Questions tagged [psexec]

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14 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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cmd.exe as a built-in application pool identity

My IIS web applications run using the built-in application pool identity IIS APPPOOL\Foo. Is it possible to run a command-line in the context of IIS APPPOOL\Foo using psexec or some other tool? ...
Heinzi's user avatar
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Autocomplete in CMD.exe from psexec

I am not sure if this is the best place to ask. But I am just wondering if it is possible to have autocomplete in cmd.exe / powershell.exe spawned by psexec.exe? For example: psexec \\ -u ...
Timothy Leung's user avatar
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Running remote commands on Windows 10

Recently i was trying to research deeper into running remote commands from windows to windows. It can be easy with ssh, ftp - but I wanted it to run the commands without knowing the password either ...
dheb's user avatar
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Capturing output of remote process from sysinternal's psexec Script

I'm trying to deploy a program throught PSexec with a script from Bat file to use one CMD instance per computer and not one after the other. I need a log to be generated on my local server to be sure ...
Mainacety's user avatar
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PsExec.exe- The network path was not found

While trying to run a batch file present on a remote machine. .\PsExec.exe \\<IP> -u <username> -p <pass> sample_bat.bat I am encountering below error Couldn't access : The ...
AbhishekSinghNegi's user avatar
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How to use commandline tools (psexec, netuse) that require credentials without exposing them plain text in the logs?

First of all, here are my limitations: I'm running PSExec and Netuse from a batch file. I need to run as a different user than the currently logged in one. We have a strict permission scheme where ...
user2752794's user avatar
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Psexec run command on remote host as SYSTEM

Can PSEXEC be run as SYSTEM on remote host? Even though -u -p values are provided, it is returning "Access is denied". As local administrator, I started a cmd session as SYSTEM. Then I ran a ...
swarup panigrahy's user avatar
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How do I run WinRM or PsExec in all domains and not only in the same subnet?

I tested in my domain and I have this scenario: In a computer with IP I can run the WinRM and PsExec on all computers with the same subnet: 10.100.40.* In a computer with ip 10.200.30....
Rodrigo's user avatar
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How to close connection when using PSExec on multiple remote computers?

I am using PSExec to run scripts on multiple computers and after a few computers I start getting connection errors (probably because of concurrent connections limit on Windows 10). PSExec command I am ...
jacob_w's user avatar
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EXE mit Parameter mithilfe von PSEXEC starten

Good Morning, maybe someone from you can help me with my problem. On a server i want to run an .exe with PSEXEC. Furthermore i want to give the .exe an argument: /file. psexec.exe "\\SRV\C$\x\y\z\...
Sylux's user avatar
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Creating Windows Cluster with Powershell

I have a Windows cluster provisioning script. I am not able to execute the New-Cluster command as Administrator. It says that the user should be a domain user to be able to execute the command. I m ...
Vini's user avatar
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Not able to connect to windows server 2012 after firewall is turned on

I am have Windows Server 2012 hosted with Datasoft. I was able to access the server using RDP until yesterday but mistakenly I have turned on the firewall with default settings. Since then i am not ...
Davinder Pal's user avatar
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Having trouble using psexec to update user credentials on remote computer

I maintain a computer lab. I don't want to reimage these computers just yet, but I do want to update the user credentials for the lab without having to go around to each and every computer and doing ...
test's user avatar
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Get WinRM process ID for PsExec, and Use PsExec to do keyboard input

As for manipulating GUI in remote desktop or/and by PsExec, I have two questions. Is there any difference between Windows Remote Desktop and WinRM? I turned on respectively, and processed by psexec -...
322029's user avatar
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