Questions tagged [nfs]

Network File System (NFS) is a network file system protocol originally developed by Sun Micro systems in 1984, allowing a user on a client computer to access files over a network in a manner similar to how local storage is accessed. NFS, like many other protocols, builds on the Open Network Computing Remote Procedure Call (ONC RPC) system. The Network File System is an open standard defined in RFCs.

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2 answers

DRDB and NFS: NFS downtime during failover restoration

I'm pretty new to DRBD and NFS, and am in the process of testing a DRDB server with heartbeat to use for our company's NFS share. The entire setup is running fine, with the NFS state directory ...
Willemk's user avatar
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2 answers

writing to opensolaris ramdisk over NFS

I want to read and write to a ramdisk on OpenSolaris for performance testing purposes. The tests would be aimed at network transmission and I want to rule out disk performance. I set up the ramdisk on ...
Kyle Hailey's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

I have to restart nfs service every time after I boot Ubuntu Server 11.04

After a reboot of my Ubuntu server, the nfs shares and not accessible. I have to do sudo /etc/init.d/nfs-kernel-server restart and then clients can mount the nfs shares just fine. The service is ...
James's user avatar
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44 votes
7 answers

Troubleshooting latency spikes on ESXi NFS datastores

I'm experiencing fsync latencies of around five seconds on NFS datastores in ESXi, triggered by certain VMs. I suspect this might be caused by VMs using NCQ/TCQ, as this does not happen with virtual ...
exo_cw's user avatar
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2 answers

Consolidating storage on multiple VPS instances

Say you have four VPS instances running. One is an nginx proxy which handles requests for your two middle layers VPS instances running a web app via FastCGI and the final VPS is running the database. ...
Cromulent's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

Permission denied for symlink to executable in nfs mounted directory with the sticky bit enabled

We have an NFS export for any of our users to install and maintain useful software for the network mounted at /public on our clients. On the NFS server, this directory is world writable with the ...
Jeff Strunk's user avatar
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1 answer

Mounting NFS directory causes creating Zero byte files

I have two Servers, Server X (IP and Server Y (IP, both of them are ubuntu 9.1 i have created varnish load balancer on them for my drupal website (pressflow 6.22) I have ...
Alaa Alomari's user avatar
6 votes
4 answers

DRDB and NFS: is there any efficient way to make failover transparent for NFS

We are implementing DRDB + heartbeat with two servers to have a file system with failover. These servers exposes a NFS service for other servers Currently DRDB is working just fine, but when testing ...
Gabriel Sosa's user avatar
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1 answer

Issues mounting NFS share on client

I'm kind of new to working with NFS shares, but here's what I have. Server: /etc/hosts.allow: ALL:, /etc/hosts.deny: portmap:ALL lockd:ALL mountd:All ...
Naftuli Kay's user avatar
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NFS performance troubleshooting

I am troubleshooting NFS performance issues on Linux, and I'm looking at the following nfsiostat output: host:/path mounted on /path: op/s rpc bklog 96.75 0.01 read: ops/s ...
NPE's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

Mount to NFS export of autofs mount shows empty contents

I use autofs to mount some iso files in folder /mnt/iso: Fedora-13-x86_64-DVD.iso Fedora-14-x86_64-DVD.iso Fedora-15-x86_64-DVD.iso The autofs is working fine and I can see the contents of iso files:...
Chau Chee Yang's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

Getting ZFS per dataset IO statistics (or NFS per export IO statistics)

Where do I find statistics about how IO is divided between zfs datasets? (zpool iostat only tells me how much IO a pool is experiencing.) All the relevant datasets are used through NFS, so I'd be ...
jkj's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

NFS - Detecting remotely created files programmatically?

I'm trying to monitor an NFS share and detect the creation of a file by a process running on a remote system. The problem is that the detection isn't working after the file has been created, my script ...
Daniel DeVoe's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

Can I access a ZFS Volume as if it were a file?

Ok... sounds like a strange question, but bear with me. Can I access a ZFS volume as if it were a file? Specifically, can I share a ZFS volume as a file over NFS? Here's what I'm doing: I have ZFS ...
Josh's user avatar
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2 answers

Exporting Linux shares to Linux clients with no per-share group authentication and no permission issues

Given one Linux server, and many Linux clients, I need to export some shared directories from the server. The behavior I want to obtain is really simple: a group of users can use a shared space on the ...
Giovanni Bajo's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Tool to saturate NFS traffic

Does anyone know of a tool I can use to saturate NFS traffic? The reason is I'm seeing some Cisco switch Output errors that I believe is caused by high NFS traffic and trying to replicate the problem....
ChriSxStyles's user avatar
10 votes
4 answers

Fault-tolerant NFS?

Probably a FAQ but I haven't found anything useful after a while of searching: Can I set up NFS in such a way that every single error (e.g. server CPU, hard disk, hd controller, network adapter, ...
Peter G.'s user avatar
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9 votes
3 answers

The best way to share a file uploads directory across horizontally scaling web servers

I'm currently trying to spec up a horizontally scalable cluster for a drupal based web app, that looks something like the colorful diagram below: The load balancer implements sticky sessions, so a ...
Chris Adams's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

What NFS hosting services exist? [closed]

My situation: I manage a small business, and would like to migrate the files on our local file server to a 'cloud' service. There are a large number of 'file storage' and 'file hosting' services (S3, ...
jameshfisher's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Poor OpenVPN NFS performance

I have EC2 application servers behind an elastic load balancer. All of the application servers have access to a shared storage server, notably for centralized cache files, logging, etc. The shared ...
John's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

what is the latency for an 8K transfer of Fibre Channel? (NFS vs FC) [closed]

I've heard it said that a 512byte data transfer over fibre channel is 10us so would an 8k (16x the data) take 160us? or is much of that 10us one time transmit overhead? I'm interested in comparing ...
Kyle Hailey's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

setting up a high speed load balancing server cluster - web/db/NFS

I'm looking for advice on the best way (mainly in terms of hardware) to set up a high speed load balancing server cluster on a budget (say £2,000 - £ 3,000) to host web services behind a single ip ...
seejaychair's user avatar
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1 answer

NFS stalls on client side when server goes down

I'm running a few Amazon EC2 instances. One of them is a NFS server with the following exports: /home/user/comm And in the client side: xxx.compute-1....
Raisen's user avatar
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8 votes
3 answers

Access files located on the underlying filesystem of an NFS mountpoint

Perhaps this is an odd request, but it's the opposite of the question detailed at: Is it possible to view the contents of an underlying NFS mount without unmounting the NFS content? I have an ...
ewwhite's user avatar
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5 answers

NFS protocol vs iSCSI protocol

I was reading some articles on VMware ESXi about storage. One thing mentioned was the advantages of being able to use vMotion, DRS and etc. to achieve High Availability. The one thing that I kept ...
AtomicPorkchop's user avatar
8 votes
3 answers

sysctl.conf not running on boot

At what point is sysctl.conf supposed to be read during boot, and why might it not be running? I have the following settings which are not being applied when I reboot: net.bridge.bridge-nf-call-...
Brian's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Very very slow NFS performance

I'm having a quite strange issue. I'm mounting a NFS share from a SAN (ubuntu) to another machine (centos) Mounting the share works just fine; but when I try some tests like : dd if=/dev/zero of=...
Disco's user avatar
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47 votes
7 answers

Why rsync is faster than NFS?

Few days ago I noticed something rather odd (at least for me). I ran rsync copying the same data and deleting it afterwards to NFS mount, called /nfs_mount/TEST. This /nfs_mount/TEST is hosted/...
grs's user avatar
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1 vote
3 answers

How can I access to a folder as it was one on my own server but on a remote?

I need to provide to an application data in folder but this folder is on remote server. I know I can use NFS or SAMBA but I'm not a sysadmin, and I just know how to set up such mount point, as a ...
JohnT's user avatar
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2 answers

wrong "permission denied" in linux?

root@SERVER:~# cat /etc/passwd | grep www-data www-data:x:33:33:www-data:/var/www:/bin/sh root@SERVER:~# ls -al /cluster/www/html/tmp/reportexport_274.xml -rwxrwxrwx 1 www-data www-data 908 2011-03-...
Fivetide's user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

Can open files be unlinked on NFS mounted volumes while applications that still have them open read/write?

Does NFS allow me to unlink/delete open files like I can do with local file systems? The reason I ask is that I'm developing something that runs on multiple servers and may access NFS as a back end. ...
hookenz's user avatar
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NFS Client reports Permission Denied, Server reports Permission Granted

I have two RedHat 4 Servers. The client is 4.6, the server is 4.5. I'm attempting to mount a share from the server, onto the client via NFS. The /etc/exports configuration is as follows: /opt/data/...
VxJasonxV's user avatar
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1 answer

Installing Oracle 10g on Panasas PAS12 (NAS)

We are using Panasas PAS12 (running in pNFS protocol) internally in our team, and are currently thinking of migrating our Oracle 10g in it. We have two sides among ourselves. On one hand, Oracle 10g ...
Jimmy Chu's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

In Linux, how to temporarly freeze a user?

On a mis-configured or buggy network filer (NFS NAS) writing a large file can cause the filer to freeze. For diagnostics I need to be able to: Suspend (or in other words temporary freeze) all ...
Aleksandr Levchuk's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

How to set i/o priority for nfs client processes?

The configuration is: A linux server and a nas box (netgear) acting as nfs server. It is easy for a single process on the linux server to use all i/o bandwidth by simply copying a file from the nfs ...
Moritz Both's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Autofs mount nfs issues

I'm having some issues getting autofs to work properly on a new Centos 5.5 installation. Please find Exports from my storage servers: /san/files *(rw,sync,no_subtree_check,no_root_squash) /san/mail ...
davidcollom's user avatar
0 votes
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Ubuntu Lucid 10.04 preseed won't mount NFS volume during install

I have a preseed installation, which runs a script on its late_command. The preseed itself works fine, the script - too. I want to mount NFS volume with this script and get the packages from there. ...
grs's user avatar
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2 answers

What does NFS do when /etc/exports contains an export that's within the directory of another export?

I have an /etc/exports file like this: /home,root_squash,anonuid=500,anongid=500) /home/fred,root_squash,anonuid=1000,anongid=1000) Do the two ...
Tom's user avatar
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Discrepency in NFS from Windows 2008 R2 and Windows 2008 SP2

I checked the threads: NFS from Windows Server 2008 R2 and the link but cannot find the information. For Windows 2008 SP2, is ...
user52498's user avatar
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NFS share suddenly becomes unresponsive

We've got a setup involving separate web & email servers mounting various shares on the same pysical NFSv3 server. The web server uses a share for apache vhost files, the mailserver uses a share ...
DNAspark99's user avatar
2 votes
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Export NFS to multiple networks in FreeBSD (FreeNAS)

I'm trying to export a share to multiple networks using the following in the /etc/exports file: /mnt/tank/xen_nfs -alldirs -mapall=root:wheel -network but whenever I ...
John P's user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

Is there a flag I can pass to either `df` or `mount` to make them display results for only locally-mounted file systems?

I'm getting mighty tired of having to manually egrep out NFS- and SMB-mounted file systems whenever I am checking on the condition of locally-mounted file systems. Is there some combination of flags ...
ZaMoose's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Mixing NFSv4 all_squash and sshfs access

I have a problem with my server. In my internal network I hand out several network shares using NFSv4 from a Debian Squeeze server to my clients. These shares use the all_squash option because I want ...
Sander Marechal's user avatar
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3 answers

Disk throughput dramatically reduced when using ZFS on OpenSolaris?

I'm building a simple ZFS file server for the small business I work for. The server is a Dell Poweredge 840, with 1GB RAM. The OS (OpenSolaris 2009.06) is installed on one SATA drive, and there are ...
aaronbeekay's user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

Error "fileid changed" when accessing files over NFS

I have an nfs-kernel-server configured and running on Ubuntu 10.04 Server. /export THIRD_SERVER_IP(rw,fsid=0,insecure,no_subtree_check,async) SECOND_SERVER_IP(rw,fsid=0,insecure,no_subtree_check,...
Roman Prykhodchenko's user avatar
1 vote
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Tuning based on DataOntap NetDiag

I have a IBM N-series 3700 (NetApp Filer) running data ontap 7.4. When I run netdiag I get: The TCP receive window advertised by NFS client x.x.x.x is 5888. This is less than the recommended value of ...
Thomas Vincent's user avatar
2 votes
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NFS client can mount, fails to automount

I have /etc/auto.master: /cpy/users /etc/auto.users --timeout=90 I have /etc/auto.users: * -fstype=nfs4,rw,proto=tcp,port=2049 server:/users/& On an "ordinary" CentOS 5 machine, these ...
Bittrance's user avatar
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Forward cache for large storage provider

I have a web server with an NFS mount to a large storage provider, and it serves content via HTTP. I would like to have a 1-2 GB dynamic forward cache so that if my NFS mount goes down, I can still ...
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NFS share: no space left on device

My setup consists of a server, running Ubuntu 10.10, and a device, running a customized Linux. The device gets its kernel and mounts its root filesystem from the server using TFTP and NFS, ...
Thiago Cardoso's user avatar
2 votes
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ESX or ESXi as FCoE or ISCSI or NFS target?

Is is possible to set up ESXi or more expensive ESX server as a storage target (FCoE, ISCSI or NFS, in that order) for other ESX servers? If so, how?
Henno's user avatar
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