Questions tagged [nexus]

Sonatype Nexus is one of the world’s most widely used repository managers and it sets the standard for repository management providing development teams with the ability to proxy remote repositories and share software artifacts.

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Is it possible to authenticate to Sonatype Nexus via ssh keys

Is it possible to authenticate to Sonatype Nexus via ssh keys or any other method that does not require user password in maven settings.xml? I know there are user generated tokens in Sonatype Nexus ...
Andrzej Rehmann's user avatar
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Using both baseurl and mirrorlist in yum.repo

I want to cache RPM packets in my Nexus Repository. In repo file on client side I have two lines, both uncommented: baseurl=http://nexus-ip/repository/bts-nexus-almalinux-base/$releasever/BaseOS/$...
Eric S's user avatar
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Nexus Docker Registry as external Gitlab registry

I'm using Gitlab CE as the all-in-one docker container and Nexus as a artifact store. Because there is already an integrated Docker registry within Nexus, I'd like to use it. Within the CI/CD process ...
TRW's user avatar
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Nexus mirror (with maven) does not work

Im using Nexus as mirror for maven central and want to add other repositories. If I add this like this <repositories> <!-- org.spigotmc.spigot-api --> <repository> ...
Kokos Bot's user avatar
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apt-get from private repository via https with self signed certificate failed by SSL handshake error

I'm not able to use my own apt-source via https. Using web based repo with imported cert and key-file as apt-source. Client: root and intermediate cert in /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/extra/ has ...
Peedy2495's user avatar
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Is it possible to decapsulate ERSPAN and forward on RSPAN?

I am currently running into an issue where we are trying to send our network traffic from our physical infrastructure into a virtual Alienvualt appliance, but our switches are unable to send RSPAN ...
brittonballard's user avatar
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Use Gitlab oauth service for Nexus3

I've a brand new Nexus Repository Manager version 3.6.1 and a Gitlab 10.0.3. I'ld like to use Gitlab as a oauth provider for authentification (I'm already doing that for Jenkins & SonarQube). ...
Rémy's user avatar
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Connecting SVIs on different VRFs\same subnet - Nexus 9k

I am trying to do is create several SVIs in the same subnet. This can be done by splitting them into different VRFs. The only way I feel I can connect these VRFs (and SVIs) together is by creating ...
CiscoNexusGuy239's user avatar
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Nexus functionality is limited after installation

I have a CentOS based server with Sonatype Nexus 2.0.4-1 installed. The issue is that there are no standard "Artifact Search", "Advanced Search", "Browse Index", "Refresh Index" Nexus features, as ...
Dmitriy Sukharev's user avatar
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Sonatype Nexus incompletely proxies external repository

I'm currently attempting to set up a proxy repository (as described in the Nexus guide) for the Bukkit repository, in order to build some dependent projects locally. I'm using the URL: http://repo....
Tim's user avatar
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Containerd can`t find the image in the private registry, so k8s can't get the image for the container

I try configure k8s cluster. I have private docker registry on the nexus server and try pull image from it. When i use docker pull all work correctly, but when i use helm for deploy my app, i have ...
discreight's user avatar
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How to have nexus download the newest package from npmjs official site when package is not present in local

I have updated the npmjs package to 0.1.148, but when I update the package in macOS using this pnpm command: > pnpm update --force  WARN  using --force I sure hope you know what you are doing  ...
Dolphin's user avatar
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does the nexus will fetch package from pypi when the version did not exists in nexus

When I am using this command to install python package from the local nexus proxy: $ pip install --trusted-host -i rdpywheel==0.1....
Dolphin's user avatar
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How can I make Kubernetes use a private repository by default with Nexus and Containerd?

K8S need to use private repo by default I'm currently trying to use Nexus Repo by default for Kubernetes. But I have 2 problems. The first one is that if I don't specify the repository, it will ...
Guillaume's user avatar
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Nexus Repository Manager does not release storage after asset deletion

I have a Nexus (version 3.30.0) for a docker registry: Since a lot of TB data has accumulated here over time, I have built a script that analyses in a relatively complex way which images are no longer ...
Tamino Elgert's user avatar
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Configure EKS to use Nexus Private Docker Registry (HTTP/HTTPS)

I've created an EKS cluster on AWS along with Nexus Repository on DigitalOcean using Terraform & Ansible. Also I've not created any SSL for the Nexus Repository, so it is "http." ...
serhatbalik's user avatar
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unable to access sonatype Nexus from browser

I am unable to access Nexus via browser. I am using Ubuntu GCP instance. I have enabled the UFW and made sure that the port 8081 is added to it, also tried changing the port but it is not working, ...
cloudaspirant's user avatar
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Sonatype Nexus doesn't update single git submodule

I have this setup: -a git repository called MyRepo. This repo has 5 submodules (A,B,C,D,E) -a Jenkins instance that auto-builds MyRepo. On post-build steps there's a simple script that executes: #!/...
glass's user avatar
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cannot save settings under the server menu on Sonatype Nexus

I have Nexus up and running, I can setup users, roles, I've added the ldap settings, and everything seems to be working correctly. However, I can't seem to change any of the settings under the "...
end-user's user avatar
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Running Sonatype Nexus in Tomcat 7.0, Tomcat blocking PUT requests

I was previously running Nexus 1.8 on OSX and uploading jars for releases without any issues. The OSX box died, so I moved to a FreeBSD server. Since Nexus doesn't have binaries for FreeBSD, I decided ...
gdm's user avatar
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