Questions tagged [perfomance]

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5 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Beyond 1Gb upload on a single linux server

I have a high hit nginx web server on CentOS that provides static large content. when the number concurrent connection are low, server could easily provide up to 4Gb of traffic , but when the number ...
anthonio mackay's user avatar
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FIO 17x slower on ZFS than raw device

I have ZFS pool RAIDZ-1 on 4 x 3.84TB SATA3 'enterprise' SSDs. zfs create rpool/fio zfs set primarycache=none rpool/fio fio --ioengine=sync --filename=[X] --direct=1 --rw=read --bs=4K --numjobs=1 --...
simonw's user avatar
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Similar ZFS performance on HDD and SSD

I've created two zfs pools (one with ssds, the other rust) and run bonnie against each to try to understand their performance but I find the output somewhat confusing as the performance seems ...
James's user avatar
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Server is too slow eventhough hardware status seems normal?

I couldn't figure out what's going with our win2k8 server, everything working except its slow to respond and would take much longer to open any window or options than normal. All the status including ...
Bodhi's user avatar
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optimize mysql queries perfomance and speed

i need some help in some mysql queries i'm trying to improve it's performance and speed i'm trying to figure out how to do that using mysql syntax . here is an snippet of a query function i use ...
Jack's user avatar
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