Questions tagged [pae]

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2 votes
7 answers

/3GB switch on win2k3 server with 6gb RAM and PAE

We are currently evaluating adding the /3gb switch to some of our servers to increase the available memeory for one of the running processes (that is compiled with the IMAGEFILELARGEADDRESSAWARE flag ...
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2 answers

Enable PAE for Windows 10 pro to use more than 4 GB RAM

I'm having a relatively new hardware (i5 CPU x64) with a legacy 32 bit Windows 10 install. It is running older company software so the upgrade to 64 bit is not practical for several reasons. I know ...
horv77's user avatar
  • 23
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4 answers

Running out of LowMem with Ubuntu PAE Kernel and 32GB of RAM

I'm running a Java data import process on a 32-bit Ubuntu 10 PAE kernel machine. After running the process for a while, the oom-killer zaps my Java process. After some Googling and digging through ...
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