Questions tagged [puppet]

Puppet is a configuration management tool (Unix & Windows) with its own Domain Specific Language.

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2 answers

Exists dir on puppet

I want to check "if dir exists" condition with puppet how it done here How to do a file/dir exists conditional in Puppet? but then if i write exec { 'check_presence': command => "true", ...
user423253's user avatar
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2 answers

Which puppet module should I include for a managed database mysql::client using netmanagers/bareos?

When I include the following in my nodes.pp: class {'bareos': ... manage_database => true, ... I get the following error: ==> bareOSdirector: Error: Could not find class ...
leeand00's user avatar
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Restart service before all resource have been applied

I want to setup and configure Apache via Puppet and request a SSL certificate with My Puppet classes and resources for the web server and for acme-tiny work in most case, except for the ...
Stigr Vulferam's user avatar
-1 votes
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Disable Puppet automatic scheduled runs

Is it possible to disable puppet runs (every 30 minutes) but it should be still listening? I'm setting up puppetkick or mcollective. So the agents should be still running and listening so I can push ...
anon's user avatar
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Connect several puppet masters to one puppetdb

I have installed a puppetdb on one of my puppetmaster and it works. But I'm not able to connect a second one to the puppet master. The command "puppet agent -t" works on my 2nd master. Each master ...
Skullone's user avatar
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Multiple site.pp for the same nodes

I need to write multiple site.pp file for the same hosts. It gives me the following error Error: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 400 on SERVER: Node 'default' is already defined ...
Zama Ques's user avatar
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SOLVED - Unable to install foreman-proxy on CentOS 6.9

Puppet [root@ns1 ~]# puppet --version 4.10.1 Repositories (used Foreman 1.12 as the next versions are not supported in Centos 6) [root@ns1 ~]# yum repolist enabled Loaded plugins: fastestmirror ...
Oleksandr's user avatar
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how do create puppet file directory resource using variable in the name so that it does not add brackets around the name []

When I try the following in my manifest. $profile = hiera('duplicity::profile', 'test123') file { [ "/tmp/${profile}" ]: ensure => directory, owner => root, group => root, }...
nelaaro's user avatar
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puppet class not inheriting variable from site.pp node definition

I have the following puppet setup (pretty simple): /etc/puppet/manifests/site.pp: node '' { $nodeclass = 1 notify { "(INFO) nodeclass = $nodeclass": } class { "foobar": } } /...
J. Graham's user avatar
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Puppet server multiple SSL certificates?

I have puppet server setup as part of a docker-composition. I have nodes inside the composition which connect directly to the container. This works fine because the Puppet master automatically ...
Philip Kirkbride's user avatar
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puppet saz/sudo module implmentation

I'm trying to deploy the saz/sudo module to manage our sudo configs (I'm pretty new to puppet (~3days), so please excuse my potential ignorance). Our current sudo config all contained in a single (...
Mark V's user avatar
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2 answers

Puppet agent not working without `sudo`

I've installed puppet on an Ubuntu 14.04 system. It works fine when I use: sudo puppet agent -t But: puppet agent -t returns: Warning: Unable to fetch my node definition, but the agent run will ...
Philip Kirkbride's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Puppet resource dependency

Hello everybody, When I do puppet apply, I get the error: Warning: Scope(Mod::Cl[title]): Can't load '/tmp/file.yaml' File does not exist! Error: Evaluation Error: Error while evaluating a ...
souf's user avatar
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Environment specific configuration in puppet

I have a custom puppet module for setting up Apache web server and I use templates to copy the configurations. We have different environments like production, Quality Assurance, Integration testing. ...
Satheesh's user avatar
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Copy entire template folder from puppet module

I'm looking for the syntax to copy an entire templates directory inside a puppet module. (Eg: templates/webconfig/file1.erb, templates/webconfig/config/file2.erb) I tried to copy in below syntax: ...
Satheesh's user avatar
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2 answers

Unable to pull Puppet Forge modules with r10k

I have what appears to be a functioning r10k setup with respect to publishing branches as environments, but when I run the command to pull modules via sudo /opt/puppetlabs/puppet/bin/r10k deploy ...
Geoff Johnson's user avatar
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2 answers

Puppet::Environments::EnvironmentNotFound when folder exists

I have file structures for 2 environments on my puppet master server. Running ls /etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/ on my master server returns two folders beta and production. Yet when I go on my ...
Philip Kirkbride's user avatar
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Where is default sql file for PuppetDb?

I'd like to make some slight modifications to PuppetDB (adding a few columns and a table). I've been reading through the source code and I can't seem to find the default structure that is setup on ...
Philip Kirkbride's user avatar
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Use encrypted eyaml data from puppet file?

I'm storing some sensitive data using eyaml. I have the encryption part working and integrated into my Hiera setup but I'm not sure how to unencrypt from within a puppet file. When I run the ...
Philip Kirkbride's user avatar
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Puppet move file with permission 400?

I'm trying to use puppet to copy a file: file{ '/root/.ssh/id_rsa' : source => 'puppet:///modules/certs/.ssh/id_rsa', } The permissions are -r-------- 1 root root. If I run chmod +r on ...
Philip Kirkbride's user avatar
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Puppet use master's ssh key for git clone?

I'm using the vcsrepo puppet module to sync git repositories. # install git repo vcsrepo { "/home/repo": ensure => present, provider => git, source => "[email protected]:...
Philip Kirkbride's user avatar
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2 answers

Use Puppetdb for ENC variable?

I'm reading through the Puppet Documentation on adding a custom fact. Most of the information seems related to making module that runs on the agent. In my case I just want a simple environment ...
Philip Kirkbride's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Does Puppet 4 include Code Manager?

I've been reading about using R10K with Puppet to manage my environments with git. According to this blog some of the functionality of R10K was built into later versions of puppet: Because R10k ...
Philip Kirkbride's user avatar
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Puppet send extra info when agent connects?

I'm writing an ENC for Puppet. Currently I have a basic template which is hooked up and working: #!/bin/bash if [ "$1" = ]; then echo "environment: beta" else echo "environment: ...
Philip Kirkbride's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Docker COPY and effect on permissions?

I'm modifying an existing docker image which was originally as follows: FROM puppet/puppetserver-standalone:2.7.2 ENV PUPPETDB_TERMINUS_VERSION="4.3.0" RUN apt-get update && \ apt-get ...
Philip Kirkbride's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Puppet assign nodes to environments from master?

I'm learning to use Puppet and have successfully setup and connected a master server with 2 nodes. I've created files for the default production environment which is working. I also have a second set ...
Philip Kirkbride's user avatar
2 votes
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Puppet.conf server specify port?

I have a puppet server running inside a docker container with port 8140 being passed to 32779. Leaving me with a puppet server running on localhost:32779. I then edit my /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/puppet....
Philip Kirkbride's user avatar
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Is /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/puppet.conf on Puppet4 equivilent to /etc/puppet/puppet.conf

I often see tutorials and instructions referencing puppet.conf at /etc/puppet/puppet.conf. I don't have this file but I do have /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/puppet.conf on my computers with Puppet 4 ...
Philip Kirkbride's user avatar
3 votes
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Stop Docker container from exiting after running command

I want to use the following docker file as a base for learning puppet. It was written in a way that it runs some puppet commands and then immediately exits. I'm trying to understand where the ...
Philip Kirkbride's user avatar
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3 answers

Can't connect puppet agent to master

I'm trying to setup puppet for the first time. I've ensured port 8140 and 22 are open using ufw. Both the server and agent are running. Before starting the agent I edited /etc/puppet/puppet.conf by ...
Philip Kirkbride's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

Puppetserver not coming up after fresh installation

Pupppetserver service is not coming up after fresh installation. It is showing the following error Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: java.nio.file.Files, compiling:(...
Zama Ques's user avatar
  • 523
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1 answer

Puppet File resource :"Parent Directory does not exist" error

I am getting the following error during directory creation using file resource Error: Cannot create /data/tomcat/${dirsname}/conf; parent directory /data/tomcat/${dirsname} does not exist Error: /...
Zama Ques's user avatar
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3 answers

Puppet : resource already defined error

I am trying to create multiple directories and then copy files to each of the directories . For that I have created the following resource $dirs=myapp $appdirs = [ "/data/tomcat/$dirs/conf", "/data/...
Zama Ques's user avatar
  • 523
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2 answers

Creating multiple directories using puppet

I am trying to create multiple directories using the following manifests class app { $dirs = app8 $appdirs = ['/data/tomcat/app8/conf', '/data/tomcat/app8/config', '/data/tomcat/app8/libs', '/data/...
Zama Ques's user avatar
  • 523
3 votes
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puppet: Could not evaluate: Could not retrieve information from environment production

I have seen the similar post here, but that does not solve Intent is to copy the bash script on agent node and execute. SLES11SP4-118:~ # cat /etc/puppet/manifests/site.pp node default { include ...
RajSanpui's user avatar
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Manifests apply failing: using same hostnames in two different manifests file

have written the following manifests using tidy resource to delete old war files $ cat /home/kar/cleanwars.pp node '' { tidy { '/home/kar/temp/': path=> '/...
Zama Ques's user avatar
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Foreman and Configuration Manager/SCCM for deployment

I recently have been made a Windows sysadmin in our place of work after many years as a client admin. For the past 5 I have been the lead on Configuration Manager/SCCM (up to the most recent current ...
Bryan Powell's user avatar
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Is there any way to tell the Puppet augeas resource which encoding to use?

i am new to augeas, and i am getting plenty of errors like: Could not evaluate: invalid byte sequence in UTF-8 in special i expect augeas to honor the encoding declaration in a XML-file <?xml ...
mmoossen's user avatar
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Obtain array of puppet virtual resources

Is there a way to obtain a list of virtual resources in puppet? I have my users setup as virtual resources: @accounts::user_virtual { 'dscott': uid => 600, ssh_key => 'AAAAAAAAAA...', } .....
Daniel Scott's user avatar
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Puppet applying catalog either in multiple runs or does't apply completely

I have a Win (Server 2012 R2) agent box on which i have installed Active Directory. I am now trying to create OUs in it. [root@myhost] cat create_organizational_unit.pp class infra::ad::...
Technext's user avatar
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Sending more than a file to a puppet client

How I must configure a "init.pp" file for sending more than a file in the same class? What I have done is this: class nagios { file { ['/usr/lib64/nagios/plugins/']: path =>...
Daniel Ruiz Molina's user avatar
4 votes
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Set environment variable in Puppet

I'd like to set an environment variable on my Linux systems managed by Puppet to contain the name of the currently running branch, puppet's $environment. It needs to be a system level variable from ...
Tim Brigham's user avatar
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puppet variable overriding fails

I am a newbie on puppet and met some issues as subject, googled for some time but failed with an matched answer. Mys issues is as: I defined global variables $puppetserver in /etc/puppet/manifests/...
KevinZH's user avatar
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Freshly installed Puppet Environment not working, CSR not matching public key

I want to play around with puppet, so I set up a small test environment, consisting of 4 VMs pfSense: Router Windows Server 2012 R2: DNS, DHCP Ubuntu Server 16.04: Puppetmaster Ubuntu Server 16.04: ...
Christian's user avatar
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Why does puppet module generate produce a Gemfile, and what is its purpose?

I recently ran puppet module generate, and ended up with a whole lot of crap that looked unnecessary for a simple module. I mean, a lot of minimal modules amount to templating a configuration file ...
Nathan Basanese's user avatar
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Cannot assign to variables in other namespaces

i've got main puppet class which is added to all servers in my network, let's call it: profile::base.pp: class profile::base { ... $agent_zbx_templates = ['OS Linux'] ... include profile::zabbix::...
Przemysław Ciesielski's user avatar
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Puppet best practice for storing scripts for custom modules

I have Windows agent nodes. I am creating my own module which has some custom powershell scripts. I am wondering where should i be keeping these powershell scripts. Within my module itself in some ...
Technext's user avatar
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1 answer

Puppet,git: Unable to clone

My puppet master has code as below vcsrepo {'/var/www/html': ensure => 'present', provider => 'git', source => "
Raja G's user avatar
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Make puppet run without overwriting my gems in RVM installation

I have a puppet setup containing a puppet master and couple of nodes - this works as intended. However - on the latest node I am working on I need to install rvm/ruby+nginx/passenger. This is done ...
Mikkel Riber's user avatar
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Puppet master with different hostname/fqdn

I'm trying to use a puppetmaster for servers being both on an LAN and outside of a LAN. Here's the setup : I have 3 servers behind a router and a VM on Google Cloud. The puppet agents connect to the ...
J.F.Gratton's user avatar

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