Questions tagged [network-security-group]

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10 votes
2 answers

Azure firewall vs Azure network security group

I've been trying to understand the difference between a Azure firewall ( and the features offered by NSGs/network security groups (https://...
Reinard's user avatar
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7 votes
4 answers

Is it safe to allow inbound on EC2 security group?

I created an EC2 instance on AWS, and I was assigned a default "security group". I understand that this acts as a virtual firewall for my server. I had trouble connecting into this EC2 ...
Paul Razvan Berg's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

Azure NSG not allowing traffic

I am having an odd issue. I have a Windows server in Azure which I have installed Splunk on and I can't get to the web UI. I created it from the default template and I have deleted it and tried to ...
frpm's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

In an Azure network security group, is denying all traffic before the "AllowVnetInbound" and "AllowAzureLoadBalancerInbound" rules good practice?

This set of Azure Network Security Group inbound rules came from a "best practice" blog. I understand this to mean there isn't any way for any network traffic to pass the "DropAll" ...
Mike Sherrill 'Cat Recall''s user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

EC2 - Windows Server - Not openning 41890 port

I have a client' EC2 Instance with Windows Server 2016 Datacenter OS, IIS 10.0 running an ASP Classic Web Site and an Elastic IP associated. Everything ok until there. The set up of the web server ...
Danilo Davanso's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Attach NSG to Existing Subnet Using ARM Template

I'm looking to create a Network Security Group (NSG) in Azure and attach it to an existing subnet using an ARM Template. I've already come across this site:
jrd1989's user avatar
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1 answer

Azure NSG blocking VPN routed traffic

In our Azure landscape we have a couple of VMs. For one of those we have the requirement that it needs to have a DNS name to be able to access it. We had some trouble with private DNS zones in the ...
Jasper's user avatar
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1 answer

Is it possible to have security rules for different backend pools of an Azure Application Gateway?

I have an Azure Application Gateway in front of an AKS cluster. The cluster has some internal IP addresses published through an Internal Load Balancer, so with ip addresses from the subnet where the ...
Nicolas Mommaerts's user avatar
0 votes
0 answers

Azure Policy to Audit if NSGs contain a rule where Source and Destination match and are both IP addresses

I'm trying to create an azure policy that audits my NSGs. I need to verify if my NSGs contain a rule where the source and destination match and are both IP addresses (so not "Virtual Machine"...
user182595's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Azure Cloud Service extended support - apply IP filtering rules

I'm configuring Azure Cloud Service (extended support). Part of the requirements is to apply certain IP security rules, e.g. RDP only from a whitelist of addresses, and some others. With individual ...
Aleks G's user avatar
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0 answers

Azure VM, unable to connect from internet on ports configured (9089-9095)

I have created a VM on Azure with below steps:- Created VM Assigned a public static IP Created a new Virtual Network (Subnet default - ( Did not create a NSG initially (NIC NSG was NONE - ...
Ujwal Tamminedi's user avatar
0 votes
0 answers

Access RabbitMQ using floating IP associated with the VM

I have a virtual machine (VM) running on OpenStack, on which I installed OpenStack using Packstack. I associated a floating IP with that VM. In OpenStack, I configured the ingress access rules for ...
Miguel Jiménez's user avatar