Questions tagged [nant]

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How to set right for user to stop iis application pool

I log on service with user in one domain (DOMAINNAME\user). and I want to use nant script to stop application pool on other server. and I got this error Failed stopping application ...
TheLastFrog's user avatar
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Setting write permissions for folders while creating a package with MSDeploy

I'm using MSDeploy to create an artefact as a build step in NAnt. This particular build step is called on successful compilation. The artefact is then used to for deployment. Here is the step ...
bala_88's user avatar
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Remote Deployment using Cruise Control .Net and Nant

Currently we use Cruise Control .Net and Nant to build deployment packages for our ASP .NET website. Essentially this just versions and the files, compiles the code, then creates a zip file. It is ...
Robin Weston's user avatar
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Trying to build OpenSimulator.. nant fails

Output of nant is: Buildfile: file:///root/opensim-0.6.8-release/ Target framework: Mono 2.0 Profile Target(s) specified: build [echo] Using 'mono-2.0' Framework init: Debug: ...
Gary's user avatar
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psExec doesn't have path

I have a brand new windows 2008 server (64 bit), and the remote deployment scripts using nant and psExec are not behaving like they do on the old servers. This works: psExec \\ cmd ...
Anthony's user avatar
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How can I get the name of a windows .bat script from within the script itself?

I have a .bat file. I want to programmatically get the name of the .bat file. How can I do this? This is my end goal "..\lib\nant\nant.exe" {{pass in name of this file here}} ...
rmontgomery429's user avatar