avatar
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Apache2 loads slow - free resources

My site needs about 10 - 12 seconds to load, even if the cpu is just by 10% and the ram by 20%. This is my apache2 setting: It was even worse some days ago, so I ...
Veeza's user avatar
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How do you configure Apache 2.2 / 2.4 to apply back pressure

What I'm trying to accomplish is to get Apache to return a 503 (server busy) under heavy load. I'm using the worker MPM module. What I'm seeing is that when MaxClients is reached, Apache just hangs ...
Jerome's user avatar
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Apache with Worker MPM AND php-fpm

I am willing to shift my application server from default prefork MPM module to worker MPM. My server configuration is OS - CentOS 6 Apache - Apache/2.2.15 (Unix) PHP 5.4.35 (fpm-fcgi) CPU - 4 RAM - 8 ...
coder's user avatar
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Apache Worker MPM / PHP-FPM Tuning

I have a VPS running CentOS 6.5, Apache 2.2, PHP-FPM v5.4 and MySQL 5.5. I take advantage of APC and Memcache. The VPS has 8 cores and 8GB RAM. I'm running a medium volume site (15,000 users / day, ...
Liam's user avatar
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Debian 7, Apache2, PHP w/ FCID - what am I doing wrong?

A lot of the documentation and search results came from those who have multiple users/sites and not sure if my situation applies to theirs or if it will open it up more than needed. My situation: ...
user218434's user avatar
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Apache 2.2, worker mpm, mod_fcgid and PHP: Can't apply process slot

We're having an issue on an apache server where every 15 to 20 minutes it stops serving PHP requests entirely. On occasions it will return a 503 error, other times it will recover enough to serve the ...
mopoke's user avatar
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site timing out when under heavy load

My client sends out eblasts at 8am monday/wed/friday. Between 8:15-8:45 the site becomes extremely slow and many users sessions timeout. My setup: Mediatemple VE 2gb dedicated ram (3 burst) Ubuntu 9....
Shauno's user avatar
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