Questions tagged [packet-sniffer]

Sniffer is another word for packet analyzer

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36 votes
9 answers

How to display interface in tcpdump output flow?

This seems to be quite a trivial problem, but after some searching I can't stil figure out the answer. One can run tcpdump using "any" as the interface description, ie: # tcpdump -i any -n host 192....
mdrozdziel's user avatar
22 votes
3 answers

How does network sniffing software work over a switch?

We have several of standard non-managed 3com switches in a network. I thought switches were supposed to only send packages between peers of a connection. However it appears network sniffing software ...
Can Kavaklıoğlu's user avatar
14 votes
1 answer

WEP/WPA/WPA2 and wifi sniffing

I know that WEP traffic can be "sniffed" by any user of the WIFI. I know that WPA/WPA2 traffic is encrypted using a different link key for each user, so they can't sniff traffic... unless they ...
jcea's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

Sniff SSL handshake using tshark

How do I get a dump of a SSL handshake in a human readable format using tshark? I need to provide this to a vendor for debugging a failed SSL handshake problem. This needs to be done in tshark, not ...
goji's user avatar
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8 votes
9 answers

Find Sniffer on LAN

What tools or techniques are available for *nix and Windows that help in finding if someone else on the LAN is using a sniffer? Having said that and strongly considering that there are tools out ...
Anand Shah's user avatar
6 votes
3 answers

Find IP address of a device?

Open question: How to find the IP address of a device? As I understand, there are no guaranteed methods that work always, but there's a hundred approaches that work in specific situations, and I'd ...
3 votes
3 answers

How can I log OpenVPN packet contents?

I'm designing a developer tool that would analyse and debug arbitrary network connections, but I want to provide it as a service rather than software to be installed locally. Ideally I would like to ...
Jim's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Finding source of RST packet on ASA 5505

I've ran wireshark on our app server and noticed a reset packet is commonly being received when sending data to a remote telnet server when the connection has been idle for an hour or so. I've read ...
James's user avatar
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0 votes
0 answers

In the output of Chaosreader, where are the source and destination port numbers and IP addresses for each packet?

I used this tutorial to use Chaosreader on an output file of WinDump. My purpose was to get the HTTP payload, which I got. But I'd also like to extract other information, like source IP and ...
Jesss's user avatar
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